Log info about K8S environment

Change-Id: Ic01f41f121b9d2c15a70281d90b3726b9292878a
This commit is contained in:
Davanum Srinivas 2016-05-27 16:49:19 -04:00
parent e0db3f1500
commit 793696fd9a
2 changed files with 26 additions and 1 deletions

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class TestK8sclient(base.TestCase):
api = apiv_api.ApivApi(client)
endpoints = api.list_endpoints()
self.assertEquals(1, len(endpoints.items))
self.assertTrue(len(endpoints.items) > 0)
_is_k8s_running(), "Kubernetes is not available")

@ -79,6 +79,31 @@ echo "SUCCESS"
echo "Cluster created!"
echo ""
echo "Dump Kubernetes Objects..."
./kubectl -s= get componentstatuses
./kubectl -s= get configmaps
./kubectl -s= get daemonsets
./kubectl -s= get deployments
./kubectl -s= get events
./kubectl -s= get endpoints
./kubectl -s= get horizontalpodautoscalers
./kubectl -s= get ingress
./kubectl -s= get jobs
./kubectl -s= get limitranges
./kubectl -s= get nodes
./kubectl -s= get namespaces
./kubectl -s= get pods
./kubectl -s= get persistentvolumes
./kubectl -s= get persistentvolumeclaims
./kubectl -s= get quota
./kubectl -s= get resourcequotas
./kubectl -s= get replicasets
./kubectl -s= get replicationcontrollers
./kubectl -s= get secrets
./kubectl -s= get serviceaccounts
./kubectl -s= get services
echo "Running tests..."
set -x -e
# Yield execution to venv command