Update functional job

Change-Id: Ie29ceecb56aaae6e7bf2b9d91634b2b17a9ae9c3
This commit is contained in:
Jordan Pittier 2017-01-26 15:31:16 +01:00
parent f86c9b8360
commit f83b138fa8
5 changed files with 60 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ class CredentialsManager(object):
"now also disabled", self.options.purge_project)
def runner(
resource_mngr: ServiceResource, options: argparse.Namespace,
exit: threading.Event
@ -181,18 +180,29 @@ def runner(
except Exception as exc:
log = logging.error
recoverable = False
if hasattr(exc, 'inner_exception'):
# inner_exception is a tuple (type, value, traceback)
# mypy complains: "Exception" has no attribute "inner_exception"
exc_info = exc.inner_exception # type: ignore
if exc_info[0].__name__.lower().endswith('endpointnotfound'):
log = logging.info
recoverable = True
def is_exception_recoverable(exc):
if exc.__class__.__name__.lower().endswith('endpointnotfound'):
return True
elif hasattr(exc, 'inner_exception'):
# inner_exception is a tuple (type, value, traceback)
# mypy complains: "Exception" has no attribute
# "inner_exception"
exc_info = exc.inner_exception # type: ignore
if exc_info[0].__name__.lower().endswith('endpointnotfound'):
return True
return False
if is_exception_recoverable(exc):
log = logging.info
recoverable = True
log("Can't deal with %s: %r", resource_mngr.__class__.__name__, exc)
if not recoverable:
def main() -> None:
parser = create_argument_parser()

View File

@ -40,10 +40,12 @@ class RouterInterfaces(base.ServiceResource):
ORDER = 42
def check_prerequisite(self) -> bool:
return (self.cloud.list_servers() == [] and
filters={'tenant_id': self.cleanup_project_id}
) == [])
return (
self.cloud.list_servers() == [] and
filters={'tenant_id': self.cleanup_project_id}
) == []
def list(self) -> Iterable:
return self.cloud.list_ports(

View File

@ -105,7 +105,13 @@ class TestFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
exit = mock.Mock()
main.runner(resource_manager, mock.Mock(dry_run=True), exit)
self.assertEqual(1, resource_manager.list.call_count)
resource_manager = mock.Mock(
main.runner(resource_manager, mock.Mock(dry_run=True), exit)
self.assertEqual(1, resource_manager.list.call_count)
@mock.patch.object(main, 'os_client_config', autospec=True)

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ function assert_network {
function assert_volume {
exit 0
if [[ $(openstack volume backup list | wc -l) -lt 5 ]]; then
echo "Less than one volume backup, someone cleaned our backup:("
exit 1

