diff --git a/nova/CHANGELOG b/nova/CHANGELOG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8897ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/CHANGELOG
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+12th December 2016:
+    a. Adds unit tests
+    b. Adds additional configurable settings for configuring maximum resources available to nova
+    c. Better security group integration with latest changes in neutron drivers
diff --git a/nova/README.md b/nova/README.md
index 8b2b135..a946704 100644
--- a/nova/README.md
+++ b/nova/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 ## Setup
+Updated: 12th December 2016
+         (Updated to be in sync with Platform9 release 2.4)
 ### Prerequesites
 1. Working green field OpenStack deployment (code currently based out of stable/liberty)
 2. The virtualenv used by nova should have Amazon boto package installed
@@ -9,15 +12,27 @@
 ### Instructions
 1. Copy the nova/ec2 directory to <nova-root>/nova/nova/virt/
-2. Update the configuration files - 
-    1. edit /etc/nova/**nova.conf** 
+2. Update the configuration files -
+    1. edit /etc/nova/**nova.conf**
     compute_driver = ec2.EC2Driver
     secret_key = <your aws secret access key>
     access_key = <your aws access key>
     region_name = <was region to use>
+    max_cpus = <maximum CPUs that nova should use (default: 500)>
+    max_memory_mb = <maximum memory that nova should use (default: 102400 i.e. 1000GB)>
+    max_disk_gb = <maximum storage that nova should use (default: 1024 i.e. 1 TB)>
 3. Restart the nova compute services
+### Running unit tests:
+1. Copy the nova/tests/ec2 to <nova-root>/nova/tests/unit/virt directory
+2. To run the AWS Driver unit tests -
+    ```
+    tox -e <env> nova.tests.unit.virt.ec2
+    e.g. to run python 2.7 tests -
+    tox -e py27 nova.tests.unit.virt.ec2
+    ```
diff --git a/nova/ec2/ec2_group_transformer.py b/nova/ec2/ec2_group_transformer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b47856..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/ec2_group_transformer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class EC2GroupTransformer:
-    def to_group(self, ec2_group):
-        pass
diff --git a/nova/ec2/ec2_rule_service.py b/nova/ec2/ec2_rule_service.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6076b5d..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/ec2_rule_service.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class EC2RuleService:
-    def __init__(self, ec2_connection, ec2_rule_transformer):
-        self.ec2_connection = ec2_connection
-        self.ec2_rule_transformer = ec2_rule_transformer
-    def get_rules_for_group(self, group_name):
-        group = self.ec2_connection.get_all_security_groups(groupnames=group_name)[0]
-        return set([self.ec2_rule_transformer.to_rule(rule) for rule in group.rules])
diff --git a/nova/ec2/ec2_rule_transformer.py b/nova/ec2/ec2_rule_transformer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 020e573..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/ec2_rule_transformer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-from copy import deepcopy
-from rule import Rule
-class EC2RuleTransformer:
-    def __init__(self, ec2_connection):
-        self.ec2_connection = ec2_connection
-    def to_rule(self, ec2_rule):
-        rule_args = {}
-        rule_args['ip_protocol'] = ec2_rule.ip_protocol
-        rule_args['from_port'] = ec2_rule.from_port
-        rule_args['to_port'] = ec2_rule.to_port
-        if ec2_rule.grants[0].cidr_ip:
-            rule_args['ip_range'] = ec2_rule.grants[0].cidr_ip
-        else:
-            group_id = ec2_rule.grants[0].group_id
-            rule_args['group_name'] = self.ec2_connection.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)[0].name
-        return Rule(**rule_args)
diff --git a/nova/ec2/ec2driver.py b/nova/ec2/ec2driver.py
index 96c6e98..af0c953 100644
--- a/nova/ec2/ec2driver.py
+++ b/nova/ec2/ec2driver.py
@@ -15,19 +15,22 @@
 #    under the License.
 """Connection to the Amazon Web Services - EC2 service"""
-from threading import Lock
 import base64
-import time
-from boto import ec2, vpc
 import boto.ec2.cloudwatch
+import datetime
+import hashlib
+import json
+import sys
+import time
+import uuid
+from threading import Lock
+from boto import ec2, vpc
 from boto import exception as boto_exc
 from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
 from boto.regioninfo import RegionInfo
 from oslo_config import cfg
-from novaclient import client
-from ec2_rule_service import EC2RuleService
-from ec2_rule_transformer import EC2RuleTransformer
-from credentials import Credentials
+from nova.i18n import *
 from nova import block_device
 from nova.compute import power_state
 from nova.compute import task_states
@@ -40,71 +43,90 @@ from oslo_service import loopingcall
 from nova.virt import driver
 from nova.virt import virtapi
 from nova.virt import hardware
-from instance_rule_refresher import InstanceRuleRefresher
-from openstack_group_service import OpenstackGroupService
-from openstack_rule_service import OpenstackRuleService
-from openstack_rule_transformer import OpenstackRuleTransformer
-import sys
-from group_rule_refresher import GroupRuleRefresher
 from nova.virt.ec2.exception_handler import Ec2ExceptionHandler
-import json
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-ec2driver_opts = [
-    cfg.StrOpt('snapshot_image_format',
-               help='Snapshot image format (valid options are : '
-                    'raw, qcow2, vmdk, vdi). '
-                    'Defaults to same as source image'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('datastore_regex',
-               help='Regex to match the name of a datastore.'),
-    cfg.FloatOpt('task_poll_interval',
-                 default=0.5,
-                 help='The interval used for polling of remote tasks.'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('api_retry_count',
-               default=10,
-               help='The number of times we retry on failures, e.g., '
-                    'socket error, etc.'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('vnc_port',
-               default=5900,
-               help='VNC starting port'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('vnc_port_total',
-               default=10000,
-               help='Total number of VNC ports'),
-    cfg.BoolOpt('use_linked_clone',
-                default=True,
-                help='Whether to use linked clone')
 aws_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='AWS', title='Options to connect to an AWS cloud')
 aws_opts = [
-    cfg.StrOpt('secret_key', help='Secret key of AWS account', required=True, secret=True),
-    cfg.StrOpt('access_key', help='Access key of AWS account', required=True, secret=True),
-    cfg.StrOpt('region_name', help='AWS region', required=True)
+    cfg.StrOpt('secret_key', help='Secret key of AWS account', secret=True),
+    cfg.StrOpt('access_key', help='Access key of AWS account', secret=True),
+    cfg.StrOpt('region_name', help='AWS region'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('vnc_port',
+               default=5900,
+               help='VNC starting port'),
+    # 500 VCPUs
+    cfg.IntOpt('max_vcpus',
+               default=500,
+               help='Max number of vCPUs that can be used'),
+    # 1000 GB RAM
+    cfg.IntOpt('max_memory_mb',
+               default=1024000,
+               help='Max memory MB that can be used'),
+    # 1 TB Storage
+    cfg.IntOpt('max_disk_gb',
+               default=1024,
+               help='Max storage in GB that can be used')
 CONF = cfg.CONF
-CONF.register_opts(ec2driver_opts, 'ec2driver')
 CONF.import_opt('my_ip', 'nova.netconf')
 CONF.register_opts(aws_opts, group=aws_group)
     "pending": power_state.NOSTATE,
     "running": power_state.RUNNING,
     "shutting-down": power_state.NOSTATE,
-    "terminated": power_state.SHUTDOWN,
+    "terminated": power_state.CRASHED,
     "stopping": power_state.NOSTATE,
     "stopped": power_state.SHUTDOWN
-#Default resources available
-VCPUS = 100
-MEMORY_IN_MBS = 88192
-DISK_IN_GB = 1028
+    'c3.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 15360.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'c3.4xlarge': {'memory_mb': 30720.0, 'vcpus': 16},
+    'c3.8xlarge': {'memory_mb': 61440.0, 'vcpus': 32},
+    'c3.large': {'memory_mb': 3840.0, 'vcpus': 2},
+    'c3.xlarge': {'memory_mb': 7680.0, 'vcpus': 4},
+    'c4.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 15360.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'c4.4xlarge': {'memory_mb': 30720.0, 'vcpus': 16},
+    'c4.8xlarge': {'memory_mb': 61440.0, 'vcpus': 36},
+    'c4.large': {'memory_mb': 3840.0, 'vcpus': 2},
+    'c4.xlarge': {'memory_mb': 7680.0, 'vcpus': 4},
+    'd2.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 62464.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'd2.4xlarge': {'memory_mb': 124928.0, 'vcpus': 16},
+    'd2.8xlarge': {'memory_mb': 249856.0, 'vcpus': 36},
+    'd2.xlarge': {'memory_mb': 31232.0, 'vcpus': 4},
+    'g2.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 15360.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'g2.8xlarge': {'memory_mb': 61440.0, 'vcpus': 32},
+    'i2.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 62464.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'i2.4xlarge': {'memory_mb': 124928.0, 'vcpus': 16},
+    'i2.8xlarge': {'memory_mb': 249856.0, 'vcpus': 32},
+    'i2.xlarge': {'memory_mb': 31232.0, 'vcpus': 4},
+    'm3.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 30720.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'm3.large': {'memory_mb': 7680.0, 'vcpus': 2},
+    'm3.medium': {'memory_mb': 3840.0, 'vcpus': 1},
