class packstack::nova::compute () { $my_ip = choose_my_ip(hiera('HOST_LIST')) $qemu_rule_name = "FIREWALL_NOVA_QEMU_MIG_RULES_${my_ip}" create_resources(packstack::firewall, hiera($qemu_rule_name, {})) create_resources(packstack::firewall, hiera('FIREWALL_NOVA_COMPUTE_RULES', {})) ensure_packages(['/usr/bin/cinder'], {'ensure' => 'present'}) Package['/usr/bin/cinder'] -> Class['nova'] # Install the private key to be used for live migration. This needs to be # configured into libvirt/live_migration_uri in nova.conf. $migrate_transport = hiera('CONFIG_NOVA_COMPUTE_MIGRATE_PROTOCOL') if $migrate_transport == 'ssh' { ensure_packages(['openstack-nova-migration'], {'ensure' => 'present'}) file { '/etc/nova/migration/identity': content => hiera('NOVA_MIGRATION_KEY_SECRET'), mode => '0600', owner => nova, group => nova, require => Package['openstack-nova-migration'], } $key_type = hiera('NOVA_MIGRATION_KEY_TYPE') $key_content = hiera('NOVA_MIGRATION_KEY_PUBLIC') file { '/etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys': content => "${key_type} ${key_content}", mode => '0640', owner => root, group => nova_migration, require => Package['openstack-nova-migration'], } augeas{'Match block for user nova_migration': context => '/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config', changes => [ 'set Match[User nova_migration]/Condition/User nova_migration', 'set Match[Condition/User = "nova_migration"]/Settings/AllowTcpForwarding no', 'set Match[Condition/User = "nova_migration"]/Settings/AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/nova/migration/authorized_keys', 'set Match[Condition/User = "nova_migration"]/Settings/ForceCommand /bin/nova-migration-wrapper', 'set Match[Condition/User = "nova_migration"]/Settings/PasswordAuthentication no', 'set Match[Condition/User = "nova_migration"]/Settings/X11Forwarding no', ], onlyif => 'match Match[Condition/User = "nova_migration"] size == 0', notify => Service['sshd'] } service {'sshd': ensure => running, } } nova_config{ 'DEFAULT/volume_api_class': value => 'nova.volume.cinder.API'; } if ($::fqdn == '' or $::fqdn =~ /localhost/) { # For cases where FQDNs have not been correctly set $vncproxy_server = choose_my_ip(hiera('HOST_LIST')) } else { $vncproxy_server = $::fqdn } if hiera('CONFIG_CEILOMETER_INSTALL') == 'y' { $instance_usage_audit = true $instance_usage_audit_period = 'hour' } else { $instance_usage_audit = false $instance_usage_audit_period = 'month' } class { '::nova::compute': enabled => true, vncproxy_host => hiera('CONFIG_KEYSTONE_HOST_URL'), vncproxy_protocol => hiera('CONFIG_VNCPROXY_PROTOCOL'), vncserver_proxyclient_address => $vncproxy_server, instance_usage_audit => $instance_usage_audit, instance_usage_audit_period => $instance_usage_audit_period, allow_resize_to_same_host => hiera('CONFIG_NOVA_ALLOW_RESIZE_TO_SAME'), force_config_drive => false, } class { '::nova::placement': auth_url => hiera('CONFIG_KEYSTONE_PUBLIC_URL'), password => hiera('CONFIG_NOVA_KS_PW'), region_name => hiera('CONFIG_KEYSTONE_REGION'), } class { '::nova::compute::pci': passthrough => hiera('CONFIG_NOVA_PCI_PASSTHROUGH_WHITELIST') } include ::nova::cell_v2::discover_hosts Class['nova::compute'] ~> Class['nova::cell_v2::discover_hosts'] # Tune the host with a virtual hosts profile ensure_packages(['tuned'], {'ensure' => 'present'}) service { 'tuned': ensure => running, require => Package['tuned'], } # tries/try_sleep to try and circumvent rhbz1320744 exec { 'tuned-virtual-host': unless => '/usr/sbin/tuned-adm active | /bin/grep virtual-host', command => '/usr/sbin/tuned-adm profile virtual-host', require => Service['tuned'], tries => 3, try_sleep => 5 } }