View File

@ -42,6 +42,18 @@ function cleanup {
function wait_for_volume_to_be_available {
local vol_id=$1
vol_status=$(openstack volume show ${vol_id} | awk '/ status /{print $4}')
while [ ${vol_status} != "available" ]; do
echo "Status of volume $vol_id is $vol_status. Waiting 3 sec"
sleep 3
vol_status=$(openstack volume show ${vol_id} | awk '/ status /{print $4}')
# Check if needed environment variable OS_PROJECT_NAME is set and non-empty.
: "${OS_PROJECT_NAME:?Need to set OS_PROJECT_NAME non-empty}"
@ -52,7 +64,7 @@ EXTNET_NAME=${EXTNET_NAME:-public}
# Name of flavor used to spawn a VM
# Image used for the VM
@ -61,10 +73,10 @@ VMIMG_NAME=${VMIMG_NAME:-cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec}
### Do that early to fail early
# Retrieve external network ID
EXTNET_ID=$(neutron net-show $EXTNET_NAME | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
EXTNET_ID=$(openstack network show $EXTNET_NAME | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
exit_if_empty "$EXTNET_ID" "Unable to retrieve ID of external network $EXTNET_NAME"
exit_if_empty "$(nova flavor-list | grep ${FLAVOR})" "Flavor $FLAVOR is unknown to Nova"
exit_if_empty "$(openstack flavor list | grep ${FLAVOR})" "Flavor $FLAVOR is unknown to Nova"
# Look for the $VMIMG_NAME image and get its ID
IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image list | awk "/ $VMIMG_NAME /{print \$2}")
@ -80,17 +92,18 @@ trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
### Cinder
# Create a volume
VOL_ID=$(cinder create --display-name ${UUID} 1 | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
VOL_ID=$(openstack volume create --size 1 ${UUID} | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
exit_on_failure "Unable to create volume"
exit_if_empty "$VOL_ID" "Unable to retrieve ID of volume ${UUID}"
wait_for_volume_to_be_available ${VOL_ID}
# Snapshot the volume (note that it has to be detached, unless using --force)
cinder snapshot-create --display-name ${UUID} $VOL_ID
openstack volume snapshot create --volume $VOL_ID ${UUID}
exit_on_failure "Unable to snapshot volume ${UUID}"
# Backup volume
# Don't exit on failure as Cinder Backup is not available on all clouds
cinder backup-create --display-name ${UUID} $VOL_ID || true
openstack volume backup create --name ${UUID} $VOL_ID || true
@ -100,6 +113,7 @@ cinder backup-create --display-name ${UUID} $VOL_ID || true
# Create a private network and check it exists
NET_ID=$(neutron net-create ${UUID} | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
exit_on_failure "Creation of network ${UUID} failed"
echo "Network ${UUID} created, id $NET_ID"
exit_if_empty "$NET_ID" "Unable to retrieve ID of network ${UUID}"
# Add network's subnet
@ -116,15 +130,15 @@ exit_on_failure "Unable to create router ${UUID}"
exit_if_empty "$ROUT_ID" "Unable to retrieve ID of router ${UUID}"
# Set router's gateway
neutron router-gateway-set $ROUT_ID $EXTNET_ID
openstack router set --external-gateway $EXTNET_ID $ROUT_ID
exit_on_failure "Unable to set gateway to router ${UUID}"
# Connect router on internal network
neutron router-interface-add $ROUT_ID $SUBNET_ID
openstack router add subnet $ROUT_ID $SUBNET_ID
exit_on_failure "Unable to add interface on subnet ${UUID} to router ${UUID}"
# Create a floating IP and retrieve its IP Address
FIP_ADD=$(neutron floatingip-create $EXTNET_NAME | awk '/ floating_ip_address /{print $4}')
FIP_ADD=$(openstack floating ip create $EXTNET_NAME | awk '/ floating_ip_address /{print $4}')
exit_if_empty "$FIP_ADD" "Unable to create or retrieve floating IP"
# Create a security group
@ -142,7 +156,7 @@ neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol TCP \
### Nova
# Launch a VM
VM_ID=$(nova boot --flavor $FLAVOR --image $IMAGE_ID --nic net-id=$NET_ID ${UUID} | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
VM_ID=$(openstack server create --flavor $FLAVOR --image $IMAGE_ID --nic net-id=$NET_ID ${UUID} | awk '/ id /{print $4}')
exit_on_failure "Unable to boot VM ${UUID}"
exit_if_empty "$VM_ID" "Unable to retrieve ID of VM ${UUID}"
@ -152,7 +166,7 @@ exit_if_empty "$VM_ID" "Unable to retrieve ID of VM ${UUID}"
### Glance
# Upload glance image
glance image-create --name ${UUID} --disk-format raw --container-format bare --file ${UUID}.raw
openstack image create --disk-format raw --container-format bare --file ${UUID}.raw ${UUID}
exit_on_failure "Unable to create Glance iamge ${UUID}"
@ -168,13 +182,8 @@ swift upload ${UUID} ${UUID}.raw || true
### Link resources
# Wait for volume to be available
VOL_STATUS=$(cinder show $VOL_ID | awk '/ status /{print $4}')
while [ $VOL_STATUS != "available" ]; do
echo "Status of volume ${UUID} is $VOL_STATUS. Waiting 3 sec"
sleep 3
VOL_STATUS=$(cinder show $VOL_ID | awk '/ status /{print $4}')
wait_for_volume_to_be_available $VOL_ID
# Wait for VM to be active
VM_STATUS=$(nova show --minimal $VM_ID | awk '/ status /{print $4}')
@ -188,12 +197,12 @@ done
# This must be done before instance snapshot otherwise we could run into
# ERROR (Conflict): Cannot 'attach_volume' while instance is in task_state
# image_pending_upload
nova volume-attach $VM_ID $VOL_ID
openstack server add volume $VM_ID $VOL_ID
exit_on_failure "Unable to attach volume $VOL_ID to VM $VM_ID"
# Associate floating IP
# It as far away from the network creation as possible, because associating
# a FIP requires the network to be 'UP' (which could take several secs)
# See https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/1a30fda13ae78f4e40b848cacbf6278a359a91cb/nova/api/openstack/compute/floating_ips.py#L229
nova floating-ip-associate $VM_ID $FIP_ADD
openstack server add floating ip $VM_ID $FIP_ADD
exit_on_failure "Unable to associate floating IP $FIP_ADD to VM ${UUID}"