
472 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2015 LIP - INDIGO-DataCloud
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import uuid
import six
import webob.dec
import webob.exc
from ooi.api import network
from ooi.api import network_link
from ooi import wsgi
application_url = "https://foo.example.org:8774/ooiv1"
tenants = {
"foo": {"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "foo"},
"baz": {"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "foo"},
"bar": {"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "bar"},
"public": {"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "bar"},
subnets = [
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "private-subnet",
"cidr": "",
"ip_version": 4,
"gateway_ip": "",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "public-subnet",
"cidr": "",
"ip_version": 4,
"gateway_ip": "",
networks = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "foo",
"subnet_info": subnets[0],
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "bar",
"subnet_info": subnets[1],
"status": "DOWN",
networks_nova = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"label": "foo",
"gateway": "",
"cidr": "",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"label": "bar",
"gateway": "",
"cidr": "",
"status": "DOWN",
pools = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "foo",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"name": "bar",
linked_vm_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
linked_net_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
allocated_ip = ""
ports = {
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"device_id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"device_owner": uuid.uuid4().hex
network_links = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [
"ip": "",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"instance_id": linked_vm_id,
"ip": "",
"network_id": linked_net_id,
"pool": pools[tenants["foo"]["id"]][0]["name"],
"ip": None,
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"instance_id": None,
"network_id": linked_net_id,
"ip": "",
"pool": pools[tenants["foo"]["id"]][0]["name"],
tenants["public"]["id"]: [
"ip": "",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"instance_id": linked_vm_id,
"ip": "",
"network_id": 'PUBLIC',
"pool": pools[tenants["foo"]["id"]][0]["name"],
'status': 'active'
security_groups = {
tenants["bar"]["id"]: [],
tenants["foo"]["id"]: [],
tenants["baz"]["id"]: [
"name": "group1",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"description": "group one",
"security_group_rules": [
{"ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_min": 443,
"port_range_max": 443, "remote_ip_prefix": "",
"protocol": "tcp", "direction": "ingress"},
{"ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_min": "8000",
"port_range_max": 9000, "remote_ip_prefix": "",
"protocol": "udp", "direction": "egress"}
"name": "group2",
"id": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"description": "group two",
"security_group_rules": [
{"ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_min": 80,
"port_range_max": 80, "remote_ip_prefix": "",
"protocol": "tcp", "direction": "ingress"},
{"ethertype": "IPv4", "port_range_min": "5000",
"port_range_max": 6000, "remote_ip_prefix": "",
"protocol": "udp", "direction": "egress"}
def create_fake_json_resp(data, status=200):
r = webob.Response()
r.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
r.charset = "utf8"
r.body = json.dumps(data).encode("utf8")
r.status_code = status
return r
def add_to_fake_json_resp(req, obj_name, data):
body = json.loads(req.body)
for element in data:
req.body = json.dumps(body).encode("utf8")
return req
def create_req_test(params, schemes):
headers = create_header(params, schemes)
req = webob.Request.blank(path="")
req.headers = headers
return wsgi.Request(req.environ)
def create_header(params, schemes, project=None):
headers = {}
att = ""
if params is not None:
for k, v in params.items():
att = "%s, %s=%s " % (att, k, v)
headers["X_OCCI_Attribute"] = att
if schemes is not None:
sch = ""
cat = ""
for k, v in schemes.items():
sch = "%s, %s:%s" % (sch, k, v)
cat = "%s, %s%s" % (cat, k, v)
headers["schemes"] = sch
# headers['Category']= cat
if project is not None:
headers["X_PROJECT_ID"] = project
return headers
def create_req_json_occi(params, category, method="POST"):
headers = create_headers(category,
body = {}
for c in category:
body["kind"] = "%s%s" % (
c.scheme, c.term)
body["attributes"] = params
req = webob.Request.blank(path="")
req.headers = headers
req.method = method
req.body = json.dumps(body).encode("utf8")
return wsgi.Request(req.environ)
def create_req_test_occi(params, category):
headers = create_header_occi(params, category)
req = webob.Request.blank(path="")
