# Copyright (c) 2015 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os import cassandra from cassandra import query from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from poppy.provider.akamai.cert_info_storage import base from poppy.storage.cassandra import driver _DEFAULT_OPTIONS = [ cfg.StrOpt('datacenter', default='', help='Host datacenter of the API'), cfg.BoolOpt('use_same_storage_driver', default=True, help='Whether to use the same poppy storage driver') ] CASSANDRA_OPTIONS = [ cfg.ListOpt('cluster', default=[''], help='Cassandra cluster contact points'), cfg.IntOpt('port', default=9042, help='Cassandra cluster port'), cfg.BoolOpt('ssl_enabled', default=False, help='Communicate with Cassandra over SSL?'), cfg.StrOpt('ssl_ca_certs', default='', help='Absolute path to the appropriate .crt file'), cfg.BoolOpt('auth_enabled', default=False, help='Does Cassandra have authentication enabled?'), cfg.StrOpt('username', default='', help='Cassandra username'), cfg.StrOpt('password', default='', secret=True, help='Cassandra password'), cfg.StrOpt('load_balance_strategy', default='RoundRobinPolicy', help='Load balancing strategy for connecting to cluster nodes'), cfg.StrOpt('consistency_level', default='ONE', help='Consistency level of your cassandra query'), cfg.StrOpt('migrations_consistency_level', default='LOCAL_QUORUM', help='Consistency level of cassandra migration queries'), cfg.IntOpt('max_schema_agreement_wait', default=10, help='The maximum duration (in seconds) that the driver will' ' wait for schema agreement across the cluster.'), cfg.StrOpt('keyspace', default='poppy', help='Keyspace for all queries made in session'), cfg.DictOpt( 'replication_strategy', default={ 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }, help='Replication strategy for Cassandra cluster' ), cfg.StrOpt( 'migrations_path', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(__file__)))), 'storage', 'cassandra', 'migrations'), help='Path to directory containing CQL migration scripts', ) ] AKAMAI_CASSANDRA_STORAGE_GROUP = 'drivers:provider:akamai:storage' LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) GET_PROVIDER_INFO = ''' SELECT info from providers_info WHERE provider_name = %(provider_name)s ''' UPDATE_PROVIDER_INFO = ''' UPDATE providers_info set info = %(info)s WHERE provider_name = %(provider_name)s ''' CREATE_PROVIDER_INFO = ''' INSERT INTO providers_info ( provider_name, info ) VALUES (%(provider_name)s, %(info)s) ''' class CassandraSanInfoStorage(base.BaseAkamaiSanInfoStorage): def __init__(self, conf): super(CassandraSanInfoStorage, self).__init__(conf) self.conf = conf self.conf.register_opts(_DEFAULT_OPTIONS) self.storage = driver.CassandraStorageDriver(self.conf) if self.conf.use_same_storage_driver is False: self.storage.change_config_group( CASSANDRA_OPTIONS, AKAMAI_CASSANDRA_STORAGE_GROUP ) self.session = self.storage.database self.consistency_level = getattr( cassandra.ConsistencyLevel, self.storage.cassandra_conf.consistency_level ) def _get_akamai_provider_info(self): args = { "provider_name": 'akamai' } stmt = query.SimpleStatement( GET_PROVIDER_INFO, consistency_level=self.consistency_level ) results = self.session.execute(stmt, args) complete_results = list(results) if len(complete_results) != 1: raise ValueError('No akamai providers info found.') result = complete_results[0] return result def _get_akamai_san_certs_info(self): return json.loads(self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info']['san_info']) def _get_akamai_san_certs_settings(self): try: return json.loads( self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info']['settings'] ) except KeyError as ke: LOG.error( 'Error retrieving cert info storage settings. {0}'.format(ke) ) # settings doesn't exist in the table self._seed_san_info_settings() return json.loads(self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info']['settings']) def _seed_san_info_settings(self): provider_info = dict(self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info']) provider_info['settings'] = json.dumps( { 'san_cert_hostname_limit': 80 } ) stmt = query.SimpleStatement( UPDATE_PROVIDER_INFO, consistency_level=self.consistency_level) args = { 'provider_name': 'akamai', 'info': provider_info } self.session.execute(stmt, args) def list_all_san_cert_names(self): return self._get_akamai_san_certs_info().keys() def get_cert_info(self, san_cert_name): the_san_cert_info = self._get_akamai_san_certs_info().get( san_cert_name ) if the_san_cert_info is None: raise ValueError('No san cert info found for %s.' % san_cert_name) jobId = the_san_cert_info.get("jobId") issuer = the_san_cert_info.get("issuer") ipVersion = the_san_cert_info.get("ipVersion") slot_deployment_klass = the_san_cert_info.get("slot_deployment_klass") enabled = the_san_cert_info.get("enabled", True) res = { # This will always be the san cert name 'cnameHostname': san_cert_name, 'jobId': jobId, 'issuer': issuer, 'createType': 'modSan', 'ipVersion': ipVersion, 'slot-deployment.class': slot_deployment_klass, 'enabled': enabled, 'product': 'ion_premier' } if any([i for i in [jobId, issuer, ipVersion, slot_deployment_klass] if i is None]): raise ValueError("San info error: %s" % res) return res def get_cert_config(self, san_cert_name): res = self.get_cert_info(san_cert_name) res['spsId'] = str(self.get_cert_last_spsid(san_cert_name)) return res def update_cert_config(self, san_cert_name, new_cert_config): self.save_cert_config(san_cert_name, new_cert_config) return self.get_cert_config(san_cert_name) def save_cert_config(self, san_cert_name, new_cert_config): san_info = self._get_akamai_san_certs_info() the_san_cert_info = san_info.get( san_cert_name ) if the_san_cert_info is None: raise ValueError('No san cert info found for %s.' % san_cert_name) the_san_cert_info.update(new_cert_config) san_info[san_cert_name] = the_san_cert_info # Change the previous san info in the overall provider_info dictionary provider_info = dict(self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info']) provider_info['san_info'] = json.dumps(san_info) stmt = query.SimpleStatement( UPDATE_PROVIDER_INFO, consistency_level=self.consistency_level) args = { 'provider_name': 'akamai', 'info': provider_info } self.session.execute(stmt, args) def save_cert_last_ids(self, san_cert_name, sps_id_value, job_id_value=None): san_info = self._get_akamai_san_certs_info() the_san_cert_info = san_info.get( san_cert_name ) if the_san_cert_info is None: raise ValueError('No san cert info found for %s.' % san_cert_name) the_san_cert_info['spsId'] = sps_id_value if job_id_value is not None: the_san_cert_info['jobId'] = job_id_value san_info[san_cert_name] = the_san_cert_info # Change the previous san info in the overall provider_info dictionary provider_info = dict(self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info']) provider_info['san_info'] = json.dumps(san_info) stmt = query.SimpleStatement( UPDATE_PROVIDER_INFO, consistency_level=self.consistency_level) args = { 'provider_name': 'akamai', 'info': provider_info } self.session.execute(stmt, args) def get_cert_last_spsid(self, san_cert_name): the_san_cert_info = self._get_akamai_san_certs_info().get( san_cert_name ) if the_san_cert_info is None: raise ValueError('No san cert info found for %s.' % san_cert_name) spsId = the_san_cert_info.get('spsId') return spsId def get_enabled_status(self, san_cert_name): the_san_cert_info = self._get_akamai_san_certs_info().get( san_cert_name ) if the_san_cert_info is None: raise ValueError('No san cert info found for %s.' % san_cert_name) enabled = the_san_cert_info.get('enabled', True) return enabled def update_san_info(self, info_dict, info_type=None): if info_type == 'san': info_key = 'san_info' elif info_type == 'sni': info_key = 'sni_info' else: # defaults to san_info info_key = 'san_info' try: provider_info = self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info'] except (ValueError, KeyError) as err: # no providers info, create them LOG.error( "Unable to retrieve providers info: {0} " "Creating new providers info entries.".format(err) ) provider_info = dict() provider_info[info_key] = json.dumps(info_dict) stmt = query.SimpleStatement( CREATE_PROVIDER_INFO, consistency_level=self.consistency_level) args = { 'provider_name': 'akamai', 'info': provider_info } self.session.execute(stmt, args) def get_san_cert_hostname_limit(self): """Get the san cert hostname limit setting. :returns the hostname limit if the limit exists else None. """ return self._get_akamai_san_certs_settings().get( 'san_cert_hostname_limit' ) def set_san_cert_hostname_limit(self, new_hostname_limit): settings = self._get_akamai_san_certs_settings() if settings is None: raise ValueError('No san cert settings found.') settings['san_cert_hostname_limit'] = new_hostname_limit # Change the previous san info in the overall provider_info dictionary provider_info = dict(self._get_akamai_provider_info()['info']) provider_info['settings'] = json.dumps(settings) stmt = query.SimpleStatement( UPDATE_PROVIDER_INFO, consistency_level=self.consistency_level ) args = { 'provider_name': 'akamai', 'info': provider_info } self.session.execute(stmt, args) return self.get_san_cert_hostname_limit()