##2015-11-25 - 7.0.0 ###Summary This is a backwards-compatible major release for OpenStack Liberty. ####Features - keystone/auth: make service description configurable - add tag to package and service resources - add tuskar::config class - reflect provider change in puppet-openstacklib - put all the logging related parameters to the logging class - introduce tuskar::db class - switch Tuskar to $::os_service_default - db: use postgresql lib class for psycopg package ####Bugfixes - rely on autorequire for config resource ordering ####Maintenance - initial msync run for all Puppet OpenStack modules - try to use zuul-cloner to prepare fixtures - remove class_parameter_defaults puppet-lint check - fix rspec 3.x syntax ##2015-07-08 - 6.0.0 ###Summary - Initial release of the puppet-tuskar module