+    'm3.xlarge': {'memory_mb': 15360.0, 'vcpus': 4},
+    'm4.10xlarge': {'memory_mb': 163840.0, 'vcpus': 40},
+    'm4.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 32768.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'm4.4xlarge': {'memory_mb': 65536.0, 'vcpus': 16},
+    'm4.large': {'memory_mb': 8192.0, 'vcpus': 2},
+    'm4.xlarge': {'memory_mb': 16384.0, 'vcpus': 4},
+    'r3.2xlarge': {'memory_mb': 62464.0, 'vcpus': 8},
+    'r3.4xlarge': {'memory_mb': 124928.0, 'vcpus': 16},
+    'r3.8xlarge': {'memory_mb': 249856.0, 'vcpus': 32},
+    'r3.large': {'memory_mb': 15616.0, 'vcpus': 2},
+    'r3.xlarge': {'memory_mb': 31232.0, 'vcpus': 4},
+    't2.large': {'memory_mb': 8192.0, 'vcpus': 2},
+    't2.medium': {'memory_mb': 4096.0, 'vcpus': 2},
+    't2.micro': {'memory_mb': 1024.0, 'vcpus': 1},
+    't2.nano': {'memory_mb': 512.0, 'vcpus': 1},
+    't2.small': {'memory_mb': 2048.0, 'vcpus': 1},
+    'x1.32xlarge': {'memory_mb': 1998848.0, 'vcpus': 128}
 DIAGNOSTIC_KEYS_TO_FILTER = ['group', 'block_device_mapping']
@@ -138,14 +160,12 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         "supports_recreate": True,
-    """EC2 hypervisor driver. Respurposing for EC2"""
     def __init__(self, virtapi, read_only=False):
         super(EC2Driver, self).__init__(virtapi)
         self.host_status_base = {
-            'vcpus': VCPUS,
-            'memory_mb': MEMORY_IN_MBS,
-            'local_gb': DISK_IN_GB,
+            'vcpus': CONF.AWS.max_vcpus,
+            'memory_mb': CONF.AWS.max_memory_mb,
+            'local_gb': CONF.AWS.max_disk_gb,
             'vcpus_used': 0,
             'memory_mb_used': 0,
             'local_gb_used': 0,
@@ -153,71 +173,59 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
             'hypervisor_version': '1.0',
             'hypervisor_hostname': CONF.host,
             'cpu_info': {},
-            'disk_available_least': DISK_IN_GB,
+            'disk_available_least': CONF.AWS.max_disk_gb,
         self._mounts = {}
         self._interfaces = {}
-        self._pf9_stats = {}
-        self.nova_creds = Credentials.get_nova_creds()
-        self.nova = None
-        if self.nova_creds is None:
-            LOG.error("Error fetching the Nova Credentials")
-        else:
-            VERSION = "2"
-            self.nova = client.Client(VERSION, self.nova_creds['OS_USERNAME'], self.nova_creds['OS_PASSWORD'],
-                                      tenant_id=self.nova_creds['project_id'], auth_url=self.nova_creds['OS_AUTH_URL'],
-                                      region_name=self.nova_creds['OS_REGION_NAME'], insecure=True)
+        self._uuid_to_ec2_instance = {}
+        self.ec2_flavor_info = EC2_FLAVOR_MAP
         aws_region = CONF.AWS.region_name
         aws_endpoint = "ec2." + aws_region + ".amazonaws.com"
         region = RegionInfo(name=aws_region, endpoint=aws_endpoint)
-        LOG.info("******EC2 init with %s region" % aws_region)
         self.ec2_conn = ec2.EC2Connection(aws_access_key_id=CONF.AWS.access_key,
-        self.vpc_conn = vpc.VPCConnection(aws_access_key_id=CONF.AWS.access_key,
-                                     aws_secret_access_key=CONF.AWS.secret_key,
-                                     region=region)
         self.cloudwatch_conn = ec2.cloudwatch.connect_to_region(
             aws_region, aws_access_key_id=CONF.AWS.access_key,
-        self.security_group_lock = Lock()
-        self.instance_rule_refresher = InstanceRuleRefresher(
-            GroupRuleRefresher(
-                ec2_connection=self.ec2_conn,
-                openstack_rule_service=OpenstackRuleService(
-                    group_service=OpenstackGroupService(self.nova.security_groups),
-                    openstack_rule_transformer=OpenstackRuleTransformer()
-                ),
-                ec2_rule_service=EC2RuleService(
-                    ec2_connection=self.ec2_conn,
-                    ec2_rule_transformer=EC2RuleTransformer(self.ec2_conn)
-                )
-            )
-        )
+        LOG.info("EC2 driver init with %s region" % aws_region)
         if not '_EC2_NODES' in globals():
     def init_host(self, host):
-        """Initialize anything that is necessary for the driver to function,
+        """
+        Initialize anything that is necessary for the driver to function,
         including catching up with currently running VM's on the given host.
     def list_instances(self):
-        """Return the names of all the instances known to the virtualization
+        """
+        Return the names of all the instances known to the virtualization
         layer, as a list.
-        all_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_all_instances()
+        all_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
+        self._uuid_to_ec2_instance.clear()
         instance_ids = []
         for instance in all_instances:
+            generate_uuid = False
+            if instance.state in ['pending', 'shutting-down', 'terminated']:
+                continue
+            if len(instance.tags) > 0:
+                if 'openstack_id' in instance.tags:
+                    self._uuid_to_ec2_instance[instance.tags['openstack_id']] = \
+                            instance
+                else:
+                    generate_uuid = True
+            else:
+                generate_uuid = True
+            if generate_uuid:
+                instance_uuid = self._get_uuid_from_aws_id(instance.id)
+                self._uuid_to_ec2_instance[instance_uuid] = instance
         return instance_ids
@@ -229,37 +237,9 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         """Unplug VIFs from networks."""
-    def _configure_default_security_group(self):
-        """ This function will create and configure Platform9's Default Security Group
-        """
-        LOG.info("Configuring default security groups")
-        sec_groups = self.ec2_conn.get_all_security_groups()
-        p9_sec_group_name = "pf9-default"
-        p9_sec_group_desc = "This is the default Platform9 security group"
-        ip_protocol = "TCP"
-        from_port = to_port = 22
-        cidr_ip = ""
-        try:
-            for sec_group in sec_groups:
-                if sec_group.name == p9_sec_group_name:
-                    self.ec2_conn.authorize_security_group(group_name=p9_sec_group_name, ip_protocol=ip_protocol,
-                                                           from_port=from_port, to_port=to_port, cidr_ip=cidr_ip)
-                    return
-            self.ec2_conn.create_security_group(p9_sec_group_name, p9_sec_group_desc)
-            self.ec2_conn.authorize_security_group(group_name=p9_sec_group_name, ip_protocol=ip_protocol,
-                                                   from_port=from_port, to_port=to_port, cidr_ip=cidr_ip)
-        except EC2ResponseError:
-            exp = sys.exc_value
-            if exp.error_code == "InvalidPermission.Duplicate":
-                LOG.info("default security group already exists")
-            else:
-                LOG.info("Error in _configure_default_security_group: %s" % exp.message)
     def _add_ssh_keys(self, key_name, key_data):
-            Adds SSH Keys into AWS EC2 account
+        Adds SSH Keys into AWS EC2 account
         :param key_name:
         :param key_data:
@@ -267,32 +247,21 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         # TODO: Need to handle the cases if a key with the same keyname exists and different key content
         exist_key_pair = self.ec2_conn.get_key_pair(key_name)
         if not exist_key_pair:
-            LOG.info("***** Adding SSH key to AWS")
+            LOG.info("Adding SSH key to AWS")
             self.ec2_conn.import_key_pair(key_name, key_data)
-            LOG.info("***** SSH key already exists in AWS")
-    def _get_subnet_id(self):
-        """
-            Will fetch the Subnet ID of the first Subnet in the VPC
-        :return: subnet_id
-        """
-        subnets = self.vpc_conn.get_all_subnets()
-        if len(subnets) > 0:
-            subnet_id = subnets[0].id
-            LOG.info("***** Calling SPAWN Subnet found is %s" % subnet_id)
-            return subnet_id
-        return None
+            LOG.info("SSH key already exists in AWS")
     def _get_image_ami_id_from_meta(self, context, image_lacking_meta):
-            Pulls the Image AMI ID from the location attribute of Image Meta
+        Pulls the Image AMI ID from the location attribute of Image Meta
         :param image_meta:
         :return: ami_id
         image_api = glance.get_default_image_service()
-        image_meta = image_api._client.call(context, 2, 'get', image_lacking_meta['id'])
-        LOG.info("***** Calling _get_image_ami_id_from_meta Meta*******: %s", image_meta)
+        image_meta = image_api._client.call(context, 2, 'get',
+                                            image_lacking_meta['id'])
+        LOG.info("Calling _get_image_ami_id_from_meta Meta: %s", image_meta)
             return image_meta['aws_image_id']
         except Exception as e:
@@ -301,22 +270,43 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
     def _process_network_info(self, network_info):
-            Will process network_info object by picking up only one Network out of many
+        Will process network_info object by picking up only one Network out of many
         :param network_info:
-        LOG.info("*****Networks ****** %s" % network_info)
+        LOG.info("Networks to be processed : %s" % network_info)
         subnet_id = None
         fixed_ip = None
+        port_id = None
+        network_id = None
+        if len(network_info) > 1:
+            LOG.warn('AWS does not allow connecting 1 instance to multiple '
+                     'VPCs.')
