
427 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2017 Platform9 Systems Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import uuid
import time
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import reflection
from neutron_lib import exceptions as e
from neutron._i18n import _LI, _
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from six.moves import urllib
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall(loopingcall.LoopingCallBase):
"""A fixed interval looping call with timeout checking mechanism."""
_RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE = _("A fixed interval looping call with timeout"
" checking and can only run one function at"
" at a time")
_KIND = _('Fixed interval looping call with timeout checking.')
def start(self, interval, initial_delay=None, stop_on_exception=True,
start_time = time.time()
def _idle_for(result, elapsed):
delay = round(elapsed - interval, 2)
if delay > 0:
func_name = reflection.get_callable_name(self.f)
LOG.warning('Function %(func_name)r run outlasted '
'interval by %(delay).2f sec',
{'func_name': func_name,
'delay': delay})
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
if timeout > 0 and elapsed_time > timeout:
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallTimeOut(
_('Looping call timed out after %.02f seconds') %
return -delay if delay < 0 else 0
return self._start(_idle_for, initial_delay=initial_delay,
# Currently, default oslo.service version(newton) is 1.16.0.
# Once we upgrade oslo.service >= 1.19.0, we can remove temporary
# definition _FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall
if not hasattr(loopingcall, 'FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall'):
loopingcall.FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall = \
class GceOperationError(Exception):
class GceResourceNotFound(e.NotFound):
message = _("GCE Resource %(name)s %(identifier)s was not found")
def list_instances(compute, project, zone):
"""Returns list of GCE instance resources for specified project
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param zone: string, GCE Name of zone
:return: Instances information
:rtype: list
result = compute.instances().list(project=project, zone=zone).execute()
if 'items' not in result:
return []
return result['items']
def get_instance(compute, project, zone, instance):
"""Get GCE instance information
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param zone: string, GCE Name of zone
:param instance: string, Name of the GCE instance resource
:return: Instance information
:rtype: dict
result = compute.instances().get(project=project, zone=zone,
return result
def wait_for_operation(compute, project, operation, interval=1, timeout=60):
"""Wait for GCE operation to complete, raise error if operation failure
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param zone: string, GCE Name of zone
:param operation: object, Operation resource obtained by calling GCE API
:param interval: int, Time period(seconds) between two GCE operation checks
:param timeout: int, Absoulte time period(seconds) to monitor GCE operation
def watch_operation(name, request):
result = request.execute()
if result['status'] == 'DONE':
_LI("Operation %s status is %s") % (name, result['status']))
if 'error' in result:
raise GceOperationError(result['error'])
raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
operation_name = operation['name']
if 'zone' in operation:
zone = operation['zone'].split('/')[-1]
monitor_request = compute.zoneOperations().get(
project=project, zone=zone, operation=operation_name)
elif 'region' in operation:
region = operation['region'].split('/')[-1]
monitor_request = compute.regionOperations().get(
project=project, region=region, operation=operation_name)
monitor_request = compute.globalOperations().get(
project=project, operation=operation_name)
timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall(
watch_operation, operation_name, monitor_request)
timer.start(interval=interval, timeout=timeout).wait()
def get_gce_service(service_key):
"""Returns GCE compute resource object for interacting with GCE API
:param service_key: string, Path of service key obtained from
:return: :class:`Resource <Resource>` object
:rtype: googleapiclient.discovery.Resource
credentials = GoogleCredentials.from_stream(service_key)
service = build('compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
return service
def create_network(compute, project, name):
"""Create network in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param name: string, GCE Name of network
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
body = {'autoCreateSubnetworks': False, 'name': name}
return compute.networks().insert(project=project, body=body).execute()
def get_network(compute, project, name):
"""Get info of network in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param name: string, GCE Name of network
:return: GCE Network information
:rtype: dict
result = compute.networks().get(project=project, network=name).execute()
return result
def create_subnet(compute, project, region, name, ipcidr, network_link):
"""Create subnet with particular GCE network
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:param name: string, Subnet name
:param ipcidr: string, IP CIDR for subnet
:param network_link: url, GCE network resource url
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
body = {
'privateIpGoogleAccess': False,
'name': name,
'ipCidrRange': ipcidr,
'network': network_link
return compute.subnetworks().insert(project=project, region=region,
def delete_subnet(compute, project, region, name):
"""Delete subnet in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:param name: string, Subnet name
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
