# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Installs and configures Puppet """ import sys import logging import os import time from packstack.installer import utils from packstack.installer import basedefs from packstack.installer.exceptions import PuppetError from packstack.installer.exceptions import ScriptRuntimeError from packstack.installer.utils import split_hosts from packstack.modules.common import filtered_hosts from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import appendManifestFile from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import generateHieraDataFile from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import getManifestTemplate from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import manifestfiles from packstack.modules.puppet import validate_logfile from packstack.modules.puppet import scan_logfile # ------------- Puppet Packstack Plugin Initialization -------------- PLUGIN_NAME = "Puppet" PLUGIN_NAME_COLORED = utils.color_text(PLUGIN_NAME, 'blue') PUPPET_DIR = os.environ.get('PACKSTACK_PUPPETDIR', '/usr/share/openstack-puppet/') MODULE_DIR = os.path.join(PUPPET_DIR, 'modules') def initConfig(controller): group = {"GROUP_NAME": "PUPPET", "DESCRIPTION": "Puppet Config parameters", "PRE_CONDITION": lambda x: 'yes', "PRE_CONDITION_MATCH": "yes", "POST_CONDITION": False, "POST_CONDITION_MATCH": True} controller.addGroup(group, []) def initSequences(controller): puppetpresteps = [ {'title': 'Clean Up', 'functions': [run_cleanup]}, ] controller.insertSequence("Clean Up", [], [], puppetpresteps, index=0) puppetsteps = [ {'title': 'Preparing Puppet manifests', 'functions': [prepare_puppet_modules]}, {'title': 'Copying Puppet modules and manifests', 'functions': [copy_puppet_modules]}, {'title': 'Applying Puppet manifests', 'functions': [apply_puppet_manifest]}, {'title': 'Finalizing', 'functions': [finalize]} ] controller.addSequence("Puppet", [], [], puppetsteps) # ------------------------- helper functions ------------------------- def wait_for_puppet(currently_running, messages): log_len = 0 twirl = ["-", "\\", "|", "/"] while currently_running: for hostname, finished_logfile in currently_running: log_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(finished_logfile))[0] if len(log_file) > log_len: log_len = len(log_file) if hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty(): twirl = twirl[-1:] + twirl[:-1] sys.stdout.write(("\rTesting if puppet apply is finished: %s" % log_file).ljust(40 + log_len)) sys.stdout.write("[ %s ]" % twirl[0]) sys.stdout.flush() try: # Once a remote puppet run has finished, we retrieve the log # file and check it for errors local_server = utils.ScriptRunner() log = os.path.join(basedefs.PUPPET_MANIFEST_DIR, os.path.basename(finished_logfile)) log = log.replace(".finished", ".log") local_server.append('scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ' 'root@[%s]:%s %s' % (hostname, finished_logfile, log)) # To not pollute logs we turn of logging of command execution local_server.execute(log=False) # If we got to this point the puppet apply has finished currently_running.remove((hostname, finished_logfile)) # clean off the last "testing apply" msg if hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty(): sys.stdout.write(("\r").ljust(45 + log_len)) except ScriptRuntimeError: # the test raises an exception if the file doesn't exist yet # TO-DO: We need to start testing 'e' for unexpected exceptions time.sleep(3) continue # check log file for relevant notices messages.extend(scan_logfile(log)) # check the log file for errors sys.stdout.write('\r') try: validate_logfile(log) state = utils.state_message('%s:' % log_file, 'DONE', 'green') sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % state) sys.stdout.flush() except PuppetError: state = utils.state_message('%s:' % log_file, 'ERROR', 'red') sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % state) sys.stdout.flush() raise # -------------------------- step functions -------------------------- def run_cleanup(config, messages): localserver = utils.ScriptRunner() localserver.append("rm -rf %s/*pp" % basedefs.PUPPET_MANIFEST_DIR) localserver.execute() def copy_puppet_modules(config, messages): os_modules = ' '.join(('aodh', 'apache', 'ceilometer', 'certmonger', 'cinder', 'concat', 'firewall', 'glance', 'gnocchi', 'heat', 'horizon', 'inifile', 