         for vif in network_info:
-            LOG.info("*****VIF *****")
             if 'details' in vif:
                 network_dict = json.loads(vif['details'])
                 subnet_id = network_dict['subnet_id']
                 LOG.info("Adding subnet ID:" + subnet_id)
                 fixed_ip = network_dict['ip_address']
                 LOG.info("Fixed IP:" + fixed_ip)
-        return subnet_id, fixed_ip
+                port_id = vif['id']
+                network_id = vif['network']['id']
+                break
+        return subnet_id, fixed_ip, port_id, network_id
+    def _get_instance_sec_grps(self, context, port_id, network_id):
+        secgrp_ids = []
+        from nova import network
+        network_api = network.API()
+        port_obj = network_api.show_port(context, port_id)
+        if port_obj.get('port', {}).get('security_groups', []):
+            filters = {'tag-value': port_obj['port']['security_groups']}
+            secgrps = self.ec2_conn.get_all_security_groups(filters=filters)
+            for secgrp in secgrps:
+                if network_id and 'openstack_network_id' in secgrp.tags and \
+                        secgrp.tags['openstack_network_id'] == network_id:
+                    secgrp_ids.append(secgrp.id)
+        return secgrp_ids
     def spawn(self, context, instance, image_meta, injected_files,
               admin_password, network_info=None, block_device_info=None):
@@ -343,62 +333,64 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         image_ami_id = self._get_image_ami_id_from_meta(context, image_meta)
-        # image_ami_id = "ami-06116566"
-        subnet_id, fixed_ip = self._process_network_info(network_info)
+        subnet_id, fixed_ip, port_id, network_id = self._process_network_info(
+                network_info)
         if subnet_id is None or fixed_ip is None:
             raise exception.BuildAbortException("Network configuration failure")
-        #Flavor
+        security_groups = self._get_instance_sec_grps(context, port_id, network_id)
+        # Flavor
         flavor_dict = instance['flavor']
-        LOG.info("***** Calling SPAWN Flavor Input******: %s " % flavor_dict)
-        # flavor_type = flavor_map[instance.get_flavor().id]
         flavor_type = flavor_dict['name']
-        LOG.info("***** Calling SPAWN Flavor after mapping ***: %s" % flavor_type)
         # SSH Keys
         if instance['key_name'] is not None and instance['key_data'] is not None:
             self._add_ssh_keys(instance['key_name'], instance['key_data'])
-        #Security groups
-        # self._configure_default_security_group()
-        # security_groups = ["default"]
-        #Creating the EC2 instance
+        # Creating the EC2 instance
         user_data = None
-        #passing user_data from the openstack instance which is Base64 encoded after decoding it.
+        # Passing user_data from the openstack instance which is Base64 encoded
+        # after decoding it.
         if 'user_data' in instance and instance['user_data'] is not None:
             user_data = instance['user_data']
-            LOG.info("****** Calling SPAWN user_data.... %s" % user_data)
             user_data = base64.b64decode(user_data)
-            reservation = self.ec2_conn.run_instances(instance_type=flavor_type, key_name=instance['key_name'],
-                                                      image_id=image_ami_id,
-                                                      user_data=user_data, subnet_id=subnet_id, private_ip_address=fixed_ip)
+            reservation = self.ec2_conn.run_instances(
+                    instance_type=flavor_type, key_name=instance['key_name'],
+                    image_id=image_ami_id, user_data=user_data,
+                    subnet_id=subnet_id, private_ip_address=fixed_ip,
+                    security_group_ids=security_groups)
             ec2_instance = reservation.instances
             ec2_instance_obj = ec2_instance[0]
             ec2_id = ec2_instance[0].id
             self._wait_for_state(instance, ec2_id, "running", power_state.RUNNING)
-            LOG.info("****** Instance is UP and Running *********")
             instance['metadata'].update({'ec2_id': ec2_id})
-            LOG.debug("*** ADDing Instance name tag %s to the AWS instance" % instance['display_name'])
             ec2_instance_obj.add_tag("Name", instance['display_name'])
-            LOG.debug("*** ADDing Openstack uuid tag %s to the AWS instance" % instance['uuid'])
             ec2_instance_obj.add_tag("openstack_id", instance['uuid'])
+            self._uuid_to_ec2_instance[instance.uuid] = ec2_instance_obj
             # Fetch Public IP of the instance if it has one
             instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id])
             if len(instances) > 0:
                 public_ip = instances[0].ip_address
                 if public_ip is not None:
-                    LOG.info("****** Updating Public IP address of the device")
                     instance['metadata'].update({'public_ip_address': public_ip})
         except EC2ResponseError as ec2_exception:
             actual_exception = Ec2ExceptionHandler.get_processed_exception(ec2_exception)
             LOG.info("Error in starting instance %s" % (actual_exception))
             raise exception.BuildAbortException(actual_exception.message)
+    def _get_ec2_id_from_instance(self, instance):
+        if 'ec2_id' in instance.metadata and instance.metadata['ec2_id']:
+            return instance.metadata['ec2_id']
+        elif instance.uuid in self._uuid_to_ec2_instance:
+            return self._uuid_to_ec2_instance[instance.uuid].id
+        # if none of the conditions are met we cannot map OpenStack UUID to
+        # AWS ID.
+        raise exception.InstanceNotFound('Instance %s not found' % instance.uuid)
     def snapshot(self, context, instance, image_id, update_task_state):
@@ -408,23 +400,27 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
         :param image_id: Reference to a pre-created image that will hold the snapshot.
-        if instance['metadata']['ec2_id'] is None:
-            raise exception.InstanceNotRunning(instance_id=instance['uuid'])
+        if instance.metadata.get('ec2_id', None) is None:
+            raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['uuid'])
         # Adding the below line only alters the state of the instance and not
         # its image in OpenStack.
-            task_state=task_states.IMAGE_UPLOADING, expected_state=task_states.IMAGE_SNAPSHOT)
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+            task_state=task_states.IMAGE_UPLOADING,
+            expected_state=task_states.IMAGE_SNAPSHOT)
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
         ec_instance_info = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(
-            instance_ids=[ec2_id], filters=None, dry_run=False, max_results=None)
+            instance_ids=[ec2_id], filters=None, dry_run=False,
+            max_results=None)
         ec2_instance = ec_instance_info[0]
         if ec2_instance.state == 'running':
-            ec2_image_id = ec2_instance.create_image(name=str(
-                image_id), description="Image from OpenStack", no_reboot=False, dry_run=False)
-            LOG.info("Image has been created state to %s." % ec2_image_id)
+            ec2_image_id = ec2_instance.create_image(
+                name=str(image_id), description="Image created by OpenStack",
+                no_reboot=False, dry_run=False)
+            LOG.info("Image created: %s." % ec2_image_id)
-        # The instance will be in pending state when it comes up, waiting forit to be in available
+        # The instance will be in pending state when it comes up, waiting
+        # for it to be in available
         self._wait_for_image_state(ec2_image_id, "available")
         image_api = glance.get_default_image_service()
@@ -439,13 +435,14 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
                         'ramdisk_id': instance['ramdisk_id'],
                         'ec2_image_id': ec2_image_id }
-        # TODO(jhurt): This currently fails, leaving the status of an instance as 'snapshotting'
+        # TODO(jhurt): This currently fails, leaving the status of an instance
+        #              as 'snapshotting'
         image_api.update(context, image_id, metadata)
     def reboot(self, context, instance, network_info, reboot_type,
                block_device_info=None, bad_volumes_callback=None):
-        """Reboot the specified instance.
+        """
+        Reboot the specified instance.
         After this is called successfully, the instance's state
         goes back to power_state.RUNNING. The virtualization
         platform should ensure that the reboot action has completed
@@ -460,7 +457,6 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         :param bad_volumes_callback: Function to handle any bad volumes
         if reboot_type == 'SOFT':
                 context, instance, network_info, block_device_info)
@@ -469,7 +465,7 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
                 context, instance, network_info, block_device_info)
     def _soft_reboot(self, context, instance, network_info, block_device_info=None):
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
         self.ec2_conn.reboot_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id], dry_run=False)
         LOG.info("Soft Reboot Complete.")
@@ -480,13 +476,12 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
     def get_host_ip_addr():
-        """Retrieves the IP address of the dom0
-        """
-        LOG.info("***** Calling get_host_ip_addr *******************")
+        """Retrieves the IP address of the host"""
         return CONF.my_ip
     def set_admin_password(self, instance, new_pass):
-        """Boto doesn't support setting the password at the time of creating an instance.
+        """
+        Boto doesn't support setting the password at the time of creating an instance.
         hence not implemented.
@@ -524,60 +519,65 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
     def power_off(self, instance, timeout=0, retry_interval=0):
-        """Power off the specified instance.
+        """
+        Power off the specified instance.
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
         :param timeout: time to wait for GuestOS to shutdown
         :param retry_interval: How often to signal guest while
                                waiting for it to shutdown
         # TODO: Need to use timeout and retry_interval
-        LOG.info("***** Calling POWER OFF *******************")
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
             instance_ids=[ec2_id], force=False, dry_run=False)
         self._wait_for_state(instance, ec2_id, "stopped", power_state.SHUTDOWN)
     def power_on(self, context, instance, network_info, block_device_info):
-        """Power on the specified instance.
-        """
-        LOG.info("***** Calling POWER ON *******************")
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+        """Power on the specified instance."""