return compute.subnetworks().delete(project=project, region=region,
def delete_network(compute, project, name):
"""Delete network in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param name: string, GCE network name
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
return compute.networks().delete(project=project, network=name).execute()
def create_static_ip(compute, project, region, name):
"""Create global static IP
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:param name: string, Static IP name
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
return compute.addresses().insert(project=project, region=region, body={
'name': name,
def get_static_ip(compute, project, region, name):
"""Get static IP
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:param name: string, Static IP name
:return: GCE static IP information
:rtype: dict
return compute.addresses().get(project=project, region=region,
def delete_static_ip(compute, project, region, name):
"""Delete static IP
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:param name: string, Static IP name
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
return compute.addresses().delete(project=project, region=region,
def get_floatingip(compute, project, region, ip):
"""Get details of static IP in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:param ip: string, GCE Static IP
:return: GCE address information
:rtype: dict
query = 'address eq %s' % ip
result = compute.addresses().list(project=project, region=region,
if 'items' in result and len(result['items']) == 1:
return result['items'][0]
raise GceResourceNotFound(name='Floating IP', identifier=ip)
def allocate_floatingip(compute, project, region):
"""Get global static IP in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:return: GCE static IP
:rtype: str
name = 'ip-' + str(uuid.uuid4())
operation = create_static_ip(compute, project, region, name)
wait_for_operation(compute, project, operation)
address = get_static_ip(compute, project, region, name)
return address['address']
def delete_floatingip(compute, project, region, ip):
"""Delete particular static IP
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param region: string, GCE region
:param ip: string, GCE Static IP
address = get_floatingip(compute, project, region, ip)
name = address['name']
operation = delete_static_ip(compute, project, region, name)
wait_for_operation(compute, project, operation)
def assign_floatingip(compute, project, zone, fixedip, floatingip):
"""Assign static IP to interface with mentioned fixed IP
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param zone: string, GCE zone
:param fixedip: string, GCE private IP from private network
:param floatingip: string, GCE static IP
instances = list_instances(compute, project, zone)
instance_name = None
for instance in instances:
for interface in instance['networkInterfaces']:
if interface['networkIP'] == fixedip:
instance_name = instance['name']
interface_name = interface['name']
if not instance_name:
raise GceResourceNotFound(name='Instance with fixed IP',
_LI('Assigning floating ip %s to instance %s') % (floatingip,
operation = compute.instances().addAccessConfig(
project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance_name,
networkInterface=interface_name, body={
'type': 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT',
'name': 'External NAT',
'natIP': floatingip
wait_for_operation(compute, project, operation)
def release_floatingip(compute, project, zone, floatingip):
"""Release GCE static IP from instances using it
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param zone: string, GCE zone
:param floatingip: string, GCE static IP
address = get_floatingip(compute, project, zone, floatingip)
for user in address.get('users', []):
# Parse instance info
# Eg. /compute/v1/projects/<name>/zones/<zone>/instances/<name>
items = urllib.parse.urlparse(user).path.strip('/').split('/')
if len(items) < 4 or items[-2] != 'instances':
_LI('Unknown referrer %s to GCE static IP %s') % (user,
instance, zone = items[-1], items[-3]
instance_info = get_instance(compute, project, zone, instance)
for interface in instance_info['networkInterfaces']:
for accessconfig in interface.get('accessConfigs', []):
if accessconfig.get('natIP') == floatingip:
_LI('Releasing %s from instance %s') % (floatingip,
operation = compute.instances().deleteAccessConfig(
project=project, zone=zone, instance=instance,
wait_for_operation(compute, project, operation)
def create_firewall_rule(compute, project, body):
"""Create firewall rule in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param body: dict, Information required for creating firewall
Refer format at
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
return compute.firewalls().insert(project=project, body=body).execute()
def update_firewall_rule(compute, project, name, body):
"""Update existing firewall rule in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param name: string, GCE firewall name
:param body: dict, Information required for updating firewall
Refer format at
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
return compute.firewalls().update(project=project, firewall=name,
def delete_firewall_rule(compute, project, name):
"""Delete firewall rule in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param name: string, GCE firewall name
:return: Operation information
:rtype: dict
return compute.firewalls().delete(project=project, firewall=name).execute()
def get_firewall_rule(compute, project, name):
"""Get firewall rule info in GCE
:param compute: GCE compute resource object using googleapiclient.discovery
:param project: string, GCE Project Id
:param name: string, GCE firewall name
:return: Firewall info
:rtype: dict
return compute.firewalls().get(project=project, firewall=name).execute()