Fix #11: Add auto alias generation

This patch adds optional alias generation from filenames.

There are 4 generation levels:
- Level 0: means disabled and will return the full file.
- Level 1: use filename without base or postfix
- Level 2: like 1, change filenames, reduce directories.
- Level 3: like 2, plus reduce directory names

If an alias is given auto alias generation will be skipped for that
This commit is contained in:
Gorka Eguileor 2016-03-08 02:06:30 +01:00 committed by Gorka Eguileor
parent 4a8b4d5052
commit f7289fb629
1 changed files with 263 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import hashlib
import itertools as it
import os
import sys
import tempfile
@ -13,6 +14,66 @@ __version__ = '1.0.3'
CACHE_DIR = "%s/oslogmerger-cache/" % tempfile.gettempdir()
# Shorten paths
'nova': 'N',
'glance': 'G',
'cinder': 'C',
'keystone': 'K',
'neutron': 'Q',
'swift': 'S',
'heat': 'H',
'ceilometer': 'T',
# Shorten filenames
# Cinder
'scheduler': 'SCH',
'volume': 'VOL',
'backup': 'BAK',
'cinder-manage': 'MNG',
# Nova
'nova-api': 'API',
'nova-cert': 'CRT',
'cert': 'CRT',
'nova-compute': 'CPU',
'compute': 'CPU',
'nova-conductor': 'COND',
'conductor': 'COND',
'nova-consoleauth': 'CAUTH',
'consoleauth': 'CAUTH',
'network': 'NET',
'nova-manage': 'MNG',
'nova-scheduler': 'SCH',
'nova-novncproxy': 'NOVNC',
'keystone': 'KEY',
'horizon': 'HRZN',
# Neutron
'registry': 'REG',
'openvswitch-agent': 'AGT',
'dhcp-agent': 'DHCP',
'l3-agent': 'L3',
'lbaas-agent': 'LBAAS',
'metadata-agent': 'META',
'metering-agent': 'MTR',
'openvswitch-agent': 'VSWI',
'server': 'API',
'linuxbridge-agent': 'SVC',
# Heat
'heat-api': 'API',
'heat-engine': 'ENG',
'heat-manage': 'MNG',
# Ceilometer
'agent-notification': 'NOTIF',
'alarm-evaluator': 'EVAL',
'alarm-notifier': 'ALRM',
'ceilometer-dbsync': 'DBSY',
'central': 'CENT',
'collector': 'COLL',
'compute': 'CPT',
class OpenStackLog:
def __init__(self, filename):
@ -91,39 +152,180 @@ class OpenStackLog:
yield entry
def process_logs(log_base, files, log_postfix):
def process_logs(cfg):
all_entries = []
filename_alias = {}
for filename in files:
# check if filename has an alias for log output, in the form of
# /path/filename:alias
filename_and_alias = filename.split(':')
filename = log_base + filename_and_alias[0] + log_postfix
alias = filename_and_alias[1:]
if filename == 'http' and alias and alias[0].startswith('//'):
filename = filename_and_alias[0] + ':' + filename_and_alias[1]
alias = filename_and_alias[2:]
if alias:
filename_alias[filename] = "[%s]" % alias[0]
filename_alias[filename] = filename
for filename in cfg.logfiles:
path, alias, is_url = get_path_and_alias(filename,
filename_alias[path] = (filename, alias, is_url)
# read the log
oslog = OpenStackLog(filename)
oslog = OpenStackLog(path)
for entry in oslog.log_entries():
alias = generate_aliases(filename_alias, cfg)
sorted_entries = sorted(all_entries, key=lambda log_entry: log_entry[0])
for entry in sorted_entries:
(date_object, filename, pid, level, rest) = entry
print (' '.join(
[date_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),
filename_alias[filename], pid,
'[%s]' % alias[filename], pid,
level, rest]).rstrip('\n'))
def get_path_and_alias(filename, log_base, log_postfix):
# check if filename has an alias for log output, in the form of
# /path/filename:alias
filename_and_alias = filename.rsplit(':', 1)
filename = log_base + filename_and_alias[0] + log_postfix
alias = filename_and_alias[1:]
is_url = False
if filename == 'http' and alias and alias[0].startswith('//'):
filename = filename_and_alias[0] + ':' + filename_and_alias[1]
alias = filename_and_alias[2:]
is_url = True
return filename, alias[0] if alias else None, is_url
# If we are in level 3, we must reduce all paths to the minimum
def reduce_strings(strings):
num_strs = len(strings)
if num_strs == 1:
return {strings[0]: strings[0][-1]}
# Convert each string to a list
str_list = [list(s) for s in strings]
result = [s.pop() for s in str_list]
while len(set(result)) != num_strs:
for i, s in enumerate(str_list):
if s:
letter = s.pop()
str_list[i].insert(0, letter)
result[i] = letter + result[i]
result = [''.join(r) for r in result]
return {strings[i]: s for i, s in enumerate(result)}
def reduce_tree(tree):
if not len(tree):
return tree
reduced = reduce_strings(tree[1].keys())
return {k: (reduced[k], reduce_tree(v)) for k, v in tree[1].items()}
def generate_aliases(aliases, cfg):
"""Generate aliases according to command line and level generation."""
def process(aliased, what, method):
checking = {k: method(f) for k, f in what.items()}
if all_unique_values(aliased, checking):
return checking
return what
def remove_extension(filename):
return filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
def map_file(processed_and_not):
# Get the filename and split the extension if we haven't already
filename = processed_and_not[0][-1].rsplit('.', 1)