req.headers = headers
return wsgi.Request(req.environ)
def create_header_occi(params, category, project=None):
headers = create_headers(category, project)
att = ""
if params is not None:
for k, v in params.items():
if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
att = "%s, %s=\"%s\"" % (att, k, v)
att = "%s, %s=%s" % (att, k, v)
headers["X_OCCI_Attribute"] = att
return headers
def create_headers(category, content_type=None,
headers = {}
if category is not None:
cat = ""
for c in category:
cat = "%s%s; scheme=%s; class=%s, " % (
c.term, c.scheme, c.occi_class)
headers['Category'] = cat[:-1]
if project is not None:
headers['X_PROJECT_ID'] = project
if content_type is not None:
headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
return headers
def fake_build_link(net_id, compute_id, ip, mac=None,
pool=None, state='active', public_ip=False):
link = {}
link['mac'] = mac
link['pool'] = pool
link['network_id'] = net_id
link['compute_id'] = compute_id
link['ip'] = ip
link['state'] = state
link['public_ip'] = public_ip
return link
def fake_network_link_occi(os_list_net):
list_links = []
for l in os_list_net:
if l['instance_id']:
l['instance_id'], l['ip']))
return network_link._get_network_link_resources(list_links)
def fake_build_net(name, ip_version=4, address='', gateway='',
id="33", state='active'):
link = {}
link['id'] = id
link['name'] = name
link['address'] = address
link['gateway'] = gateway
link['ip_version'] = ip_version
link['state'] = state
return link
def fake_network_occi(os_list_net):
list_nets = []
for n in os_list_net:
list_nets.append(fake_build_net(n['name'], id=n['id']))
return network.Controller._get_network_resources(list_nets)
def build_occi_network(network):
name = network["name"]
network_id = network["id"]
subnet_info = network["subnet_info"]
status = network["status"].upper()
if status in ("ACTIVE",):
status = "active"
status = "inactive"
app_url = application_url
cats = []
cats.append('network; '
' class="kind"; title="network resource";'
' rel='
' location="%s/network/"' % app_url)
cats.append('ipnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="IP Networking Mixin"')
cats.append('osnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="openstack network"')
links = []
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=up>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#up"' %
(application_url, network_id))
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=down>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#down"' %
(application_url, network_id))
attrs = [
'occi.core.id="%s"' % network_id,
'occi.core.title="%s"' % name,
'occi.network.state="%s"' % status,
'org.openstack.network.ip_version=%s' % subnet_info["ip_version"],
'occi.network.address="%s"' % subnet_info["cidr"],
'occi.network.gateway="%s"' % subnet_info["gateway_ip"],
result = []
for c in cats:
result.append(("Category", c))
for a in attrs:
result.append(("X-OCCI-Attribute", a))
for l in links:
result.append(("Link", l))
return result
def build_occi_nova(network):
name = network["label"]
network_id = network["id"]
gateway = network["gateway"]
cidr = network["cidr"]
status = "active"
app_url = application_url
cats = []
cats.append('network; '
' class="kind"; title="network resource";'
' rel='
' location="%s/network/"' % app_url)
cats.append('ipnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="IP Networking Mixin"')
cats.append('osnetwork; '
' class="mixin"; title="openstack network"')
links = []
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=up>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#up"' %
(application_url, network_id))
links.append('<%s/network/%s?action=down>; '
'infrastructure/network/action#down"' %
(application_url, network_id))
attrs = [
'occi.core.id="%s"' % network_id,
'occi.core.title="%s"' % name,
'occi.network.state="%s"' % status,
'occi.network.address="%s"' % cidr,
'occi.network.gateway="%s"' % gateway,
result = []
for c in cats:
result.append(("Category", c))
for a in attrs:
result.append(("X-OCCI-Attribute", a))
for l in links:
result.append(("Link", l))
return result
def build_occi_securitygroup(secgroup):
name = secgroup["title"]
secgroup_id = secgroup["id"]
rules = secgroup["rules"]
summary = secgroup["summary"]
app_url = application_url
cats = []
cats.append('securitygroup; '
' class="kind"; title="securitygroup resource";'
' rel='
' location="%s/securitygroup/"' % app_url)
links = []
attrs = [
'occi.core.id="%s"' % secgroup_id,
'occi.core.title="%s"' % name,
'occi.core.summary="%s"' % summary,
'occi.securitygroup.rules="%s"' % json.dumps(rules).replace('"', "'"),
result = []
for c in cats:
result.append(("Category", c))
for a in attrs:
result.append(("X-OCCI-Attribute", a))
for l in links:
result.append(("Link", l))
return result