# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Common functionalities used by both RIBCL and RIS.""" import collections import os import re import stat import time from proliantutils import exception from proliantutils.ilo import constants from proliantutils import log LOG = log.get_logger(__name__) ILO_VER_STR_PATTERN = r"\d+\.\d+" # Representation of supported boot modes SupportedBootModes = collections.namedtuple( 'SupportedBootModes', ['boot_mode_bios', 'boot_mode_uefi']) def wait_for_operation_to_complete( has_operation_completed, retries=10, delay_bw_retries=5, delay_before_attempts=10, failover_exc=exception.IloError, failover_msg=("Operation did not complete even after multiple " "attempts."), is_silent_loop_exit=False): """Attempts the provided operation for a specified number of times. If it runs out of attempts, then it raises an exception. On success, it breaks out of the loop. :param has_operation_completed: the method to retry and it needs to return a boolean to indicate success or failure. :param retries: number of times the operation to be (re)tried, default 10 :param delay_bw_retries: delay in seconds before attempting after each failure, default 5. :param delay_before_attempts: delay in seconds before beginning any operation attempt, default 10. :param failover_exc: the exception which gets raised in case of failure upon exhausting all the attempts, default IloError. :param failover_msg: the msg with which the exception gets raised in case of failure upon exhausting all the attempts. :param is_silent_loop_exit: decides if exception has to be raised (in case of failure upon exhausting all the attempts) or not, default False (will be raised). :raises: failover_exc, if failure happens even after all the attempts, default IloError. """ retry_count = retries # Delay for ``delay_before_attempts`` secs, before beginning any attempt time.sleep(delay_before_attempts) while retry_count: try: LOG.debug("Calling '%s', retries left: %d", has_operation_completed.__name__, retry_count) if has_operation_completed(): break except exception.IloError: pass time.sleep(delay_bw_retries) retry_count -= 1 else: LOG.debug("Max retries exceeded with: '%s'", has_operation_completed.__name__) if not is_silent_loop_exit: raise failover_exc(failover_msg) def wait_for_ilo_after_reset(ilo_object): """Continuously polls for iLO to come up after reset.""" is_ilo_up_after_reset = lambda: ilo_object.get_product_name() is not None is_ilo_up_after_reset.__name__ = 'is_ilo_up_after_reset' wait_for_operation_to_complete( is_ilo_up_after_reset, failover_exc=exception.IloConnectionError, failover_msg='iLO is not up after reset.' ) def wait_for_ris_firmware_update_to_complete(ris_object): """Continuously polls for iLO firmware update to complete.""" p_state = ['IDLE'] c_state = ['IDLE'] def has_firmware_flash_completed(): """Checks for completion status of firmware update operation The below table shows the conditions for which the firmware update will be considered as DONE (be it success or error):: +---------------------+--------------------+ | Previous state | Current state | +=====================+====================+ | IDLE | ERROR | +---------------------+--------------------+ | IDLE | COMPLETED | +---------------------+--------------------+ | PROGRESSING | ERROR | +---------------------+--------------------+ | PROGRESSING | COMPLETED | +---------------------+--------------------+ | PROGRESSING | UNKNOWN | +---------------------+--------------------+ | PROGRESSING | IDLE | +---------------------+--------------------+ """ curr_state, curr_percent = ris_object.get_firmware_update_progress() p_state[0] = c_state[0] c_state[0] = curr_state if (((p_state[0] == 'PROGRESSING') and (c_state[0] in ['COMPLETED', 'ERROR', 'UNKNOWN', 'IDLE'])) or (p_state[0] == 'IDLE' and (c_state[0] in ['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']))): return True return False wait_for_operation_to_complete( has_firmware_flash_completed, delay_bw_retries=30, failover_msg='iLO firmware update has failed.' ) wait_for_ilo_after_reset(ris_object) def wait_for_ribcl_firmware_update_to_complete(ribcl_object): """Continuously checks for iLO firmware update to complete.""" def is_ilo_reset_initiated(): """Checks for initiation of iLO reset Invokes the ``get_product_name`` api and returns i) True, if exception gets raised as that marks the iLO reset initiation. ii) False, if the call gets through without any failure, marking that iLO is yet to be reset. """ try: LOG.debug(ribcl_object._('Checking for iLO reset...')) ribcl_object.get_product_name() return False except exception.IloError: LOG.debug(ribcl_object._('iLO is being reset...')) return True # Note(deray): wait for 5 secs, before checking if iLO reset got triggered # at every interval of 6 secs. This looping call happens for 10 times. # Once it comes out of the wait of iLO reset trigger, then it starts # waiting for iLO to be up again after reset. wait_for_operation_to_complete( is_ilo_reset_initiated, delay_bw_retries=6, delay_before_attempts=5, is_silent_loop_exit=True ) wait_for_ilo_after_reset(ribcl_object) def isDisk(result): """Checks if result has a disk related strings.""" disk_identifier = ["Logical Drive", "HDD", "Storage", "LogVol"] return any(e in result for e in disk_identifier) def get_filename_and_extension_of(target_file): """Gets the base filename and extension of the target file. :param target_file: the complete path of the target file :returns: base filename and extension """ base_target_filename = os.path.basename(target_file) file_name, file_ext_with_dot = os.path.splitext(base_target_filename) return file_name, file_ext_with_dot def add_exec_permission_to(target_file): """Add executable permissions to the file :param target_file: the target file whose permission to be changed """ mode = os.stat(target_file).st_mode os.chmod(target_file, mode | stat.S_IXUSR) def get_major_minor(ilo_ver_str): """Extract the major and minor number from the passed string :param ilo_ver_str: the string that contains the version information :returns: String of the form "." or None """ if not ilo_ver_str: return None try: # Note(vmud213):This logic works for all strings # that contain the version info as . # Formats of the strings: # Release version -> "2.50 Feb 18 2016" # Debug version -> "iLO 4 v2.50" # random version -> "XYZ ABC 2.30" pattern = re.search(ILO_VER_STR_PATTERN, ilo_ver_str) if pattern: matched = pattern.group(0) if matched: return matched return None except Exception: return None def get_supported_boot_modes(supported_boot_mode_constant): """Retrieves the server supported boot modes It retrieves the server supported boot modes as a namedtuple containing 'boot_mode_bios' as 'true'/'false' (in string format) and 'boot_mode_uefi' again as true'/'false'. :param supported_boot_mode_constant: supported boot_mode constant :returns: A namedtuple containing ``boot_mode_bios`` and ``boot_mode_uefi`` with 'true'/'false' set accordingly for legacy BIOS and UEFI boot modes. """ boot_mode_bios = 'false' boot_mode_uefi = 'false' if (supported_boot_mode_constant == constants.SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE_LEGACY_BIOS_ONLY): boot_mode_bios = 'true' elif (supported_boot_mode_constant == constants.SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE_UEFI_ONLY): boot_mode_uefi = 'true' elif (supported_boot_mode_constant == constants.SUPPORTED_BOOT_MODE_LEGACY_BIOS_AND_UEFI): boot_mode_bios = 'true' boot_mode_uefi = 'true' return SupportedBootModes(boot_mode_bios=boot_mode_bios, boot_mode_uefi=boot_mode_uefi)