Merge "Add functional tests for network"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2016-06-23 12:04:19 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 4a3b5904d7
5 changed files with 732 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -157,24 +157,26 @@ networks = {
ports = {
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"port_id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
[{"ip_address": uuid.uuid4().hex}],
"mac_addr": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"port_state": "DOWN",
"net_id": uuid.uuid4().hex
"net_id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"server_id": linked_vm_id
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["baz"]["id"]: [
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"port_id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"fixed_ips": [
{"ip_address": uuid.uuid4().hex}
{"ip_address": ""}
"mac_addr": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"port_state": "ACTIVE",
"net_id": uuid.uuid4().hex
"net_id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"server_id": linked_vm_id
@ -563,6 +565,26 @@ class FakeApp(object):
ip = {"floating_ip": {"ip": allocated_ip, "id": 1}}
return create_fake_json_resp(ip, 202)
def _do_create_port(self, req):
tenant = req.path_info.split('/')[1]
body = req.json_body.copy()
server = body["interfaceAttachment"]["server_id"]
net = body["interfaceAttachment"]["net_id"]
port = ports[tenant]
p = {"interfaceAttachment": {
"port_id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"mac_addr": port[0]["mac_addr"],
"port_state": "DOWN",
"net_id": net,
"server_id": server
return create_fake_json_resp(p, 200)
def _do_post(self, req):
if req.path_info.endswith("servers"):
return self._do_create_server(req)
@ -578,6 +600,8 @@ class FakeApp(object):
return self._do_create_attachment(req)
elif req.path_info.endswith("os-floating-ips"):
return self._do_allocate_ip(req)
elif req.path_info.endswith("os-interface"):
return self._do_create_port(req)
raise Exception
def _do_delete(self, req):
@ -587,6 +611,7 @@ class FakeApp(object):
r"/[^/]+/os-floating-ips/[^/]+$": 202,
r"/[^/]+/servers/[^/]+$": 204,
r"/[^/]+/os-volumes/[^/]+$": 204,
r"/[^/]+/servers/[^/]+/os-interface/[^/]+$": 204,
for p, st in tested_paths.items():
if re.match(p, req.path_info):

View File

@ -71,6 +71,26 @@ networks = {
networks_nova = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"label": "foo",
"gateway": "",
"cidr": "",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"label": "bar",
"gateway": "",
"cidr": "",
"status": "DOWN",
pools = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
@ -90,6 +110,15 @@ linked_net_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
allocated_ip = ""
ports = {
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"device_id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"device_owner": uuid.uuid4().hex
network_links = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
@ -236,4 +265,112 @@ def fake_network_occi(os_list_net):
list_nets = []
for n in os_list_net:
list_nets.append(fake_build_net(n['name'], id=n['id']))
return network.Controller._get_network_resources(list_nets)
return network.Controller._get_network_resources(list_nets)
def build_occi_network(network):
name = network["name"]
network_id = network["id"]
subnet_info = network["subnet_info"]
status = network["status"].upper()
if status in ("ACTIVE",):
status = "active"
status = "inactive"
app_url = application_url
cats = []
cats.append('network; '
' class="kind"; title="network resource";'
' rel='
' location="%s/network/"' % app_url)
cats.append('ipnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="IP Networking Mixin"')
cats.append('osnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="openstack network"')
links = []
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=up>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#up"' %
(application_url, network_id))
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=down>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#down"' %
(application_url, network_id))
attrs = [
'"%s"' % network_id,
'occi.core.title="%s"' % name,
'"%s"' % status,
'"%s"' % subnet_info["ip_version"],
'"%s"' % subnet_info["cidr"],
'"%s"' % subnet_info["gateway_ip"],
result = []
for c in cats:
result.append(("Category", c))
for a in attrs:
result.append(("X-OCCI-Attribute", a))
for l in links:
result.append(("Link", l))
return result
def build_occi_nova(network):
name = network["label"]
network_id = network["id"]
gateway = network["gateway"]
cidr = network["cidr"]
status = "active"
app_url = application_url
cats = []
cats.append('network; '
' class="kind"; title="network resource";'
' rel='
' location="%s/network/"' % app_url)
cats.append('ipnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="IP Networking Mixin"')
cats.append('osnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="openstack network"')
links = []
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=up>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#up"' %
(application_url, network_id))
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=down>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#down"' %
(application_url, network_id))
attrs = [
'"%s"' % network_id,
'occi.core.title="%s"' % name,
'"%s"' % status,
'"%s"' % cidr,
'"%s"' % gateway,
result = []
for c in cats:
