""" Copyright (c) 2017 Platform9 Systems Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import six import time from googleapiclient.discovery import build from nova.i18n import _ from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_utils import reflection from six.moves import urllib LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall(loopingcall.LoopingCallBase): """A fixed interval looping call with timeout checking mechanism.""" _RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE = _("A fixed interval looping call with timeout" " checking and can only run one function at" " at a time") _KIND = _('Fixed interval looping call with timeout checking.') def start(self, interval, initial_delay=None, stop_on_exception=True, timeout=0): start_time = time.time() def _idle_for(result, elapsed): delay = round(elapsed - interval, 2) if delay > 0: func_name = reflection.get_callable_name(self.f) LOG.warning('Function %(func_name)r run outlasted ' 'interval by %(delay).2f sec', {'func_name': func_name, 'delay': delay}) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if timeout > 0 and elapsed_time > timeout: raise loopingcall.LoopingCallTimeOut( _('Looping call timed out after %.02f seconds') % elapsed_time) return -delay if delay < 0 else 0 return self._start(_idle_for, initial_delay=initial_delay, stop_on_exception=stop_on_exception) # Currently, default oslo.service version(newton) is 1.16.0. # Once we upgrade oslo.service >= 1.19.0, we can remove temporary # definition _FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall if not hasattr(loopingcall, 'FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall'): loopingcall.FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall = \ _FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall class GceOperationError(Exception): pass def list_instances(compute, project, zone): """Returns list of GCE instance resources for specified project :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone """ result = compute.instances().list(project=project, zone=zone).execute() if 'items' not in result: return [] return result['items'] def get_instance(compute, project, zone, instance): """Get GCE instance information :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param instance: string, Name of the GCE instance resource """ result = compute.instances().get(project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance).execute() return result def get_instance_metadata(compute, project, zone, instance): """Returns specified instance's metadata :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param instance: string or instance resource, Name of the GCE instance resource or GCE instance resource """ if isinstance(instance, six.string_types): instance = get_instance(compute, project, zone, instance) return instance['metadata'] def get_instances_metadata_key(compute, project, zone, instance, key): """Returns particular key information for specified instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param instance: string or instance resource, Name of the GCE instance resource or GCE instance resource :param key: string, Key to retrieved from the instance metadata """ metadata = get_instance_metadata(compute, project, zone, instance) if 'items' in metadata: for item in metadata['items']: if item['key'] == key: return item['value'] return None def get_external_ip(compute, project, zone, instance): """Return external IP of GCE instance return empty string otherwise :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param instance: string or instance resource, Name of the GCE instance resource or GCE instance resource """ if isinstance(instance, six.string_types): instance = get_instance(compute, project, zone, instance) for interface in instance.get('networkInterfaces', []): for config in interface.get('accessConfigs', []): if config['type'] == 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT' and 'natIP' in config: return config['natIP'] return '' def set_instance_metadata(compute, project, zone, instance, items, operation='add'): """Perform specified operation on GCE instance metadata :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param instance: string or instance resource, Name of the GCE instance resource or GCE instance resource :param items: list, List of items where each item is dictionary having 'key' and 'value' as its members Refer following sample list, [ {'key': 'openstack_id', 'value': '1224555'}, ] :param operation: string, Operation to perform on instance metadata """ if not isinstance(items, list): raise TypeError( "set_instance_metadata: items should be instance of list") metadata = get_instance_metadata(compute, project, zone, instance) if operation == 'add': if 'items' in metadata: metadata['items'].extend(items) else: metadata['items'] = items LOG.info("Adding metadata %s" % (metadata)) # TODO(del_operation): Add del operation if required return compute.instances().setMetadata(project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance, body=metadata).execute() def create_instance(compute, project, zone, name, image_link, machine_link, network_interfaces): """Create GCE instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, Name of instance to be launched :param image_link: url, GCE Image link for instance launch :param machine_link: url, GCE Machine link for instance launch """ LOG.info("Launching instance %s with image %s, machine %s and network %s" % (name, image_link, machine_link, network_interfaces)) config = { 'kind': 'compute#instance', 'name': name, 'machineType': machine_link, 'networkInterfaces': network_interfaces, # Specify the boot disk and the image to use as a source. 'disks': [{ 'boot': True, 'autoDelete': True, 'initializeParams': { 'sourceImage': image_link, } }], # Allow the instance to access cloud storage and logging. 'serviceAccounts': [{ 'email': 'default', 'scopes': [ 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute' ] }], } # yapf:disable return compute.instances().insert(project=project, zone=zone, body=config).execute() def delete_instance(compute, project, zone, name): """Delete GCE instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, Name of the GCE instance """ return compute.instances().delete(project=project, zone=zone, instance=name).execute() def stop_instance(compute, project, zone, name): """Stop GCE instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, Name of the GCE instance """ return compute.instances().stop(project=project, zone=zone, instance=name).execute() def start_instance(compute, project, zone, name): """Start GCE instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, Name of the GCE instance """ return compute.instances().start(project=project, zone=zone, instance=name).execute() def reset_instance(compute, project, zone, name): """Hard reset GCE instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, Name of the GCE instance """ return compute.instances().reset(project=project, zone=zone, instance=name).execute() def wait_for_operation(compute, project, operation, interval=1, timeout=60): """Wait for GCE operation to complete, raise error if operation failure :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param operation: object, Operation resource obtained by calling GCE asynchronous API. All GCE asynchronous API's return operation resource to followup there completion. :param interval: int, Time period(seconds) between two GCE operation checks :param timeout: int, Absoulte time period(seconds) to monitor GCE operation """ def watch_operation(name, request): result = request.execute() if result['status'] == 'DONE': LOG.info("Operation %s status is %s" % (name, result['status'])) if 'error' in result: raise GceOperationError(result['error']) raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() operation_name = operation['name'] if 'zone' in operation: zone = operation['zone'].split('/')[-1] monitor_request = compute.zoneOperations().get( project=project, zone=zone, operation=operation_name) elif 'region' in operation: region = operation['region'].split('/')[-1] monitor_request = compute.regionOperations().get( project=project, region=region, operation=operation_name) else: monitor_request = compute.globalOperations().get( project=project, operation=operation_name) timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall( watch_operation, operation_name, monitor_request) timer.start(interval=interval, timeout=timeout).wait() def get_gce_service(service_key): """Returns GCE compute resource object for interacting with GCE API :param service_key: string, Path of service key obtained from https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials """ credentials = GoogleCredentials.from_stream(service_key) service = build('compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials) return service def get_machines_info(compute, project, zone): """Return machine type info from GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone """ response = compute.machineTypes().list(project=project, zone=zone).execute() GCE_MAP = { machine_type['name']: { 'memory_mb': machine_type['memoryMb'], 'vcpus': machine_type['guestCpus'] } for machine_type in response['items'] } return GCE_MAP def get_images(compute, project): """Return public images info from GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id """ response = compute.images().list(project=project, filter="status eq READY").execute() if 'items' not in response: return [] imgs = filter(lambda img: 'deprecated' not in img, response['items']) return imgs def get_image(compute, project, name): """Return public images info from GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id """ result = compute.images().get(project=project, image=name).execute() return result def delete_image(compute, project, name): """Delete image from GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param name: string, GCE image name :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ result = compute.images().delete(project=project, image=name).execute() return result def get_network(compute, project, name): """Return network info :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param name: string, GCE network name """ result = compute.networks().get(project=project, network=name).execute() return result def attach_disk(compute, project, zone, instance_name, disk_name, disk_link): """Attach disk to instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param instance_name: string, GCE instance name :param disk_name: string, GCE disk name :param disk_link: url, GCE disk link :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ body = { "type": "PERSISTENT", "mode": "READ_WRITE", "source": disk_link, "deviceName": disk_name, "boot": False, "autoDelete": False, "interface": "SCSI" } return compute.instances().attachDisk(project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance_name, body=body).execute() def detach_disk(compute, project, zone, instance_name, disk_name): """Detach disk from instance :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param instance_name: string, GCE instance name :param disk_name: string, GCE disk name :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ return compute.instances().detachDisk(project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance_name, deviceName=disk_name).execute() def get_instance_boot_disk(compute, project, zone, instance): """Return boot disk info for instance""" gce_instance = get_instance(compute, project, zone, instance) for disk in gce_instance['disks']: if disk['boot']: disk_url = disk['source'] # Extracting disk details from disk URL, # Eg. projects//zones//disks/ items = urllib.parse.urlparse(disk_url).path.strip('/').split('/') if len(items) < 4 or items[-2] != 'disks': LOG.error('Invalid disk URL %s' % (disk_url)) disk_name, zone = items[-1], items[-3] disk_info = get_disk(compute, project, zone, disk_name) return disk_info # We should never reach here raise AssertionError("Boot disk not found for instance %s" % instance) def create_disk(compute, project, zone, name, size): """Create disk in GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, GCE disk name :param size: int, size of disk inn Gb :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ body = { "name": name, "zone": "projects/%s/zones/%s" % (project, zone), "type": "projects/%s/zones/%s/diskTypes/pd-standard" % (project, zone), "sizeGb": size } return compute.disks().insert(project=project, zone=zone, body=body, sourceImage=None).execute() def delete_disk(compute, project, zone, name): """Delete disk in GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, GCE disk name :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ return compute.disks().delete(project=project, zone=zone, disk=name).execute() def get_disk(compute, project, zone, name): """Get info of disk in GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, GCE disk name :return: GCE disk information :rtype: dict """ return compute.disks().get(project=project, zone=zone, disk=name).execute() def snapshot_disk(compute, project, zone, name, snapshot_name): """Create snapshot of disk in GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, GCE disk name :param snapshot_name: string, GCE snapshot name :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ body = {"name": snapshot_name} return compute.disks().createSnapshot(project=project, zone=zone, disk=name, body=body).execute() def get_snapshot(compute, project, name): """Get info of snapshot in GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param name: string, GCE snapshot name :return: GCE snapshot information :rtype: dict """ return compute.snapshots().get(project=project, snapshot=name).execute() def delete_snapshot(compute, project, name): """Delete snapshot in GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param name: string, GCE snapshot name :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ return compute.snapshots().delete(project=project, snapshot=name).execute() def create_disk_from_snapshot(compute, project, zone, name, snapshot_name, disk_type="pd-standard"): """Create disk from snapshot in GCE :param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery :param project: string, GCE Project Id :param zone: string, GCE Name of zone :param name: string, GCE disk name :param snapshot_name: string, GCE snapshot name :param disk_type: string, Disk type from (pd-standard, pd-sdd, local-ssd) :return: Operation information :rtype: dict """ gce_snapshot = get_snapshot(compute, project, snapshot_name) body = { "name": name, "zone": "projects/%s/zones/%s" % (project, zone), "type": "projects/%s/zones/%s/diskTypes/%s" % (project, zone, disk_type), "sourceSnapshot": gce_snapshot["selfLink"], "sizeGb": gce_snapshot["diskSizeGb"] } return compute.disks().insert(project=project, zone=zone, body=body, sourceImage=None).execute() def create_image_from_disk(compute, project, name, disk_link): body = {"sourceDisk": disk_link, "name": name, "rawDisk": {}} return compute.images().insert(project=project, body=body).execute()