'ironic', 'keystone', 'magnum', 'manila', 'memcached', 'mysql', 'neutron', 'nova', 'nssdb', 'openstack', 'openstacklib', 'oslo', 'ovn', 'packstack', 'panko', 'placement', 'rabbitmq', 'redis', 'remote', 'rsync', 'sahara', 'ssh', 'stdlib', 'swift', 'sysctl', 'tempest', 'trove', 'vcsrepo', 'vswitch', 'xinetd')) # write puppet manifest to disk manifestfiles.writeManifests() # write hieradata file to disk generateHieraDataFile() server = utils.ScriptRunner() for hostname in filtered_hosts(config): host_dir = config['HOST_DETAILS'][hostname]['tmpdir'] # copy hiera defaults.yaml file server.append("cd %s" % basedefs.HIERADATA_DIR) server.append("tar --dereference -cpzf - ../hieradata | " "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " "root@%s tar -C %s -xpzf -" % (hostname, host_dir)) # copy Packstack manifests server.append("cd %s/puppet" % basedefs.DIR_PROJECT_DIR) server.append("cd %s" % basedefs.PUPPET_MANIFEST_DIR) server.append("tar --dereference -cpzf - ../manifests | " "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " "root@%s tar -C %s -xpzf -" % (hostname, host_dir)) # copy resources resources = config.get('RESOURCES', {}) for path, localname in resources.get(hostname, []): server.append("scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " "%s root@[%s]:%s/resources/%s" % (path, hostname, host_dir, localname)) # copy Puppet modules required by Packstack server.append("cd %s" % MODULE_DIR) server.append("tar --dereference -cpzf - %s | " "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " "root@%s tar -C %s -xpzf -" % (os_modules, hostname, os.path.join(host_dir, 'modules'))) server.execute() def apply_puppet_manifest(config, messages): if config.get("DRY_RUN"): return currently_running = [] lastmarker = None loglevel = '' logcmd = False if logging.root.level <= logging.DEBUG: loglevel = '--debug' logcmd = True for manifest, marker in manifestfiles.getFiles(): # if the marker has changed then we don't want to proceed until # all of the previous puppet runs have finished if lastmarker is not None and lastmarker != marker: wait_for_puppet(currently_running, messages) lastmarker = marker for hostname in filtered_hosts(config): if "%s_" % hostname not in manifest: continue host_dir = config['HOST_DETAILS'][hostname]['tmpdir'] print("Applying %s" % manifest) server = utils.ScriptRunner(hostname) man_path = os.path.join(config['HOST_DETAILS'][hostname]['tmpdir'], basedefs.PUPPET_MANIFEST_RELATIVE, manifest) running_logfile = "%s.running" % man_path finished_logfile = "%s.finished" % man_path currently_running.append((hostname, finished_logfile)) server.append("touch %s" % running_logfile) server.append("chmod 600 %s" % running_logfile) server.append("export PACKSTACK_VAR_DIR=%s" % host_dir) cmd = ("( flock %s/ps.lock " "puppet apply %s --modulepath %s/modules %s > %s " "2>&1 < /dev/null ; " "mv %s %s ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &" % (host_dir, loglevel, host_dir, man_path, running_logfile, running_logfile, finished_logfile)) server.append(cmd) server.execute(log=logcmd) # wait for outstanding puppet runs before exiting wait_for_puppet(currently_running, messages) def prepare_puppet_modules(config, messages): network_hosts = split_hosts(config['CONFIG_NETWORK_HOSTS']) compute_hosts = split_hosts(config['CONFIG_COMPUTE_HOSTS']) manifestdata = getManifestTemplate("controller") manifestfile = "%s_controller.pp" % config['CONFIG_CONTROLLER_HOST'] appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata, marker='controller') for host in network_hosts: manifestdata = getManifestTemplate("network") manifestfile = "%s_network.pp" % host appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata, marker='network') for host in compute_hosts: manifestdata = getManifestTemplate("compute") manifestfile = "%s_compute.pp" % host appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata, marker='compute') def finalize(config, messages): for hostname in filtered_hosts(config): server = utils.ScriptRunner(hostname) server.append("installed=$(rpm -q kernel --last | head -n1 | " "sed 's/kernel-\([a-z0-9\.\_\-]*\).*/\\1/g')") server.append("loaded=$(uname -r | head -n1)") server.append('[ "$loaded" == "$installed" ]') try: rc, out = server.execute() except ScriptRuntimeError: messages.append('Because of the kernel update the host %s ' 'requires reboot.' % hostname)