result.append(("Category", c))
for a in attrs:
result.append(("X-OCCI-Attribute", a))
for l in links:
result.append(("Link", l))
return result

View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Spanish National Research Council
# Copyright 2016 LIP - Lisbon
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import uuid
from ooi.tests import fakes
from ooi.tests.middleware import test_middleware
from ooi import utils
class TestFunctionalNetInterface(test_middleware.TestMiddleware):
"""Test OCCI network interface controller."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestFunctionalNetInterface, self).setUp()
self.application_url = fakes.application_url = self.get_app()
def test_list_ifaces_empty(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["bar"]
for url in ("/networklink/", "/networklink"):
req = self._build_req(url, tenant["id"], method="GET")
req.environ["HTTP_X_PROJECT_ID"] = tenant["id"]
resp = req.get_response(
expected_result = ""
self.assertExpectedResult(expected_result, resp)
self.assertEqual(204, resp.status_code)
def test_list_ifaces(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["baz"]
for url in ("/networklink/", "/networklink"):
req = self._build_req(url, tenant["id"], method="GET")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
expected = []
float_list = {}
for floating_ip in fakes.floating_ips[tenant["id"]]:
if floating_ip["instance_id"]:
float_list.update({floating_ip['fixed_ip']: floating_ip})
instance_vm = fakes.linked_vm_id
for p in fakes.ports[tenant["id"]]:
for ip in p["fixed_ips"]:
link_id = '_'.join([instance_vm,
utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"networklink/%s" % link_id))
float_ip = float_list.get(ip['ip_address'], None)
if float_ip:
link_id = '_'.join([instance_vm,
utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"networklink/%s" % link_id))
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
def test_show_iface(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["baz"]
instance_vm = fakes.linked_vm_id
for p in fakes.ports[tenant["id"]]:
for ip in p["fixed_ips"]:
link_id = '_'.join([instance_vm,
req = self._build_req("/networklink/%s" % link_id,
tenant["id"], method="GET")
resp = req.get_response(
source = utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"compute/%s" % instance_vm)
target = utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % p["net_id"])
self.assertResultIncludesLinkAttr(link_id, source, target,
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
def test_show_invalid_id(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
link_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
req = self._build_req("/networklink/%s" % link_id,
tenant["id"], method="GET")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(404, resp.status_code)
def test_create_link_invalid(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
net_id = fakes.ports[tenant['id']][0]['net_id']
occi_net_id = utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % net_id)
headers = {
'Category': (
'X-OCCI-Attribute': (
'occi.core.source="foo", '
) % occi_net_id
req = self._build_req("/networklink", None, method="POST",
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(400, resp.status_code)
def test_create_link_no_pool(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
net_id = fakes.ports[tenant['id']][0]['net_id']
occi_compute_id = utils.join_url(
self.application_url + "/",
"compute/%s" % fakes.linked_vm_id)
occi_net_id = utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % net_id)
headers = {
'Category': (
'X-OCCI-Attribute': ('occi.core.source="%s", '
) % (occi_compute_id, occi_net_id)
req = self._build_req("/networklink", tenant["id"], method="POST",
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
def test_create_link_with_pool(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["baz"]
link_info = fakes.ports[tenant['id']][0]
server_url = utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"compute/%s" % link_info['server_id'])
net_url = utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % link_info['net_id'])
pool_name = 'pool'
headers = {
'Category': (
'floatingippool#"; class="mixin"') % pool_name,
'X-OCCI-Attribute': (
'occi.core.source="%s", '
) % (server_url, net_url)
req = self._build_req("/networklink", tenant["id"], method="POST",
resp = req.get_response(
link_id = '_'.join([link_info['server_id'],
expected = [("X-OCCI-Location",
utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"networklink/%s" % link_id))]
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
def test_delete_fixed(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["baz"]
for n in fakes.ports[tenant["id"]]:
if n["net_id"] != "PUBLIC":
if n["server_id"]:
link_id = '_'.join([n["server_id"],
req = self._build_req(
"/networklink/%s" % link_id,
tenant["id"], method="DELETE")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(204, resp.status_code)
def test_delete_public(self):
tenant = fakes.tenants["baz"]
for n in fakes.floating_ips[tenant["id"]]:
if n["instance_id"]:
link_id = '_'.join([n["instance_id"],
req = self._build_req("/networklink/%s" % link_id,
tenant["id"], method="DELETE")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(204, resp.status_code)
class NetInterfaceControllerTextPlain(test_middleware.TestMiddlewareTextPlain,
"""Test OCCI network link controller with Accept: text/plain."""