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
         self.ec2_conn.start_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id], dry_run=False)
         self._wait_for_state(instance, ec2_id, "running", power_state.RUNNING)
     def soft_delete(self, instance):
-        """Deleting the specified instance
-        """
+        """Deleting the specified instance"""
     def restore(self, instance):
     def pause(self, instance):
-        """Boto doesn't support pause and cannot save system state and hence we've implemented the closest functionality
-        which is to poweroff the instance.
+        """
+        Boto doesn't support pause and cannot save system state and hence
+        we've implemented the closest functionality which is to poweroff the
+        instance.
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
     def unpause(self, instance):
-        """Since Boto doesn't support pause and cannot save system state, we had implemented the closest functionality
-        which is to poweroff the instance. and powering on such an instance in this method.
+        """
+        Since Boto doesn't support pause and cannot save system state, we
+        had implemented the closest functionality which is to poweroff the
+        instance. and powering on such an instance in this method.
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
             context=None, instance=instance, network_info=None, block_device_info=None)
     def suspend(self, context, instance):
-        """Boto doesn't support suspend and cannot save system state and hence we've implemented the closest
-        functionality which is to poweroff the instance.
+        """
+        Boto doesn't support suspend and cannot save system state and hence
+        we've implemented the closest functionality which is to poweroff the
+        instance.
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
     def resume(self, context, instance, network_info, block_device_info=None):
-        """Since Boto doesn't support suspend and we cannot save system state, we've implemented the closest
-        functionality which is to power on the instance.
+        """
+        Since Boto doesn't support suspend and we cannot save system state,
+        we've implemented the closest functionality which is to power on the
+        instance.
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
         self.power_on(context, instance, network_info, block_device_info)
@@ -599,29 +599,34 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         :param destroy_disks: Indicates if disks should be destroyed
         :param migrate_data: implementation specific params
-        LOG.info("***** Calling DESTROY *******************")
-        if 'ec2_id' not in instance['metadata']:
-            LOG.warning("Key '%s' not in EC2 instances" % instance['name'], instance=instance)
+        ec2_id = None
+        try:
+            ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
+            ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(
+                    instance_ids=[ec2_id])
+        except exception.InstanceNotFound as ex:
+            # Exception while fetching instance info from AWS
+            LOG.exception('Exception in destroy while fetching EC2 id for '
+                          'instance %s' % instance.uuid)
+            return
+        if len(ec2_instances) == 0:
+            # Instance already deleted on hypervisor
+            LOG.warning("EC2 instance with ID %s not found" % ec2_id,
+                        instance=instance)
-            # Deleting the instance from EC2
-            ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
-                ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id])
-            except Exception:
-                return
-            if ec2_instances.__len__() == 0:
-                LOG.warning("EC2 instance with ID %s not found" % ec2_id, instance=instance)
-                return
-            else:
-                try:
-                    self.ec2_conn.stop_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id], force=True)
+                if ec2_instances[0].state != 'terminated':
+                    if ec2_instances[0].state == 'running':
+                        self.ec2_conn.stop_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id],
+                                                     force=True)
-                    self._wait_for_state(instance, ec2_id, "terminated", power_state.SHUTDOWN)
-                except:
-                    exp = sys.exc_value
-                    LOG.exception("Exception while destroying instance: %s" % exp)
-                    raise exception.NovaException("Exception while destroying instance")
+                    self._wait_for_state(instance, ec2_id, "terminated",
+                                         power_state.SHUTDOWN)
+            except Exception as ex:
+                LOG.exception("Exception while destroying instance: %s" %
+                        str(ex))
+                raise ex
     def attach_volume(self, context, connection_info, instance, mountpoint,
                       disk_bus=None, device_type=None, encryption=None):
@@ -633,8 +638,11 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         self._mounts[instance_name][mountpoint] = connection_info
         volume_id = connection_info['data']['volume_id']
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
         # ec2 only attaches volumes at /dev/sdf through /dev/sdp
-        self.ec2_conn.attach_volume(volume_map[volume_id], instance['metadata']['ec2_id'], "/dev/sdn", dry_run=False)
+        self.ec2_conn.attach_volume(volume_id, ec2_id, mountpoint,
+                                    dry_run=False)
     def detach_volume(self, connection_info, instance, mountpoint, encryption=None):
         """Detach the disk attached to the instance.
@@ -644,13 +652,16 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         except KeyError:
         volume_id = connection_info['data']['volume_id']
-        self.ec2_conn.detach_volume(volume_map[volume_id], instance_id=instance['metadata']['ec2_id'],
-                                    device="/dev/sdn", force=False, dry_run=False)
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
+        self.ec2_conn.detach_volume(volume_id, instance_id=ec2_id,
+                                    device=mountpoint, force=False,
+                                    dry_run=False)
     def swap_volume(self, old_connection_info, new_connection_info,
-                    instance, mountpoint):
+                    instance, mountpoint, resize_to):
         """Replace the disk attached to the instance.
+        # TODO: Use resize_to parameter
         instance_name = instance['name']
         if instance_name not in self._mounts:
             self._mounts[instance_name] = {}
@@ -662,19 +673,22 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         self.detach_volume(old_connection_info, instance, mountpoint)
         # wait for the old volume to detach successfully to make sure
         # /dev/sdn is available for the new volume to be attached
+        # TODO: remove the sleep and poll AWS for the status of volume
-        self.ec2_conn.attach_volume(volume_map[new_volume_id], instance['metadata']['ec2_id'], "/dev/sdn",
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
+        self.ec2_conn.attach_volume(new_volume_id,
+                                    ec2_id, mountpoint,
         return True
     def attach_interface(self, instance, image_meta, vif):
-        LOG.info("******* ATTTACH INTERFACE *******")
+        LOG.debug("******* ATTTACH INTERFACE *******")
         if vif['id'] in self._interfaces:
             raise exception.InterfaceAttachFailed('duplicate')
         self._interfaces[vif['id']] = vif
     def detach_interface(self, instance, vif):
-        LOG.info("******* DETACH INTERFACE *******")
+        LOG.debug("******* DETACH INTERFACE *******")
             del self._interfaces[vif['id']]
         except KeyError:
@@ -690,32 +704,34 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         :num_cpu:         (int) the number of virtual CPUs for the domain
         :cpu_time:        (int) the CPU time used in nanoseconds
-        LOG.info("*************** GET INFO ********************")
-        if 'metadata' not in instance or 'ec2_id' not in instance['metadata']:
+        if instance.uuid in self._uuid_to_ec2_instance:
+            ec2_instance = self._uuid_to_ec2_instance[instance.uuid]
+        elif 'metadata' in instance and 'ec2_id' in instance['metadata']:
+            ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+            ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(
+                    instance_ids=[ec2_id], filters=None, dry_run=False,
+                    max_results=None)
+            if len(ec2_instances) == 0:
+                LOG.warning(_("EC2 instance with ID %s not found") % ec2_id,
+                        instance=instance)
+                raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['name'])
+            ec2_instance = ec2_instances[0]
+        else:
             raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['name'])
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
-        ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id], filters=None, dry_run=False,
-                                                         max_results=None)
-        if ec2_instances.__len__() == 0:
-            LOG.warning(_("EC2 instance with ID %s not found") % ec2_id, instance=instance)
-            raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['name'])
-        ec2_instance = ec2_instances[0]
-        LOG.info(ec2_instance)
-        LOG.info("state %s max_mem %s mem %s flavor %s" %
-                 (EC2_STATE_MAP.get(ec2_instance.state), ec2_instance.ramdisk, ec2_instance.get_attribute('ramdisk', dry_run=False), ec2_instance.instance_type))
-        # return {'state': ,
-        #         'max_mem': ec2_instance.ramdisk,
-        #         'mem': ,
-        #         'num_cpu': 2,
-        #         'cpu_time': 0}
+        power_state = EC2_STATE_MAP.get(ec2_instance.state)
+        ec2_flavor = self.ec2_flavor_info.get(ec2_instance.instance_type)
+        memory_mb = ec2_flavor['memory_mb']
+        vcpus = ec2_flavor['vcpus']
         return hardware.InstanceInfo(
-            state=EC2_STATE_MAP.get(ec2_instance.state),
-            max_mem_kb=ec2_instance.ramdisk,
-            mem_kb=ec2_instance.get_attribute('ramdisk', dry_run=False),
-            num_cpu=2,
+            state=power_state,
+            max_mem_kb=memory_mb,
+            mem_kb=memory_mb,
+            num_cpu=vcpus,
-            id=instance['id'])
+            id=instance.id)
     def allow_key(self, key):
         for key_to_filter in DIAGNOSTIC_KEYS_TO_FILTER:
@@ -723,17 +739,17 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
                 return False
         return True
-    def get_diagnostics(self, instance_name):
-        """Return data about VM diagnostics.
-        """
-        LOG.info("******* GET DIAGNOSTICS *********************************************")
-        instance = self.nova.servers.get(instance_name)
+    def get_diagnostics(self, instance):
+        """Return data about VM diagnostics."""
