
251 lines
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# == Class: midonet::mem
# Install and configure Midokura Enterprise MidoNet (MEM)
# === Parameters
# [analytics_ip]
# IP Where the analytics service is running
# [cluster_ip]
# IP where the cluster service is running
# [is_insights]
# Whether using insights or not
# [mem_api_namespace]
# Namespace for the midonet api URI
# Default: 'midonet-api'
# [mem_trace_namespace]
# Namespace for the midonet traces URI
# Default: 'trace'
# [mem_analytics_namespace]
# Namespace for the midonet analytics URI
# Default: 'analytics'
# [mem_package]
# Name of the MEM package
# [mem_install_path]
# Installation path of MEM package
# [mem_api_version]
# The default value for the api_version is set to latest version. In case you
# are using and older MidoNet REST API, change the version accordingly.
# Note: The MidoNet Manager supports the following API versions: 5.0 , 5.2
# e.g. "api_version": "5.2"
# [mem_api_token]
# If desired, auto-login can be enabled by setting the value of api_token to
# your Keystone token.
# e.g. "mem_api_token": keystone_token
# [mem_agent_config_api_namespace]
# The default value for the api_namespace is set to conf which usually
# does not have to be changed.
# Default value: "mem_agent_config_api_namespace": "conf"
# [*mem_api_namespace*]
# Path where the api endpoint is. Default 'midonet-api'
# [*mem_trace_namespace*]
# Path where the analytics traces endpoint is. Default 'traces'
# [*mem_analytics_namespace*]
# Path where the analyics endpoint is. Default 'analytics'
# [mem_poll_enabled]
# The Auto Polling will seamlessly refresh Midonet Manager data periodically.
# It is enabled by default and can be disabled in Midonet Manager's Settings
# section directly through the UI. This will only disable it for the duration
# of the current session. It can also be disabled permanently by changing the
# 'poll_enabled' parameter to 'false'
# [mem_login_animation_enabled]
# Whether the login page background animation should be enabled or not
# Default: true
# [mem_config_file]
# File for the MEM manager frontend configuration
# Default: "${mem_install_path}/config/client.js"
# [mem_apache_docroot]
# Document root for mem vhost
# Default: undef
# [mem_apache_port]
# The port where apache for mem will run
# Default: undef
# [mem_proxy_preserve_host]
# Should configure proxy preserve host on apache?
# [is_ssl]
# Does MEM use SSL?
# Default: undef
# [ssl_cert]
# SSL certificate path
# Default: undef
# [ssl_key]
# SSL key path
# Default: undef
# [insights_ssl]
# Is MEM Insights using SSL?
# Default: undef
# [mem_api_port]
# The port where the midonet api is listening
# Default: '8181'
# [mem_trace_port]
# The port where the midonet traces is listening
# Default: '8460'
# [mem_analytics_port]
# The port where the midonet analytics is listening
# Default: '8000'
# [mem_api_port]
# The port where the midonet subscription service is listening
# Default: '8007'
# [mem_fabric_port]
# The port where the midonet fabric service is listening
# Default: '8009'
# [api_ssl]
# Is midonet api using SSL?
# Default: false
# == Examples
# The minimum parameters required are
# class {'midonet::mem':
# cluster_ip => '',
# analytics_ip => '',
# }
# === Authors
# Midonet (http://midonet.org)
# === Copyright
# Copyright (c) 2016 Midokura SARL, All Rights Reserved.
class midonet::mem(
# Midonet Manager installation options
$analytics_ip = $::ipaddress,
$cluster_ip = $::ipaddress,
$is_insights = false,
$mem_api_namespace = 'midonet-api',
$mem_trace_namespace = 'trace',
$mem_analytics_namespace = 'analytics',
$mem_package = $::midonet::params::mem_package,
$mem_install_path = $::midonet::params::mem_install_path,
$mem_api_version = $::midonet::params::mem_api_version,
$mem_api_token = $::midonet::params::mem_api_token,
$mem_agent_config_api_namespace = $::midonet::params::mem_agent_config_api_namespace,
$mem_poll_enabled = $::midonet::params::mem_poll_enabled,
$mem_login_animation_enabled = $::midonet::params::mem_login_animation_enabled,
$mem_config_file = $::midonet::params::mem_config_file,
$mem_apache_docroot = undef,
$mem_apache_port = undef,
$mem_proxy_preserve_host = undef,
$is_ssl = false,
$ssl_cert = '',
$ssl_key = '',
$insights_ssl = false,
$mem_api_port = ':8181',
$mem_trace_port = ':8460',
$mem_analytics_port = ':8080',
$mem_subscription_port = ':8007',
$mem_fabric_port = ':8009',
$api_ssl = false,
) inherits midonet::params {
$mem_ws = $insights_ssl? {true => 'wss://' , default => 'ws://'}
$api_proto = $api_ssl? {true => 'https://' , default => 'http://'}
$mem_login_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_trace_api_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_traces_ws_url = "${$mem_ws}${cluster_ip}${mem_trace_port}/${mem_trace_namespace}"
$mem_api_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_ip}${mem_api_port}"
$mem_analytics_ws_api_url = "${$mem_ws}${analytics_ip}${mem_analytics_port}/${mem_analytics_namespace}"
$mem_subscriptions_ws_api_url = "${$mem_ws}${cluster_ip}${mem_subscription_port}/subscription"
$mem_fabric_ws_api_url = "${$mem_ws}${cluster_ip}${mem_fabric_port}/fabric"
$mem_apache_servername = $cluster_ip
package { 'midonet-manager':
ensure => installed,
name => $mem_package
file { 'midonet-manager-config':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
path => "${mem_install_path}/config/client.js",
content => template("${module_name}/manager/client.js.erb"),
require => Package['midonet-manager']
if $is_ssl {
if $ssl_cert == '' or $ssl_key == '' {
fail('SSL key and cert are empty. Please provide value for them Or make is_ssl - false')
class {'midonet::mem::vhost':
cluster_ip => $cluster_ip,
analytics_ip => $analytics_ip,
is_insights => $is_insights,
mem_apache_servername => $mem_apache_servername,
mem_apache_docroot => $mem_apache_docroot,
mem_api_namespace => $mem_api_namespace,
mem_trace_namespace => $mem_trace_namespace,
mem_analytics_namespace => $mem_analytics_namespace,
mem_proxy_preserve_host => $mem_proxy_preserve_host,
mem_apache_port => $mem_apache_port,
mem_ws => $mem_ws,
is_ssl => $is_ssl,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
ssl_key => $ssl_key,
mem_api_port => $mem_api_port,
mem_trace_port => $mem_trace_port,
mem_analytics_port => $mem_analytics_port,
else {
Apache::Vhost<| access_log_file == 'horizon_access.log' |> {
aliases +> [
alias => '/midonet-manager',
path => '/var/www/html/midonet-manager',
proxy_pass +> [
{ 'path' => '/midonet-api', 'url' => 'http://localhost:8181/midonet-api' },
proxy_preserve_host => true