
254 lines
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# == Class: midonet::analytics
# Installs midonet analytics packages
# === Parameters
# [*zookeeper_hosts*]
# List of hash [{ip, port}] Zookeeper instances that run in cluster.
# [*manage_repo*]
# Boolean variable - If true puppet will install repositories on given node
# Default: false
# [*is_mem*]
# If using MEM Enterprise , set to true
# Default: undef
# [*manage_repo*]
# Should manage midonet repositories?
# Default: undef
# [*mem_username*]
# If manage_repo is true and is_mem then specify the username to access the packages
# Default: undef
# [*mem_password*]
# If manage_repo is true and is_mem then specify the password to access the packages
# Default: undef
# [*heap_size_gb*]
# Specify the heap size of the JavaVM in Gb. Ex: '3'
# Default: '4'
# [*allinone*]
# If doing an allinone deployment, set to true
# Default: false
# [*curator_version*]
# Version of elastic curator
# Default: '3.5'
# [*calliope_port*]
# If you want to run calliope on a custom port, specify it
# Default: false
# [*midonet_version*]
# Version of midonet
# Default: '5.2'
# [*elk_bind_ip*]
# Where to bind elk instance
# Default: 'undef' , will bind to $::ipaddress
# [*elk_cluster_name*]
# Name of elk cluster
# Default: 'elasticsearch'
# [*elk_hosts*]
# List of elk seeds
# Default: ['$::ipaddress']
# Please note that Keystone port is not mandatory and defaulted to 35537.
# === Examples
# The easiest way to run the class is:
# class {'midonet::analytics':
# zookeeper_hosts => [{'ip' => 'host1',
# 'port' => '2183'},
# {'ip' => 'host2'}],
# is_mem => true,
# manage_repo => false,
# heap_size_gb => '3',
# }
# === Authors
# Midonet (http://midonet.org)
# === Copyright
# Copyright (c) 2015 Midokura SARL, All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
class midonet::analytics (
$is_mem = true,
$manage_repo = false,
$mem_username = undef,
$mem_password = undef,
$heap_size_gb = '4',
$allinone = false,
$curator_version = '3.5',
$calliope_port = undef,
$midonet_version = undef,
$elk_bind_ip = undef,
$elk_cluster_name = 'elasticsearch',
$elk_hosts = [$::ipaddress]
) {
include ::stdlib
$logstash_version = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => '5.x', default => '1.5'}
$elastic_version = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => '5.x', default => '1.7'}
$real_analytics_package_name = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => 'midonet-elk', default => 'midonet-analytics'}
if versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') > 0
$ins_service_name = 'elasticsearch-instance-es-01'
$config = {
'network.host' => ['_local_',$elk_bind_ip],
'cluster.name' => $elk_cluster_name,
'discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts' => $elk_hosts,
'discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes' => (size($elk_hosts)/2)+1
else {
$config = undef
$ins_service_name = 'elasticsearch-instance-es-01'
class { 'elasticsearch':
manage_repo => true,
repo_version => $elastic_version,
config => $config,
require => Class['::logstash']
contain elasticsearch
class { 'logstash':
manage_repo => true,
repo_version => $logstash_version,
contain logstash
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01':
require => Class['::logstash','::elasticsearch']
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
anchor { 'curator-begin': } ->
class { 'curator':
version => $curator_version,
} ->
anchor { 'curator-end': }
elsif $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
anchor { 'curator-begin': } ->
exec { 'rpm --import https://packages.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch':
path => '/usr/bin'
} ->
yumrepo { 'curator-3':
descr => 'CentOS/RHEL repository for Elasticsearch Curator 3 packages',
baseurl => 'http://packages.elastic.co/curator/3/centos/$releasever',
gpgcheck => true,
gpgkey => 'http://packages.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch',
enabled => true,
} ->
package { 'python-elasticsearch-curator': ensure => installed } ->
anchor { 'curator-end': }
if $is_mem {
if $manage_repo == true {
if !defined(Class['midonet::repository']) {
class {'midonet::repository':
is_mem => $is_mem,
midonet_version => undef,
midonet_stage => undef,
openstack_release => undef,
mem_version => undef,
mem_username => $mem_username,
mem_password => $mem_password,
before => Class['midonet::analytics::services',
class { 'midonet::analytics::services':
calliope_port => $calliope_port,
midonet_version => $midonet_version,
require => [
unless $allinone {
if versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') > 0
class { 'midonet::analytics::quickstart':
zookeeper_hosts => $zookeeper_hosts,
else {
class { 'midonet::analytics::quickstart':
zookeeper_hosts => $zookeeper_hosts,
notify => Service['analytics_service']
else {
notice('Skipping installation of midonet analytics services')
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
$logstash_config_file = '/etc/default/logstash'
$elasticsearch_config_file = '/etc/default/elasticsearch'
$logstash_service = 'logstash'
$elasticsearch_service = 'elasticsearch'
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
$logstash_config_file = '/etc/logstash/jvm.options'
$elasticsearch_config_file = '/etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options'
$logstash_service = 'logstash'
$elasticsearch_service = 'elasticsearch'
file_line { 'Set LS_HEAP_SIZE':
path => $logstash_config_file,
line => "LS_HEAP_SIZE='${heap_size_gb}g'",
match => '^LS_HEAP_SIZE.*$',
require => Package['logstash'],
notify => Service[$ins_service_name],
file_line { 'Set ES_HEAP_SIZE':
path => $elasticsearch_config_file,
line => "ES_HEAP_SIZE='${heap_size_gb}g'",
match => '^ES_HEAP_SIZE.*$',
require => Package['elasticsearch'],
notify => Service[$ins_service_name],