-        ec2_id = instance.metadata['ec2_id']
-        ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id], filters=None, dry_run=False,
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
+        ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(instance_ids=[ec2_id],
+                                                         filters=None,
+                                                         dry_run=False,
-        if ec2_instances.__len__() == 0:
-            LOG.warning(_("EC2 instance with ID %s not found") % ec2_id, instance=instance)
+        if len(ec2_instances) == 0:
+            LOG.warning(_("EC2 instance with ID %s not found") % ec2_id,
+                    instance=instance)
             raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance['name'])
         ec2_instance = ec2_instances[0]
@@ -743,7 +759,6 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
                 diagnostics['instance.' + key] = str(value)
         metrics = self.cloudwatch_conn.list_metrics(dimensions={'InstanceId': ec2_id})
-        import datetime
         for metric in metrics:
             end = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
@@ -775,7 +790,7 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         return [0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L]
     def get_vnc_console(self, context, instance):
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
         LOG.info("VNC console connect to %s" % ec2_id)
         reservations = self.ec2_conn.get_all_instances()
@@ -812,108 +827,6 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
                 'username': 'EC2user',
                 'password': 'EC2password'}
-    def _get_ec2_instance_ids_with_security_group(self, ec2_security_group):
-        return [instance.id for instance in ec2_security_group.instances()]
-    def _get_openstack_instances_with_security_group(self, openstack_security_group):
-        return [instance for instance in (self.nova.servers.list())
-                if openstack_security_group.name in [group['name'] for group in instance.security_groups]]
-    def _get_id_of_ec2_instance_to_update_security_group(self, ec2_instance_ids_for_security_group,
-                                                         ec2_ids_for_openstack_instances_for_security_group):
-        return (set(ec2_ids_for_openstack_instances_for_security_group).symmetric_difference(
-            set(ec2_instance_ids_for_security_group))).pop()
-    def _should_add_security_group_to_instance(self, ec2_instance_ids_for_security_group,
-                                               ec2_ids_for_openstack_instances_for_security_group):
-        return len(ec2_instance_ids_for_security_group) < len(ec2_ids_for_openstack_instances_for_security_group)
-    def _add_security_group_to_instance(self, ec2_instance_id, ec2_security_group):
-        security_group_ids_for_instance = self._get_ec2_security_group_ids_for_instance(ec2_instance_id)
-        security_group_ids_for_instance.append(ec2_security_group.id)
-        self.ec2_conn.modify_instance_attribute(ec2_instance_id, "groupSet", security_group_ids_for_instance)
-    def _remove_security_group_from_instance(self, ec2_instance_id, ec2_security_group):
-        security_group_ids_for_instance = self._get_ec2_security_group_ids_for_instance(ec2_instance_id)
-        security_group_ids_for_instance.remove(ec2_security_group.id)
-        self.ec2_conn.modify_instance_attribute(ec2_instance_id, "groupSet", security_group_ids_for_instance)
-    def _get_ec2_security_group_ids_for_instance(self, ec2_instance_id):
-        security_groups_for_instance = self.ec2_conn.get_instance_attribute(ec2_instance_id, "groupSet")['groupSet']
-        security_group_ids_for_instance = [group.id for group in security_groups_for_instance]
-        return security_group_ids_for_instance
-    def _get_or_create_ec2_security_group(self, openstack_security_group):
-        try:
-            return self.ec2_conn.get_all_security_groups(openstack_security_group.name)[0]
-        except (EC2ResponseError, IndexError) as e:
-            LOG.warning(e)
-            return self.ec2_conn.create_security_group(openstack_security_group.name,
-                                                       openstack_security_group.description)
-    def refresh_security_group_rules(self, security_group_id):
-        """This method is called after a change to security groups.
-        All security groups and their associated rules live in the datastore,
-        and calling this method should apply the updated rules to instances
-        running the specified security group.
-        An error should be raised if the operation cannot complete.
-        """
-        LOG.info("************** REFRESH SECURITY GROUP RULES ******************")
-        openstack_security_group = self.nova.security_groups.get(security_group_id)
-        ec2_security_group = self._get_or_create_ec2_security_group(openstack_security_group)
-        ec2_ids_for_ec2_instances_with_security_group = self._get_ec2_instance_ids_with_security_group(
-            ec2_security_group)
-        ec2_ids_for_openstack_instances_with_security_group = [
-            instance.metadata['ec2_id'] for instance
-            in self._get_openstack_instances_with_security_group(openstack_security_group)
-        ]
-        self.security_group_lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            ec2_instance_to_update = self._get_id_of_ec2_instance_to_update_security_group(
-                ec2_ids_for_ec2_instances_with_security_group,
-                ec2_ids_for_openstack_instances_with_security_group
-            )
-            should_add_security_group = self._should_add_security_group_to_instance(
-                ec2_ids_for_ec2_instances_with_security_group,
-                ec2_ids_for_openstack_instances_with_security_group)
-            if should_add_security_group:
-                self._add_security_group_to_instance(ec2_instance_to_update, ec2_security_group)
-            else:
-                self._remove_security_group_from_instance(ec2_instance_to_update, ec2_security_group)
-        finally:
-            self.security_group_lock.release()
-        return True
-    def refresh_security_group_members(self, security_group_id):
-        LOG.info("************** REFRESH SECURITY GROUP MEMBERS ******************")
-        LOG.info(security_group_id)
-        return True
-    def _get_allowed_group_name_from_openstack_rule_if_present(self, openstack_rule):
-        return openstack_rule['group']['name'] if 'name' in openstack_rule['group'] else None
-    def _get_allowed_ip_range_from_openstack_rule_if_present(self, openstack_rule):
-        return openstack_rule['ip_range']['cidr'] if 'cidr' in openstack_rule['ip_range'] else None
-    def refresh_instance_security_rules(self, instance):
-        LOG.info("************** REFRESH INSTANCE SECURITY RULES ******************")
-        LOG.info(instance)
-        # TODO: lock for case when group is associated with multiple instances
-        self.instance_rule_refresher.refresh(self.nova.servers.get(instance['id']))
-        return
     def refresh_provider_fw_rules(self):
@@ -927,14 +840,12 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
             a driver that manages only one node can safely ignore this
         :returns: Dictionary describing resources
-        LOG.info("************** GET_AVAILABLE_RESOURCE ******************")
         if nodename not in _EC2_NODES:
             return {}
-        dic = {'vcpus': VCPUS,
-               'memory_mb': MEMORY_IN_MBS,
-               'local_gb': DISK_IN_GB,
+        dic = {'vcpus': CONF.AWS.max_vcpus,
+               'memory_mb': CONF.AWS.max_memory_mb,
+               'local_gb': CONF.AWS.max_disk_gb,
                'vcpus_used': 0,
                'memory_mb_used': 0,
                'local_gb_used': 0,
@@ -949,69 +860,6 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         dic["supported_instances"] = [supported_tuple]
         return dic
-    def get_host_stats_pf9(self, res_types, refresh=False, nodename=None):
-        """Return currently known physical resource consumption
-        If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first.
-        :param res_types: An array of resources to be queried
-        """
-        LOG.info("*** In get_host_stats_pf9**")
-        resource_stats = dict()
-        for resource_type in res_types:
-            LOG.info("Looking for resource:%s" % resource_type)
-            resource_dict = self._get_host_stats_pf9(resource_type,
-                                                     refresh=refresh)
-            resource_stats.update(resource_dict)
-        return resource_stats
-    def _update_stats_pf9(self, resource_type):
-        """Retrieve physical resource utilization
-        """
-        if resource_type not in self._pf9_stats.keys():
-            self._pf9_stats[resource_type] = {}
-        data = 0
-        self._pf9_stats[resource_type] = data
-        return {resource_type: data}
-    def _get_host_stats_pf9(self, res_types, refresh=False):
-        """Return the current physical resource consumption
-        """
-        if refresh or not self._pf9_stats:
-            self._update_stats_pf9(res_types)
-        return self._pf9_stats
-    def get_all_networks_pf9(self, node=None):
-        ret_list = []
-        vpcs = self.vpc_conn.get_all_vpcs()
-        for vpc in vpcs:
-            ret_list.append({'bridge': vpc.id})
-        return ret_list
-    def get_all_ip_mapping_pf9(self, needed_uuids=None):
-        ip_map = dict()
-        ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_all_instances()
-        for reservation in ec2_instances:
-            if reservation.instances is not None:
-                for instance in reservation.instances:
-                    if len(instance.tags) > 0:
-                        if 'openstack_id' in instance.tags:
-                            openstack_id = instance.tags['openstack_id']
-                            intf_list = []
-                            intf_details = dict()
-                            if len(instance.interfaces) > 0:
-                                for interface in instance.interfaces:
-                                    intf_details['bridge'] = interface.vpc_id
-                                    intf_details['ip_address'] = interface.private_ip_address
-                                    intf_details['mac_address'] = interface.mac_address
-                                    LOG.info(
-                                        "ID %s VPC %s and IP %s and MAC %s" % (
-                                        openstack_id, interface.vpc_id, instance.private_ip_address, interface.mac_address))
-                                    intf_list.append(intf_details)
-                                ip_map[openstack_id] = intf_list
-        return ip_map
     def ensure_filtering_rules_for_instance(self, instance_ref, network_info):
@@ -1047,8 +895,7 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance being migrated/resized
         :param power_on: is True  the instance should be powered on
-        LOG.info("***** Calling FINISH MIGRATION *******************")
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
         ec_instance_info = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(
             instance_ids=[ec2_id], filters=None, dry_run=False, max_results=None)
         ec2_instance = ec_instance_info[0]
@@ -1064,8 +911,7 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
         """Confirms a resize, destroying the source VM.