class NetInterfaceControllerTextOcci(test_middleware.TestMiddlewareTextOcci,
"""Test OCCI network link controller with Accept: text/occi."""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Spanish National Research Council
# Copyright 2016 LIP - Lisbon
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
import uuid
import webob
from ooi.api import helpers
from ooi.tests import fakes_network as fakes
from ooi.tests.middleware import test_middleware
from ooi import utils
from ooi import wsgi
class TestFunctionalNeutron(test_middleware.TestMiddleware):
"""Test OCCI compute controller."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestFunctionalNeutron, self).setUp()
self.schema = ''
self.accept = self.content_type = None
self.application_url = fakes.application_url
self.neutron_endpoint = "foo" = wsgi.OCCIMiddleware(
def assertExpectedResult(self, expected, result):
expected = ["%s: %s" % e for e in expected]
# NOTE(aloga): the order of the result does not matter
results = str(result.text).splitlines()
self.assertItemsEqual(expected, results)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_list_networks_empty(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["bar"]
out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"networks": fakes.networks[tenant['id']]}, 200)
m.return_value.get_response.return_value = out
req = self._build_req(path="/network",
tenant_id='X', method="GET")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(204, resp.status_code)
expected_result = ""
self.assertExpectedResult(expected_result, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_list_networks(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"networks": fakes.networks[tenant['id']]}, 200)
m.return_value.get_response.return_value = out
req = self._build_req(path="/network",
tenant_id='X', method="GET")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
expected = []
for s in fakes.networks[tenant["id"]]:
utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % s["id"]))
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_create(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
net_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"network": fakes.networks[tenant['id']][0]}, 200)
mock_net = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_net.get_response.return_value = net_out
subnet_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"subnet": fakes.networks[tenant['id']][0]["subnet_info"]},
mock_subnet = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_subnet.get_response.return_value = subnet_out
public_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"networks": fakes.networks[tenant['id']]},
mock_public = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_public.get_response.return_value = public_out
router_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"router": {"id": uuid.uuid4().hex}},
mock_router = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_router.get_response.return_value = router_out
mock_iface = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_iface.get_response.return_value = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"foo": "foo"}, 200)
m.side_effect = [mock_net, mock_subnet, mock_public,
mock_router, mock_iface
name = fakes.networks[tenant["id"]][0]["name"]
net_id = fakes.networks[tenant["id"]][0]["id"]
address = fakes.networks[tenant["id"]][0]["subnet_info"]["cidr"]
headers = {
'Category': 'network;'
' scheme='
' scheme='
'X-OCCI-Attribute': '"occi.core.title"="%s",'
'""="%s"' %
(name, address)
req = self._build_req(path="/network",
m.return_value = fakes.networks[tenant['id']][0]
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
expected = [("X-OCCI-Location",
utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % net_id))]
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_show_networks(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
for n in fakes.networks[tenant["id"]]:
net_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"network": n}, 200)
mock_net = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_net.get_response.return_value = net_out
subnet_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"subnet": n["subnet_info"]}, 200)
mock_subnet = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_subnet.get_response.return_value = subnet_out
m.side_effect = [mock_net, mock_subnet]
req = self._build_req(path="/network/%s" % n["id"],
resp = req.get_response(
expected = fakes.build_occi_network(n)
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_delete_networks(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
port_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"ports": fakes.ports[tenant['id']]}, 200)
mock_port = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_port.get_response.return_value = port_out
empty_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp([], 204)
mock_empty = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_empty.get_response.return_value = empty_out
m.side_effect = [mock_port, mock_empty, mock_empty,
mock_empty, mock_empty]
for n in fakes.networks[tenant["id"]]:
m.return_value = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"subnet": n["subnet_info"]}, 200)
req = self._build_req(path="/network/%s" % n["id"],
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(204, resp.status_code)
class NetworkControllerTextPlain(test_middleware.TestMiddlewareTextPlain,
"""Test OCCI network controller with Accept: text/plain."""
