Miguel Angel Ajo 20645e4f9a Making sure we're ready for python3
Adds py37 to the env list and switches pep8 python to
python3, including necessary changes to make pylint
and pep8 checks happy in python3:

* Unpins pylint, as 1.4.5 explodes (exception) when trying
  to check our code.

* Unpins flake8-import-order from an old version.

* Stops making use of the builtin cmp function, and replaces
  it with the recommended (a > b) - (a < b).

* Disables one py3 specific warning, since it's still necessary
  for python2 (useless-object-inheritance)

* Removes a non existing argument in netprobe parser (version).

* Inserts an additional blank line between __future__ imports
  and stdlib imports.

Change-Id: If4a45108fe93080f9967e2ac26d681b8dd5c7fc2
2018-10-03 15:10:59 +02:00
__init__.py Added a new probe: netprobe 2016-04-23 18:53:37 +02:00
netprobe.py Making sure we're ready for python3 2018-10-03 15:10:59 +02:00