
100 lines
2.4 KiB

include ::packstack::apache_common
package { ['nagios', 'nagios-plugins-nrpe']:
ensure => present,
before => Class['nagios_configs'],
# We need to preferably install nagios-plugins-ping
exec { 'nagios-plugins-ping':
path => '/usr/bin',
command => 'yum install -y -d 0 -e 0 monitoring-plugins-ping',
onlyif => 'yum install -y -d 0 -e 0 nagios-plugins-ping &> /dev/null && exit 1 || exit 0',
before => Class['nagios_configs'],
class nagios_configs(){
file { ['/etc/nagios/nagios_command.cfg', '/etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg']:
ensure => file,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'nagios',
group => 'nagios',
# Remove the entry for localhost, it contains services we're not
# monitoring
file { ['/etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg']:
ensure => file,
content => '',
file_line { 'nagios_host':
path => '/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg',
line => 'cfg_file=/etc/nagios/nagios_host.cfg',
file_line { 'nagios_command':
path => '/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg',
line => 'cfg_file=/etc/nagios/nagios_command.cfg',
file_line { 'nagios_service':
path => '/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg',
line => 'cfg_file=/etc/nagios/nagios_service.cfg',
nagios_command { 'check_nrpe':
command_line => '/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$',
$cfg_nagios_pw = hiera('CONFIG_NAGIOS_PW')
exec { 'nagiospasswd':
command => "/usr/bin/htpasswd -b /etc/nagios/passwd nagiosadmin ${cfg_nagios_pw}",
$nagios_cfg_ks_adm_pw = hiera('CONFIG_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PW')
$nagios_cfg_ctrl_host = hiera('CONFIG_CONTROLLER_HOST')
file { '/etc/nagios/keystonerc_admin':
ensure => file,
owner => 'nagios',
mode => '0600',
content => "export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=${nagios_cfg_ks_adm_pw}
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://${nagios_cfg_ctrl_host}:35357/v2.0/ ",
class { '::nagios_configs':
notify => [ Service['nagios'], Service['httpd']],
include ::concat::setup
class { '::apache':
purge_configs => false,
class { '::apache::mod::php': }
service { ['nagios']:
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasstatus => true,
firewall { '001 nagios incoming':
proto => 'tcp',
dport => ['80'],
action => 'accept',
# ensure that we won't stop listening on 443 if horizon has ssl enabled
if hiera('CONFIG_HORIZON_SSL') {
apache::listen { '443': }