
30 lines
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Executable File

# This playbook looks for "ghost" VMs which are qemu processes
# that are running but that have been deleted from nova.
# These can occur as a result of a failed migration or a bug
# in nova or in your nova backend. "ghost" VMs use system resources
# on your compute hosts and it's possible that your customers are
# still using them via a floating-ip but have lost ability
# to manage them.
# This script assumes that you have an openrc file in /root/openrc
# on the ansible host where you are running this from.
# Author: Matt Fischer <matt.fischer@twcable.com>
# Usage:
# ghost-vm-finder.yaml
- name: "Find Ghost VMs (exist as a qemu process, but not in nova)"
hosts: compute
serial: 10
gather_facts: no
- shell: "ps -ef | grep qemu | grep -v 'grep' | awk -F 'uuid' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'"
name: "gather IDs from qemu"
register: qemu_list
- local_action: shell . /root/openrc && /usr/bin/nova show --minimal {{ item }}
name: "check IDs with nova"
- "{{ qemu_list.stdout_lines }}"