         :param instance: nova.objects.instance.Instance
-        LOG.info("***** Calling CONFIRM MIGRATION *******************")
-        ec2_id = instance['metadata']['ec2_id']
+        ec2_id = self._get_ec2_id_from_instance(instance)
         ec_instance_info = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances(
             instance_ids=[ec2_id], filters=None, dry_run=False, max_results=None)
         ec2_instance = ec_instance_info[0]
@@ -1088,9 +934,9 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
             host_status['host_hostname'] = nodename
             host_status['host_name_label'] = nodename
             host_status['hypervisor_type'] = 'Amazon-EC2'
-            host_status['vcpus'] = VCPUS
-            host_status['memory_mb'] = MEMORY_IN_MBS
-            host_status['local_gb'] = DISK_IN_GB
+            host_status['vcpus'] = CONF.AWS.max_vcpus
+            host_status['memory_mb'] = CONF.AWS.max_memory_mb
+            host_status['local_gb'] = CONF.AWS.max_disk_gb
         if len(stats) == 0:
             raise exception.NovaException("EC2Driver has no node")
@@ -1135,15 +981,34 @@ class EC2Driver(driver.ComputeDriver):
     def instance_on_disk(self, instance):
         return False
+    def _get_uuid_from_aws_id(self, instance_id):
+        m = hashlib.md5()
+        m.update(instance_id)
+        return str(uuid.UUID(bytes=m.digest(), version=4))
     def list_instance_uuids(self, node=None, template_uuids=None, force=False):
-        LOG.info("*** list_instance_uuids **")
         ec2_instances = self.ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
-        uuid_list = []
+        # Clear the cache of UUID->EC2 ID mapping
+        self._uuid_to_ec2_instance.clear()
         for instance in ec2_instances:
+            generate_uuid = False
+            if instance.state in ['pending', 'shutting-down', 'terminated']:
+                # Instance is being created or destroyed no need to list it
+                continue
             if len(instance.tags) > 0:
                 if 'openstack_id' in instance.tags:
-                    uuid_list.append(instance.tags['openstack_id'])
-        return uuid_list
+                    self._uuid_to_ec2_instance[instance.tags['openstack_id']] = \
+                            instance
+                else:
+                    # Possibly a new discovered instance
+                    generate_uuid = True
+            else:
+                generate_uuid = True
+            if generate_uuid:
+                instance_uuid = self._get_uuid_from_aws_id(instance.id)
+                self._uuid_to_ec2_instance[instance_uuid] = instance
+        return self._uuid_to_ec2_instance.keys()
     def _wait_for_state(self, instance, ec2_id, desired_state, desired_power_state):
         """Wait for the state of the corrosponding ec2 instance to be in completely available state.
diff --git a/nova/ec2/exception_handler.py b/nova/ec2/exception_handler.py
index de978f4..0ca85c4 100644
--- a/nova/ec2/exception_handler.py
+++ b/nova/ec2/exception_handler.py
@@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
 from nova import exception
@@ -28,4 +14,4 @@ class Ec2ExceptionHandler:
         elif ec2_response_error_exc.error_code == "InvalidAMIID.NotFound":
             return exception.ImageNotFoundEC2("Invalid Image")
-            return exception.NovaException(ec2_response_error_exc.message)
+            return exception.NovaException(ec2_response_error_exc.message)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nova/ec2/group.py b/nova/ec2/group.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e070399..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/group.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class Group:
-    def rule_diff(self, other_group):
-        pass
diff --git a/nova/ec2/group_rule_refresher.py b/nova/ec2/group_rule_refresher.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd7a2a..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/group_rule_refresher.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class GroupRuleRefresher:
-    def __init__(self, ec2_connection, openstack_rule_service, ec2_rule_service):
-        self.ec2_conn = ec2_connection
-        self.openstack_rule_service = openstack_rule_service
-        self.ec2_rule_service = ec2_rule_service
-    def refresh(self, group_name):
-        openstack_rules = self.openstack_rule_service.get_rules_for_group(group_name)
-        ec2_rules = self.ec2_rule_service.get_rules_for_group(group_name)
-        self._add_rules_to_ec2(ec2_rules, group_name, openstack_rules)
-        self._remove_rules_from_ec2(ec2_rules, group_name, openstack_rules)
-    def _add_rules_to_ec2(self, ec2_rules, group_name, openstack_rules):
-        for rule in openstack_rules - ec2_rules:
-            self._add_rule_on_ec2(group_name, rule)
-    def _remove_rules_from_ec2(self, ec2_rules, group_name, openstack_rules):
-        for rule in ec2_rules - openstack_rules:
-            self._remove_rule_from_ec2(group_name, rule)
-    def _remove_rule_from_ec2(self, group_name, rule):
-        self.ec2_conn.revoke_security_group(
-            group_name=group_name,
-            ip_protocol=rule.ip_protocol,
-            from_port=rule.from_port,
-            to_port=rule.to_port,
-            cidr_ip=rule.ip_range
-        )
-    def _add_rule_on_ec2(self, group_name, rule):
-        self.ec2_conn.authorize_security_group(
-            group_name=group_name,
-            ip_protocol=rule.ip_protocol,
-            from_port=rule.from_port,
-            to_port=rule.to_port,
-            cidr_ip=rule.ip_range
-        )
diff --git a/nova/ec2/instance_rule_refresher.py b/nova/ec2/instance_rule_refresher.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bbc5eb..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/instance_rule_refresher.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class InstanceRuleRefresher:
-    def __init__(self, group_rule_refresher):
-        self.group_rule_refresher = group_rule_refresher
-    def refresh(self, instance):
-        for group_name in self._get_group_names(instance):
-            self.group_rule_refresher.refresh(group_name)
-    def _get_group_names(self, instance):
-        return [group['name'] for group in instance.security_groups]
diff --git a/nova/ec2/openstack_group_service.py b/nova/ec2/openstack_group_service.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 27ddf34..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/openstack_group_service.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class OpenstackGroupService():
-    def __init__(self, security_group_manager):
-        self.security_group_manager = security_group_manager
-    def get_group(self, group_name):
-        return [group for group in self.security_group_manager.list() if group.name == group_name][0]
diff --git a/nova/ec2/openstack_group_transformer.py b/nova/ec2/openstack_group_transformer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e45f04..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/openstack_group_transformer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class OpenstackGroupTransformer:
-    def to_group(self, openstack_group):
-        pass
diff --git a/nova/ec2/openstack_rule_service.py b/nova/ec2/openstack_rule_service.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6f5dc..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/openstack_rule_service.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class OpenstackRuleService:
-    def __init__(self, group_service, openstack_rule_transformer):
-        self.group_service = group_service
-        self.openstack_rule_transformer = openstack_rule_transformer
-    def get_rules_for_group(self, group_name):
-        openstack_group = self.group_service.get_group(group_name)
-        return set([self.openstack_rule_transformer.to_rule(rule) for rule in openstack_group.rules])
-        # return self.group_service.get_group(group_name).rules
diff --git a/nova/ec2/openstack_rule_transformer.py b/nova/ec2/openstack_rule_transformer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8af8236..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/openstack_rule_transformer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-from copy import deepcopy
-from rule import Rule
-class OpenstackRuleTransformer:
-    def to_rule(self, openstack_rule):
-        rule_args = {}
-        rule_args['ip_protocol'] = openstack_rule['ip_protocol']
-        rule_args['from_port'] = str(openstack_rule['from_port'])
-        rule_args['to_port'] = str(openstack_rule['to_port'])
-        if 'cidr' in openstack_rule['ip_range']:
-            rule_args['ip_range'] = openstack_rule['ip_range']['cidr']
-        else:
-            rule_args['group_name'] = openstack_rule['group']['name']
-        return Rule(**rule_args)
diff --git a/nova/ec2/rule.py b/nova/ec2/rule.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a8485..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/rule.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class Rule:
-    def __init__(self, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, ip_range=None, group_name=None):
-        self.ip_protocol = ip_protocol
-        self.from_port = from_port
-        self.to_port = to_port
-        self.ip_range = ip_range
-        self.group_name = group_name
-    def __key(self):
-        return self.ip_protocol, self.from_port, self.to_port, self.ip_range, self.group_name
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.__key() == other.__key()
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.__key())
diff --git a/nova/ec2/rule_comparator.py b/nova/ec2/rule_comparator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9849398..0000000
--- a/nova/ec2/rule_comparator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2014 ThoughtWorks
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-class RuleComparator:
-    def __init__(self, ec2_connection):
-        self.ec2_connection = ec2_connection
-    def rules_are_equal(self, openstack_rule, ec2_rule):
-        if self._ip_protocols_are_different(ec2_rule, openstack_rule) \
-                or self._from_ports_are_different(ec2_rule, openstack_rule) \
-                or self._to_ports_are_different(ec2_rule, openstack_rule) \
-                or self._ip_ranges_are_present_and_different(ec2_rule, openstack_rule) \
-                or self._group_names_are_present_and_different(openstack_rule, ec2_rule):
-            return False
-        return True
-    def _ip_protocols_are_different(self, ec2_rule, openstack_rule):
-        return openstack_rule['ip_protocol'] != ec2_rule.ip_protocol
-    def _from_ports_are_different(self, ec2_rule, openstack_rule):
-        return str(openstack_rule['from_port']) != ec2_rule.from_port
-    def _to_ports_are_different(self, ec2_rule, openstack_rule):
-        return str(openstack_rule['to_port']) != ec2_rule.to_port
-    def _ip_ranges_are_present_and_different(self, ec2_rule, openstack_rule):
-        return ('cidr' in openstack_rule['ip_range'] and openstack_rule['ip_range']['cidr'] != ec2_rule.grants[0].cidr_ip)
-    def _group_names_are_present_and_different(self, openstack_rule, ec2_rule):
-        if 'name' not in openstack_rule['group']:
-            return False
-        else:
-            ec2_group_name = self.ec2_connection.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=ec2_rule.grants[0].group_id)[0].name
-            return openstack_rule['group']['name'] != ec2_group_name
diff --git a/nova/test-requirements.txt b/nova/test-requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a175da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/test-requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/nova/tests/ec2/__init__.py b/nova/tests/ec2/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/nova/tests/ec2/test_driver.py b/nova/tests/ec2/test_driver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4731c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/tests/ec2/test_driver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Platform9 Systems Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from moto import mock_ec2
