# LAMPstack Ansible deployments on OpenStack Cloud ## Status This will install a 4 node lampstack. The first node will be used as a load balancer by using Haproxy. The second node will be a database node and two nodes will be used as web servers. If it is desirable for more node, you can simply increase the number of nodes in the configuration, all added nodes will be used as web servers. Once the script finishes, a URL will be displayed at the end for verification. ## Requirements - [Install Ansible](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_installation.html) - [Install openstack shade] (http://docs.openstack.org/infra/shade/installation.html) - Make sure there is an Ubuntu cloud image available on your cloud. - Clone this project into a directory. ## Ansible Ansible and OpenStack Shade will be used to provision all of the OpenStack resources required by LAMP stack. ### Prep #### Deal with ssh keys for Openstack Authentication If you do not have a ssh key, then you should create one by using a tool. An example command to do that is provided below. Once you have a key pair, ensure your local ssh-agent is running and your ssh key has been added. This step is required. Not doing this, you will have to manually give passphrase when script runs, and script can fail. If you really do not want to deal with passphrase, you can create a key pair without passphrase:: ssh-keygen -t rsa eval $(ssh-agent -s) ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa #### General Openstack Settings Ansible's OpenStack cloud module is used to provision compute resources against an OpenStack cloud. Before you run the script, the cloud environment will have to be specified. Sample files have been provided in vars directory. You may create one such file per cloud for your tests. auth: { auth_url: "http://x.x.x.x:5000/v3", username: "demo", password: "{{ password }}", domain_name: "default", project_name: "demo" } app_env: { image_name: "trusty 1404", private_net_name: "Bluebox", public_net_name: "internet", public_key_file: "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.pub", stack_size: 4, volume_size: 2, block_device_name: "/dev/vdb", wp_theme: "https://downloads.wordpress.org/theme/iribbon.2.0.65.zip", wp_posts: "http://wpcandy.s3.amazonaws.com/resources/postsxml.zip" } The values of these variables should be provided by your cloud provider. When use keystone 2.0 API, you will not need to setup domain name. ## Provision the LAMP stack With your cloud environment set, you should be able to run the script:: ansible-playbook -e "action=apply env=leap password=XXXXX" site.yml The command will stand up the nodes using a cloud named leap (vars/leap.yml). If you run the test against other cloud, you can create a new file use same structure and specify that cloud attributes such as auth_url, etc. Then you can simply replace work leap with that file name. Replace xxxxx with your own password. If everything goes well, it will accomplish the following:: 1. Provision 4 nodes 2. Create security group 3. Add security rules to allow ping, ssh, mysql and nfs access 4. Create a cinder volume 5. Attach the cinder volume to database node for wordpress database and content 6. Setup NFS on database node, so that web servers can share the cinder volume space, all wordpress content will be saved on cinder volume. This is to ensure that the multiple web servres will represent same content. 7. Setup mysql to use the space provided by cinder volume 8. Configure and initialize wordpress 9. Install and activte a wordpress theme specified by configuration file 10.Install wordpress importer plugin 11.Import sample word press content 12.Remove not needed floating IPs from servers which do not need them. ## Next Steps ### Check its up If there are no errors, you can use the IP addresses of the webservers to access wordpress. If this is the very first time, you will be asked to do answer few questions. Once that is done, you will have a fully functional wordpress running. ## Cleanup Once you're done with it, don't forget to nuke the whole thing:: ansible-playbook -e "action=destroy env=leap password=XXXXX" site.yml The above command will destroy all the resources created.