Picasso: Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) on OpenStack =================================================== Mission ------- Picasso provides an API abstraction layer for Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) on OpenStack. Serverless ---------- Serverless is a new paradigm in computing that enables simplicity, efficiency and scalability for both developers and operators. It's important to distinguish the two, because the benefits differ: Benefits for developers ----------------------- The main benefits that most people refer to are on the developer side and they include: * No servers to manage (serverless) -- you just upload your code and the platform deals with the infrastructure * Super simple coding -- no more monoliths! Just simple little bits of code * Pay by the milliseconds your code is executing -- unlike a typical application that runs 24/7, and you're paying 24/7, functions only run when needed Benefits for operators ---------------------- If you will be operating IronFunctions (the person who has to manage the servers behind the serverless), then the benefits are different, but related. * Extremely efficient use of resources * Unlike an app/API/microservice that consumes resources 24/7 whether they are in use or not, functions are time sliced across your infrastructure and only consume resources while they are actually doing something * Easy to manage and scale * Single system for code written in any language or any technology * Single system to monitor * Scaling is the same for all functions, you don't scale each app independently * Scaling is simply adding more IronFunctions nodes System requirements ------------------- * Operating system: Linux/MacOS * Python version: 3.5 or greater * Database: MySQL 5.7 or greater Quick-start guide ----------------- Install DevStack with [IronFunctions enabled](https://github.com/iron-io/functions-devstack-plugin/blob/master/README.rst). Pull down [Picasso sources](https://github.com/iron-io/project-picasso). Create Python3.5 virtualenv: $ virtualenv -p python3.5 .venv $ source .venv/bin/activate Install dependencies: $ pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt Install Picasso itself: $ pip install -e . Install MySQL if you haven't already, and create a new database for functions. $ mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE DATABASE functions" Migrations ---------- Once all dependencies are installed it is necessary to run database migrations. Before that it is necessary to set env variable: export PICASSO_MIGRATIONS_DB=mysql+pymysql://root:root@localhost/functions In this section please specify connection URI to your own MySQL database. Once the file is saved, just use alembic to apply the migrations: $ alembic upgrade head Starting a server ----------------- Once it is finished you will have a console script `picasso-api`: $ picasso-api --help Usage: picasso-api [OPTIONS] Starts Picasso API service Options: --host TEXT API service bind host. --port INTEGER API service bind port. --db-uri TEXT Picasso persistence storage URI. --keystone-endpoint TEXT OpenStack Identity service endpoint. --functions-url TEXT IronFunctions API URL --log-level TEXT Logging file --log-file TEXT Log file path --help Show this message and exit. Minimum required options to start Picasso API service: --db-uri mysql://root:root@ --keystone-endpoint --functions-url --log-level INFO Creating and running Picasso inside Docker container ------------------------------------------------- As part of regular Python distribution, Picasso also has its own Docker container to run. There are two options: * run from sources * run from Docker Hub In order to build container from sources run following commands: export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://: docker build -t picasso-api -f Dockerfile . After that it is required to create correct version of [Dockerfile.env](Dockerfile.env.example). It container all required options to start Picasso API service properly. Once it is done run following commands: docker run -d -p 10001:10001 --env-file Dockerfile.env picasso-api Navigate to your web browser to check if service is running: :10001/api or using CLI curl -X GET http://:10001/api/swagger.json | python -mjson.tool Examining API ------------- In [examples](examples/) folder you can find a script that examines available API endpoints, but this script relays on: * `PICASSO_API_URL` - Picasso API endpoint * `OS_AUTH_URL` - OpenStack Auth URL * `OS_PROJECT_ID` - it can be found in OpenStack Dashboard or in CLI * `OS_USERNAME` - OpenStack project-aligned username * `OS_PASSWORD` - OpenStack project-aligned user password * `OS_DOMAIN` - OpenStack project domain name * `OS_PROJECT_NAME` - OpenStack project name Then just run script: OS_AUTH_URL= OS_PROJECT_ID=8fb76785313a4500ac5367eb44a31677 OS_USERNAME=admin OS_PASSWORD=root OS_DOMAIN=default OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin ./examples/hello-lambda.sh Please note, that given values are project-specific, so they can't be reused. API docs -------- As part of Picasso ReST API it is possible to discover API doc using Swagger Doc. Once server is launched you can navigate to: http://:/api to see recent API docs Contacts -------- Feel free to reach us out at: * [Slack channel](https://open-iron.herokuapp.com/) * [Email](https://github.com/denismakogon)