+from moto import mock_cloudwatch
+from moto.ec2 import ec2_backends
+from nova import context
+from nova import exception
+from nova import objects
+from nova import test
+from nova.compute import power_state
+from nova.compute import vm_states
+from nova.compute import task_states
+from nova.image.glance import GlanceImageService
+from nova.tests.unit import fake_instance
+from nova.tests.unit import matchers
+from nova.virt.ec2 import EC2Driver
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_utils import uuidutils
+import base64
+import boto
+import contextlib
+import mock
+class EC2DriverTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
+    @mock_ec2
+    @mock_cloudwatch
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(EC2DriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self.fake_access_key = 'aws_access_key'
+        self.fake_secret_key = 'aws_secret_key'
+        self.region_name = 'us-east-1'
+        self.region = boto.ec2.get_region(self.region_name)
+        self.flags(access_key=self.fake_access_key,
+                   secret_key=self.fake_secret_key,
+                   # Region name cannot be fake
+                   region_name=self.region_name, group='AWS')
+        self.conn = EC2Driver(None, False)
+        self.type_data = None
+        self.project_id = 'fake'
+        self.user_id = 'fake'
+        self.instance_node = None
+        self.uuid = None
+        self.instance = None
+        self.context = context.RequestContext(self.user_id, self.project_id)
+        self.fake_vpc_conn = boto.vpc.VPCConnection(
+            region=self.region, aws_access_key_id=self.fake_access_key,
+            aws_secret_access_key=self.fake_secret_key)
+        self.fake_ec2_conn = boto.ec2.EC2Connection(
+            aws_access_key_id=self.fake_access_key,
+            aws_secret_access_key=self.fake_secret_key,
+            region=self.region)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(EC2DriverTestCase, self).tearDown()
+    def reset(self):
+        instance_list = self.conn.ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
+        # terminated instances are considered deleted and hence ignore them
+        instance_id_list = [x.id for x in instance_list if x.state != 'terminated']
+        self.conn.ec2_conn.stop_instances(instance_ids=instance_id_list,
+                                          force=True)
+        self.conn.ec2_conn.terminate_instances(instance_ids=instance_id_list)
+        self.type_data = None
+        self.instance = None
+        self.uuid = None
+        self.instance_node = None
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_list_instances(self):
+        for x in range(0, 5):
+            self.conn.ec2_conn.run_instances('ami-1234abc')
+        fake_list = self.conn.list_instances()
+        self.assertEqual(5, len(fake_list))
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_add_ssh_keys_key_exists(self):
+        fake_key = 'fake_key'
+        fake_key_data = 'abcdefgh'
+        self.conn.ec2_conn.import_key_pair(fake_key, fake_key_data)
+        with contextlib.nested(
+                mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'get_key_pair'),
+                mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'import_key_pair'),
+        ) as (fake_get, fake_import):
+            fake_get.return_value = True
+            self.conn._add_ssh_keys(fake_key, fake_key_data)
+            fake_get.assert_called_once_with(fake_key)
+            fake_import.assert_not_called()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_add_ssh_keys_key_absent(self):
+        fake_key = 'fake_key'
+        fake_key_data = 'abcdefgh'
+        with contextlib.nested(
+                mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'get_key_pair'),
+                mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'import_key_pair'),
+        ) as (fake_get, fake_import):
+            fake_get.return_value = False
+            self.conn._add_ssh_keys(fake_key, fake_key_data)
+            fake_get.assert_called_once_with(fake_key)
+            fake_import.assert_called_once_with(fake_key, fake_key_data)
+    def test_process_network_info(self):
+        fake_network_info = [
+            {
+                'profile': {},
+                'ovs_interfaceid': None,
+                'preserve_on_delete': False,
+                'network': {
+                    'bridge': None,
+                    'subnets': [{
+                        'ips': [{
+                            'meta': {},
+                            'version': 4,
+                            'type': 'fixed',
+                            'floating_ips': [],
+                            'address': u''}],
+                        'version': 4,
+                        'meta': {},
+                        'dns': [],
+                        'routes': [],
+                        'cidr': u'',
+                        'gateway': {
+                            'meta': {},
+                            'version': 4,
+                            'type': 'gateway',
+                            'address': u''}}],
+                        'meta': {
+                            'injected': True,
+                            'tenant_id': '135b1a036a51414ea1f989ab59fefde5'},
+                        'id': '4f8ad58d-de60-4b52-94ba-8b988a9b7f33',
+                        'label': 'test'},
+                'devname': 'tapa9a90cf6-62',
+                'vnic_type': 'normal',
+                'qbh_params': None,
+                'meta': {},
+                'details': '{"subnet_id": "subnet-0107db5a",'
+                           ' "ip_address": ""}',
+                'address': 'fa:16:3e:23:65:2c',
+                'active': True,
+                'type': 'vip_type_a',
+                'id': 'a9a90cf6-627c-46f3-829d-c5a2ae07aaf0',
+                'qbg_params': None
+            }
+        ]
+        aws_subnet_id, aws_fixed_ip, port_id, network_id = \
+                self.conn._process_network_info(fake_network_info)
+        self.assertEqual(aws_subnet_id, 'subnet-0107db5a')
+        self.assertEqual(aws_fixed_ip, '')
+        self.assertEqual(port_id, 'a9a90cf6-627c-46f3-829d-c5a2ae07aaf0')
+        self.assertEqual(network_id, '4f8ad58d-de60-4b52-94ba-8b988a9b7f33')
+    def _get_instance_flavor_details(self):
+        return {
+            'memory_mb': 2048.0, 'root_gb': 0, 'deleted_at': None,
+            'name': 't2.small', 'deleted': 0, 'created_at': None,
+            'ephemeral_gb': 0, 'updated_at': None, 'disabled': False,
+            'vcpus': 1, 'extra_specs': {}, 'swap': 0, 'rxtx_factor': 1.0,
+            'is_public': True, 'flavorid': '1', 'vcpu_weight': None, 'id': 2
+        }
+    def _create_instance(self, key_name=None, key_data=None, user_data=None):
+        uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
+        self.type_data = self._get_instance_flavor_details()
+        values = {
+            'name': 'fake_instance',
+            'id': 1,
+            'uuid': uuid,
+            'project_id': self.project_id,
+            'user_id': self.user_id,
+            'kernel_id': 'fake_kernel_id',
+            'ramdisk_id': 'fake_ramdisk_id',
+            'flavor': objects.flavor.Flavor(**self.type_data),
+            'node': 'fake_node',
+            'memory_mb': self.type_data['memory_mb'],
+            'root_gb': self.type_data['root_gb'],
+            'ephemeral_gb': self.type_data['ephemeral_gb'],
+            'vpcus': self.type_data['vcpus'],
+            'swap': self.type_data['swap'],
+            'expected_attrs': ['system_metadata', 'metadata'],
+            'display_name': 'fake_instance',
+        }
+        if key_name and key_data:
+            values['key_name'] = key_name
+            values['key_data'] = key_data
+        if user_data:
+            values['user_data'] = user_data
+        self.instance_node = 'fake_node'
+        self.uuid = uuid
+        self.instance = fake_instance.fake_instance_obj(self.context, **values)
+    def _create_network(self):
+        self.vpc = self.fake_vpc_conn.create_vpc('')
+        self.subnet = self.fake_vpc_conn.create_subnet(self.vpc.id,
+                                                       '')
+        self.subnet_id = self.subnet.id
+    def _create_nova_vm(self):
+        self.conn.spawn(self.context, self.instance, None, injected_files=[],
+                        admin_password=None, network_info=None,
+                        block_device_info=None)
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_spawn(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        self._create_network()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_image_ami_id_from_meta'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_process_network_info'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_instance_sec_grps'),
+        ) as (mock_image, mock_network, mock_secgrp):
+            mock_image.return_value = 'ami-1234abc'
+            mock_network.return_value = (self.subnet_id, '', None,
+                                         None)
+            mock_secgrp.return_value = []
+            self._create_nova_vm()
+            fake_instances = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
+            self.assertEqual(len(fake_instances), 1)
+            inst = fake_instances[0]
+            self.assertEqual(inst.vpc_id, self.vpc.id)
+            self.assertEqual(self.subnet_id, inst.subnet_id)
+            self.assertEqual(inst.tags['Name'], 'fake_instance')
+            self.assertEqual(inst.tags['openstack_id'], self.uuid)
+            self.assertEqual(inst.image_id, 'ami-1234abc')
+            self.assertEqual(inst.region.name, self.region_name)
+            self.assertEqual(inst.key_name, 'None')
+            self.assertEqual(inst.instance_type, 't2.small')
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_spawn_with_key(self):
+        self._create_instance(key_name='fake_key', key_data='fake_key_data')
+        self._create_network()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_image_ami_id_from_meta'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_process_network_info'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_instance_sec_grps'),
+        ) as (mock_image, mock_network, mock_secgrp):
+            mock_image.return_value = 'ami-1234abc'
+            mock_network.return_value = (self.subnet_id, '', None,
+                                         None)
+            mock_secgrp.return_value = []
+            self._create_nova_vm()
+            fake_instances = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
+            self.assertEqual(len(fake_instances), 1)
+            inst = fake_instances[0]
+            self.assertEqual(inst.key_name, 'fake_key')
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_spawn_with_userdata(self):
+        userdata = """
+        #cloud-config
+        password: password
+        """
+        b64encoded = base64.b64encode(userdata)
+        self._create_instance(user_data=b64encoded)
+        self._create_network()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_image_ami_id_from_meta'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_process_network_info'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_instance_sec_grps'),
+        ) as (mock_image, mock_network, mock_secgrp):
+            mock_image.return_value = 'ami-1234abc'
+            mock_network.return_value = (self.subnet_id, '', None,
+                                         None)
+            mock_secgrp.return_value = []
+            fake_run_instance_op = self.fake_ec2_conn.run_instances(
+                    'ami-1234abc')
