Tyler Britten 1a183467e7 fixes refrence to wrong file
1) Updated file references to remove depricated terrform option
2) fixed the ADVERTISE_IP var to use the OpenStack private net IP instead of floating ip. proxy on compute nodes could not reach via FIP
3) added missing sed line for HYPERKUBE_VERSION on compute nodes

Changed to allow all TCP ports from whitelisted IP instead of just 22

updated image reference and added overrides for kubectl and hyperkube versions

Remove Outdated Add-ons

Update kubelet service definition to use the newer kubelet-wrapper in CoreOS. Updated image references to use CoreOS Specifc ones found on quay.io

Fixed Quay-based hyperkube versioning


typo- missing LR

Fixed wrong service account key

Updated README as well

md formatting fix

Change-Id: I4faaf00319c332d15748f17ebda7d9b8306d7716
2016-07-06 12:53:55 -04:00
compute-kubeconfig.yaml.config initial commit of terraform kubernetes coreos 2016-01-03 17:53:12 -06:00
kube-kubelet.service fixes refrence to wrong file 2016-07-06 12:53:55 -04:00
kube-proxy.yaml fixes refrence to wrong file 2016-07-06 12:53:55 -04:00