title: OMSimulator description: This scenario uses oslo.messaging simulator tool to execute MQ test plan. parameters: tester_hosts: List of hosts were omsimulator will be executed rabbit_hosts: List of hosts were RabbitMQ runs rabbit_url: RabbitMQ address client_url: Override RabbitMQ address for the client server_url: Override RabbitMQ address for the server setup: - hosts: {{ tester_hosts }} tasks: - apt: name=git become: yes - apt: name=daemon become: yes - name: installing omsimulator git: repo=git://git.openstack.org/openstack/oslo.messaging dest=/tmp/performa/oslo.messaging - apt: name=python-dev become: yes - apt: name=python-pip become: yes - pip: name=virtualenv become: yes - pip: requirements=/tmp/performa/oslo.messaging/requirements.txt virtualenv=/tmp/performa/oslo.messaging/.venv - pip: name=eventlet virtualenv=/tmp/performa/oslo.messaging/.venv - command: /tmp/performa/oslo.messaging/.venv/bin/python setup.py install args: chdir: /tmp/performa/oslo.messaging - hosts: {{ rabbit_hosts }} tasks: - apt: name=atop become: yes - apt: name=daemon become: yes execution: - hosts: {{ rabbit_hosts }} tasks: - atop: command=start - hosts: {{ tester_hosts }} matrix: processes: [ 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 ] tasks: - omsimulator: mode: call duration: 100 threads: 10 url: {{ rabbit_url }} client_url: {{ client_url }} server_url: {{ server_url }} - hosts: {{ tester_hosts }} matrix: processes: [ 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 ] tasks: - omsimulator: mode: cast duration: 100 threads: 10 url: {{ rabbit_url }} client_url: {{ client_url }} server_url: {{ server_url }} - hosts: {{ tester_hosts }} matrix: processes: [ 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 ] tasks: - omsimulator: mode: notify duration: 100 threads: 10 url: {{ rabbit_url }} client_url: {{ client_url }} server_url: {{ server_url }} - hosts: {{ rabbit_hosts }} tasks: - atop: command: stop labels: [ PRC ] aggregation: - update: query: { task: omsimulator } values: pipeline: - $match: { task: atop, status: OK, label: PRC, name: { $regex: beam.* }, host: {{ rabbit_hosts[0] }} } - $group: { _id: null, rabbit_sys_0: { $avg: "$sys" }, rabbit_user_0: { $avg: "$user" }, rabbit_total_0: { $avg: { $add: [ "$sys", "$user" ] }} } {% if rabbit_hosts[1] %} - update: query: { task: omsimulator } values: pipeline: - $match: { task: atop, status: OK, label: PRC, name: { $regex: beam.* }, host: {{ rabbit_hosts[1] }} } - $group: { _id: null, rabbit_sys_1: { $avg: "$sys" }, rabbit_user_1: { $avg: "$user" }, rabbit_total_1: { $avg: { $add: [ "$sys", "$user" ] }} } {% endif %} {% if rabbit_hosts[2] %} - update: query: { task: omsimulator } values: pipeline: - $match: { task: atop, status: OK, label: PRC, name: { $regex: beam.* }, host: {{ rabbit_hosts[2] }} } - $group: { _id: null, rabbit_sys_2: { $avg: "$sys" }, rabbit_user_2: { $avg: "$user" }, rabbit_total_2: { $avg: { $add: [ "$sys", "$user" ] }} } {% endif %} report: template: omsimulator.rst