class NetworkControllerTextOcci(test_middleware.TestMiddlewareTextOcci,
"""Test OCCI network controller with Accept: text/occi."""
class TestFunctionalNova(test_middleware.TestMiddleware):
"""Test OCCI compute controller."""
def setUp(self):
super(TestFunctionalNova, self).setUp()
self.schema = ''
self.accept = self.content_type = None
self.application_url = fakes.application_url = wsgi.OCCIMiddleware(
def assertExpectedResult(self, expected, result):
expected = ["%s: %s" % e for e in expected]
# NOTE(aloga): the order of the result does not matter
results = str(result.text).splitlines()
self.assertItemsEqual(expected, results)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_list_networks_empty(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["bar"]
out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"networks": fakes.networks_nova[tenant['id']]}, 200)
m.return_value.get_response.return_value = out
req = self._build_req(path="/network",
tenant_id='X', method="GET")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(204, resp.status_code)
expected_result = ""
self.assertExpectedResult(expected_result, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_list_networks(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"networks": fakes.networks_nova[tenant['id']]}, 200)
m.return_value.get_response.return_value = out
req = self._build_req(path="/network",
tenant_id='X', method="GET")
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
expected = []
for s in fakes.networks_nova[tenant["id"]]:
utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % s["id"]))
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_create(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
net_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"network": fakes.networks_nova[tenant['id']][0]}, 200)
mock_net = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_net.get_response.return_value = net_out
m.side_effect = [mock_net]
name = fakes.networks_nova[tenant["id"]][0]["label"]
net_id = fakes.networks_nova[tenant["id"]][0]["id"]
address = fakes.networks_nova[tenant["id"]][0]["cidr"]
headers = {
'Category': 'network;'
' scheme='
' scheme='
'X-OCCI-Attribute': '"occi.core.title"="%s",'
'""="%s"' %
(name, address)
req = self._build_req(path="/network",
m.return_value = fakes.networks_nova[tenant['id']][0]
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
expected = [("X-OCCI-Location",
utils.join_url(self.application_url + "/",
"network/%s" % net_id))]
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_show_networks(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
for n in fakes.networks_nova[tenant["id"]]:
net_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
{"network": n}, 200)
mock_net = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_net.get_response.return_value = net_out
m.side_effect = [mock_net]
req = self._build_req(path="/network/%s" % n["id"],
resp = req.get_response(
expected = fakes.build_occi_nova(n)
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)
@mock.patch.object(helpers.BaseHelper, "_get_req")
def test_delete_networks(self, m):
tenant = fakes.tenants["foo"]
empty_out = fakes.create_fake_json_resp(
[], 204)
mock_empty = mock.Mock(webob.Request)
mock_empty.get_response.return_value = empty_out
for n in fakes.networks_nova[tenant["id"]]:
m.side_effect = [mock_empty]
req = self._build_req(path="/network/%s" % n["id"],
resp = req.get_response(
self.assertEqual(204, resp.status_code)

View File

@ -26,62 +26,6 @@ from ooi import utils
from ooi import wsgi
def build_occi_network(network):
name = network["name"]
network_id = network["id"]
subnet_info = network["subnet_info"]
status = network["status"].upper()
if status in ("ACTIVE",):
status = "active"
status = "inactive"
app_url = fakes.application_url
cats = []
cats.append('network; '
' class="kind"; title="network resource";'
' rel='
' location="%s/network/"' % app_url)
cats.append('ipnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="IP Networking Mixin"')
cats.append('osnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="openstack network"')
links = []
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=up>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#up"' %
(fakes.application_url, network_id))
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=down>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#down"' %
(fakes.application_url, network_id))
attrs = [
'"%s"' % network_id,
'occi.core.title="%s"' % name,
'"%s"' % status,
'"%s"' % subnet_info["ip_version"],
'"%s"' % subnet_info["cidr"],
'"%s"' % subnet_info["gateway_ip"],
result = []
for c in cats:
result.append(("Category", c))
for a in attrs:
result.append(("X-OCCI-Attribute", a))
for l in links:
result.append(("Link", l))
return result
def create_occi_results(data):
return network.Controller(None)._get_network_resources(data)
@ -190,7 +134,7 @@ class TestNetworkController(TestMiddlewareNeutron):
resp = req.get_response(
expected = build_occi_network(n)
expected = fakes.build_occi_network(n)
self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
self.assertExpectedResult(expected, resp)