mapping = FILE_MAP.get(filename[0], filename[0])
# I f we hadn't removed the extension it was because we would be
# creating duplicates, so replacing with an alias must also preserve
# the extension.
if len(filename) == 2:
mapping = mapping + '.' + filename[1]
return (processed_and_not[0][:-1], mapping)
def map_dir(processed_and_not):
# If there are more path elements try to map the next directory
if processed_and_not[0]:
elem = processed_and_not[0][-1]
if elem in PATH_MAP:
return (processed_and_not[0][:-1],
PATH_MAP[elem] + '-' + processed_and_not[1])
return processed_and_not
level = cfg.alias_level
if level <= 1:
return {p: a or (f if level else p)
for p, (f, a, u) in aliases.items()}
aliased = {p: a for p, (f, a, u) in aliases.items() if a}
# For URLs we will remote the http:// part
non_aliased = {p: f[7:] if u else f
for p, (f, a, u) in aliases.items() if not a}
# Remove file extesions if they were not specified with the postfix and
# they don't make duplicates
if not cfg.log_postfix:
non_aliased = process(aliased, non_aliased, remove_extension)
# Split the path, and mark it all as not processed
for k, v in non_aliased.items():
split = v.split('/')
non_aliased[k] = (split, '')
non_aliased = process(aliased, non_aliased, map_file)
non_aliased = process(aliased, non_aliased, map_dir)
# Remove all paths that are not unique within their respective directories
# For convenience we'll use a dictionary as a tree
tree = {}
for k, v in non_aliased.items():
last_tree = tree
for directory in v[0]:
last_tree[directory] = (directory, {})
last_tree = last_tree[directory][1]
# Reduce all paths as much as possible if alias level is 3
if level == 3:
tree = reduce_tree(('', tree))
# Cleanup directorios from the non processed part
for k, v in non_aliased.items():
last_tree = tree
path = []
for directory in v[0]:
# If a directory is non relevant (there is only 1 directory) we
# can remove it from the resulting path.
if len(last_tree) > 1:
last_tree = last_tree[directory][1]
non_aliased[k] = (path, v[1])
# Add aliased items back
result = {k: reconstruct_path(v) for k, v in non_aliased.items()}
result.update({k: v for k, v in aliased.items()})
return result
def reconstruct_path(path):
result = '/'.join(path[0])
if result:
return result + '/' + path[1]
return path[1]
def all_unique_values(*args):
original_len = sum(len(a) for a in args)
values = set()
for a in args:
vals = a.values()
if vals and isinstance(vals[0], tuple):
vals = [reconstruct_path(v) for v in vals]
return original_len == len(values)
def parse_args():
class MyParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
"""Class to print verbose help on error."""
@ -146,8 +348,45 @@ Y-m-d H:M:S.mmm PID LOG-LEVEL ............
[ extra line info ..... ]
general_epilog = """
If an alias has been defined in the command line it will have precedence
over any kind of filename reduction.
There are 4 levels for generating an alias by reducing the filename when
one has not been provided:'
- 0: means disabled, and will return the full file.
$ oslogmerger -b /var/log/cinder -p .log api scheduler
2016-02-01 10:23:34.680000 [/var/log/cinder/api.log] ...
2016-02-01 10:24:34.680000 [/var/log/cinder/scheduler.log] ...
- 1: use filename without prefix or postfix.
$ oslogmerger -a1 -b /var/log/cinder -p .log api scheduler
2016-02-01 10:23:34.680000 [api] ...
2016-02-01 10:24:34.680000 [scheduler] ...
- 2: same as level 1, but it will also remove filename extensions if they
have not been defined with the postfix, will reduce log filenames
(volume=VOL, scheduler=SCH, backup=BAK, ...) and immediate directory
(cinder=C, nova=N, neutron=Q, ...), and will remove all non relevant
$ oslogmerger -a2 node?/var/log/{cinder,nova}/*.log
2016-02-01 10:23:34.680000 [node1/C-API] ...
2016-02-01 10:24:34.680000 [node1/C-SCH]
2016-02-01 10:25:34.680000 [node1/C-VOL]
2016-02-01 10:26:34.680000 [node1/N-API]
2016-02-01 10:27:34.680000 [node2/N-CPU]
- 3: same as level 2, plus reduce directory names
$ oslogmerger -a3 node?/var/log/{cinder,nova}/*.log
2016-02-01 10:23:34.680000 [1/C-API] ...
2016-02-01 10:24:34.680000 [1/C-SCH]
2016-02-01 10:25:34.680000 [1/C-VOL]
2016-02-01 10:26:34.680000 [1/N-API]
2016-02-01 10:27:34.680000 [2/N-CPU]
parser = MyParser(description=general_description, version=__version__,
epilog=general_epilog, argument_default='',
parser.add_argument('--log-base ', '-b', dest='log_base',
help='Base path for all the log files')
@ -155,14 +394,16 @@ Y-m-d H:M:S.mmm PID LOG-LEVEL ............
help='Append to all the log files path')
parser.add_argument('logfiles', nargs='+', metavar='log_file',
help='File in the format of log_file[:ALIAS]')
parser.add_argument('--alias-level', '-a', type=int, default=0,
help='Level of smart alias naming (0-3)')
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
cfg = parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":