Takashi Kajinami 6ff87dd6d4 Replace hiera by lookup
The hiera function is deprecated and does not work with the latest
hieradata version 5. It should be replaced by the new lookup


With the lookup function, we can define value type and merge behavior,
but these are kept default at this moment to limit scope of this change
to just simple replacement. Adding value type might be useful to make
sure the value is in expected type (especially when a boolean value is
expected), but we will revisit that later.


This also replaces the hiera_array function which is also deprecated,
according to the guideline[2].


Change-Id: Ic9930107fbc68cba3432f4424f113071325efcb7
2022-08-18 00:37:32 +09:00

70 lines
2.4 KiB

class packstack::mariadb ()
if lookup('CONFIG_MARIADB_INSTALL') == 'y' {
create_resources(packstack::firewall, lookup('FIREWALL_MARIADB_RULES', undef, undef, {}))
$max_connections = lookup('CONFIG_SERVICE_WORKERS') * 128
if ($::mariadb_provides_galera) {
# Since mariadb 10.1 galera is included in main mariadb
$mariadb_package_name = 'mariadb-server-galera'
$mariadb_present = 'present'
} else {
# Package mariadb-server conflicts with mariadb-server-galera
$mariadb_package_name = 'mariadb-server-galera'
$mariadb_present = 'absent'
ensure_packages(['mariadb-server'], {'ensure' => $mariadb_present})
$bind_address = lookup('CONFIG_IP_VERSION') ? {
'ipv6' => '::0',
default => '',
# TO-DO(mmagr): Add IPv6 support when hostnames are used
$mysql_root_password = lookup('CONFIG_MARIADB_PW')
class { 'mysql::server':
package_name => $mariadb_package_name,
restart => true,
root_password => $mysql_root_password,
require => Package['mariadb-server'],
override_options => {
'mysqld' => {
'bind_address' => $bind_address,
'default_storage_engine' => 'InnoDB',
'max_connections' => $max_connections,
'open_files_limit' => '-1',
# galera options
'wsrep_provider' => 'none',
'wsrep_cluster_name' => 'galera_cluster',
'wsrep_sst_method' => 'rsync',
'wsrep_sst_auth' => "root:${mysql_root_password}",
# deleting database users for security
# this is done in mysql::server::account_security but has problems
# when there is no fqdn, so we're defining a slightly different one here
mysql_user { [ 'root@', 'root@::1', '@localhost', '@%' ]:
ensure => 'absent',
require => Class['mysql::server'],
if ($::fqdn != '' and $::fqdn != 'localhost') {
mysql_user { [ "root@${::fqdn}", "@${::fqdn}"]:
ensure => 'absent',
require => Class['mysql::server'],
if ($::fqdn != $::hostname and $::hostname != 'localhost') {
mysql_user { ["root@${::hostname}", "@${::hostname}"]:
ensure => 'absent',
require => Class['mysql::server'],
} else {
class { 'remote::db': }