class packstack::mariadb () { if hiera('CONFIG_MARIADB_INSTALL') == 'y' { create_resources(packstack::firewall, hiera('FIREWALL_MARIADB_RULES', {})) $max_connections = hiera('CONFIG_SERVICE_WORKERS') * 128 if ($::mariadb_provides_galera == 'true') { # Since mariadb 10.1 galera is included in main mariadb $mariadb_package_name = 'mariadb-server-galera' $mariadb_present = 'present' } else { # Package mariadb-server conflicts with mariadb-galera-server $mariadb_package_name = 'mariadb-galera-server' $mariadb_present = 'absent' } ensure_packages(['mariadb-server'], {'ensure' => $mariadb_present}) $bind_address = hiera('CONFIG_IP_VERSION') ? { 'ipv6' => '::0', default => '', # TO-DO(mmagr): Add IPv6 support when hostnames are used } $mysql_root_password = hiera('CONFIG_MARIADB_PW') class { '::mysql::server': package_name => $mariadb_package_name, restart => true, root_password => $mysql_root_password, require => Package['mariadb-server'], override_options => { 'mysqld' => { 'bind_address' => $bind_address, 'default_storage_engine' => 'InnoDB', 'max_connections' => $max_connections, 'open_files_limit' => '-1', # galera options 'wsrep_provider' => 'none', 'wsrep_cluster_name' => 'galera_cluster', 'wsrep_sst_method' => 'rsync', 'wsrep_sst_auth' => "root:${mysql_root_password}", }, }, } # deleting database users for security # this is done in mysql::server::account_security but has problems # when there is no fqdn, so we're defining a slightly different one here mysql_user { [ 'root@', 'root@::1', '@localhost', '@%' ]: ensure => 'absent', require => Class['mysql::server'], } if ($::fqdn != '' and $::fqdn != 'localhost') { mysql_user { [ "root@${::fqdn}", "@${::fqdn}"]: ensure => 'absent', require => Class['mysql::server'], } } if ($::fqdn != $::hostname and $::hostname != 'localhost') { mysql_user { ["root@${::hostname}", "@${::hostname}"]: ensure => 'absent', require => Class['mysql::server'], } } } else { class { '::remote::db': } } }