+            boto.ec2.EC2Connection.run_instances = mock.Mock()
+            boto.ec2.EC2Connection.run_instances.return_value = \
+                    fake_run_instance_op
+            self._create_nova_vm()
+            fake_instances = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
+            self.assertEqual(len(fake_instances), 1)
+            boto.ec2.EC2Connection.run_instances.assert_called_once_with(
+                    instance_type='t2.small', key_name=None,
+                    image_id='ami-1234abc', user_data=userdata,
+                    subnet_id=self.subnet_id,
+                    private_ip_address='',
+                    security_group_ids=[])
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_spawn_with_network_error(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_image_ami_id_from_meta'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_process_network_info'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_instance_sec_grps'),
+        ) as (mock_image, mock_network, mock_secgrp):
+            mock_image.return_value = 'ami-1234abc'
+            mock_network.return_value = (None, None, None, None)
+            mock_secgrp.return_value = []
+            self.assertRaises(exception.BuildAbortException, self._create_nova_vm)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_spawn_with_network_error_from_aws(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_image_ami_id_from_meta'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_process_network_info'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_instance_sec_grps'),
+        ) as (mock_image, mock_network, mock_secgrp):
+            mock_image.return_value = 'ami-1234abc'
+            mock_network.return_value = ('subnet-1234abc', '',
+                                         None, None)
+            mock_secgrp.return_value = []
+            self.assertRaises(exception.BuildAbortException, self._create_nova_vm)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_spawn_with_image_error(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        self._create_network()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_image_ami_id_from_meta'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_process_network_info'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_instance_sec_grps'),
+        ) as (mock_image, mock_network, mock_secgrp):
+            mock_image.side_effect = exception.BuildAbortException('fake')
+            mock_network.return_value = ('subnet-1234abc', '',
+                                         None, None)
+            mock_secgrp.return_value = []
+            self.assertRaises(exception.BuildAbortException, self._create_nova_vm)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def _create_vm_in_aws_nova(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        self._create_network()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_image_ami_id_from_meta'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_process_network_info'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_get_instance_sec_grps'),
+        ) as (mock_image, mock_network, mock_secgrp):
+            mock_image.return_value = 'ami-1234abc'
+            mock_network.return_value = (self.subnet_id, '', None,
+                                         None)
+            mock_secgrp.return_value = []
+            self._create_nova_vm()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_snapshot(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        GlanceImageService.update = mock.Mock()
+        expected_calls = [
+            {'args': (),
+             'kwargs':
+                {'task_state': task_states.IMAGE_UPLOADING,
+                 'expected_state': task_states.IMAGE_SNAPSHOT}}]
+        func_call_matcher = matchers.FunctionCallMatcher(expected_calls)
+        self.conn.snapshot(self.context, self.instance, 'test-snapshot',
+                           func_call_matcher.call)
+        self.assertIsNone(func_call_matcher.match())
+        context, snapshot_name, metadata = \
+                GlanceImageService.update.call_args[0]
+        aws_imgs = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_all_images()
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(aws_imgs))
+        aws_img = aws_imgs[0]
+        self.assertEqual(snapshot_name, 'test-snapshot')
+        self.assertEqual(aws_img.name, 'test-snapshot')
+        self.assertEqual(aws_img.id, metadata['properties']['ec2_image_id'])
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_snapshot_instance_not_found(self):
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.create_image = mock.Mock()
+        self._create_instance()
+        GlanceImageService.update = mock.Mock()
+        expected_calls = [
+            {'args': (),
+             'kwargs':
+                {'task_state': task_states.IMAGE_UPLOADING,
+                 'expected_state': task_states.IMAGE_SNAPSHOT}}]
+        func_call_matcher = matchers.FunctionCallMatcher(expected_calls)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InstanceNotFound, self.conn.snapshot,
+                          self.context, self.instance, 'test-snapshot',
+                          func_call_matcher.call)
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.create_image.assert_not_called()
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_reboot_soft(self):
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.reboot_instances = mock.Mock()
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        fake_inst = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()[0]
+        self.conn.reboot(self.context, self.instance, None, 'SOFT', None, None)
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.reboot_instances.assert_called_once_with(
+                instance_ids=[fake_inst.id], dry_run=False)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_reboot_hard(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        fake_inst = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()[0]
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.stop_instances = mock.Mock()
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.start_instances = mock.Mock()
+        EC2Driver._wait_for_state = mock.Mock()
+        self.conn.reboot(self.context, self.instance, None, 'HARD', None, None)
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.stop_instances.assert_called_once_with(
+                instance_ids=[fake_inst.id], force=False, dry_run=False)
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.start_instances.assert_called_once_with(
+                instance_ids=[fake_inst.id], dry_run=False)
+        wait_state_calls = EC2Driver._wait_for_state.call_args_list
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(wait_state_calls))
+        self.assertEqual('stopped', wait_state_calls[0][0][2])
+        self.assertEqual(fake_inst.id, wait_state_calls[0][0][1])
+        self.assertEqual('running', wait_state_calls[1][0][2])
+        self.assertEqual(fake_inst.id, wait_state_calls[0][0][1])
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_reboot_instance_not_found(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.stop_instances = mock.Mock()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InstanceNotFound, self.conn.reboot,
+                          self.context, self.instance, None, 'SOFT', None,
+                          None)
+        boto.ec2.EC2Connection.stop_instances.assert_not_called()
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_power_off(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        fake_inst = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()[0]
+        self.assertEqual(fake_inst.state, 'running')
+        self.conn.power_off(self.instance)
+        fake_inst = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()[0]
+        self.assertEqual(fake_inst.state, 'stopped')
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_power_off_instance_not_found(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InstanceNotFound, self.conn.power_off,
+                          self.instance)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_power_on(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        fake_inst = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()[0]
+        self.fake_ec2_conn.stop_instances(instance_ids=[fake_inst.id])
+        self.conn.power_on(self.context, self.instance, None, None)
+        fake_inst = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()[0]
+        self.assertEqual(fake_inst.state, 'running')
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_power_on_instance_not_found(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InstanceNotFound, self.conn.power_on,
+                          self.context, self.instance, None, None)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_destroy(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        self.conn.destroy(self.context, self.instance, None, None)
+        fake_instance = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()[0]
+        self.assertEqual('terminated', fake_instance.state)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_destroy_instance_not_found(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'stop_instances'),
+            mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'terminate_instances'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_wait_for_state'),
+        ) as (fake_stop, fake_terminate, fake_wait):
+            self.conn.destroy(self.context, self.instance, None, None)
+            fake_stop.assert_not_called()
+            fake_terminate.assert_not_called()
+            fake_wait.assert_not_called()
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_destory_instance_terminated_on_aws(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        fake_instances = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
+        self.fake_ec2_conn.stop_instances(instance_ids=[fake_instances[0].id])
+        self.fake_ec2_conn.terminate_instances(
+            instance_ids=[fake_instances[0].id])
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'stop_instances'),
+            mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'terminate_instances'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_wait_for_state'),
+        ) as (fake_stop, fake_terminate, fake_wait):
+            self.conn.destroy(self.context, self.instance, None, None)
+            fake_stop.assert_not_called()
+            fake_terminate.assert_not_called()
+            fake_wait.assert_not_called()
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_destroy_instance_shut_down_on_aws(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        fake_instances = self.fake_ec2_conn.get_only_instances()
+        self.fake_ec2_conn.stop_instances(instance_ids=[fake_instances[0].id])
+        with contextlib.nested(
+            mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'stop_instances'),
+            mock.patch.object(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'terminate_instances'),
+            mock.patch.object(EC2Driver, '_wait_for_state'),
+        ) as (fake_stop, fake_terminate, fake_wait):
+            self.conn.destroy(self.context, self.instance, None, None)
+            fake_stop.assert_not_called()
+            fake_terminate.assert_called_once_with(instance_ids=[fake_instances[0].id])
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_get_info(self):
+        self._create_vm_in_aws_nova()
+        vm_info = self.conn.get_info(self.instance)
+        self.assertEqual(0, vm_info.state)
+        self.assertEqual(self.instance.id, vm_info.id)
+        self.reset()
+    @mock_ec2
+    def test_get_info_instance_not_found(self):
+        self._create_instance()
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InstanceNotFound, self.conn.get_info,
+                          self.instance)
+        self.reset()