Kingbird ========= Centralised service for multi-region OpenStack deployments. Kingbird is an centralized OpenStack service that provides resource operation and management across multiple OpenStack instances in a multi-region OpenStack deployment. This service is part of the OPNFV Multisite project that intends to address the use cases related to distributed cloud environments. Kingbird provides features like centralized quota management, centralized view for distributed virtual resources, global view for tenant level IP/MAC address space management, synchronisation of ssh keys, images, flavors, etc. across regions. =============================== python-kingbirdclient =============================== Python client for Kingbird This is a client library for Kingbird built on the Kingbird API. It provides a Python API (the ``kingbirdclient`` module) and a command-line tool (``kingbird``). Installation ------------ First of all, clone the repo and go to the repo directory: $ git clone $ cd python-kingbirdclient Then just run: $ pip install -e . or $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python install Running Kingbird client ----------------------- $ export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne $ export OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID=default $ export OS_PROJECT_NAME= $ export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION= $ export OS_PASSWORD= $ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://:5000/ $ export OS_USERNAME= $ export OS_TENANT_NAME= To make sure Kingbird client works, type: $ kingbird quota defaults You can see the list of available commands typing: $ kingbird --help Useful Links ============ * Free software: Apache license * `PyPi`_ - package installation * `Launchpad project`_ - release management * `Blueprints`_ - feature specifications * `Bugs`_ - issue tracking * `Source`_ * `How to Contribute`_ * `Documentation`_ .. _PyPi: .. _Launchpad project: .. _Bugs: .. _Blueprints: .. _Source: .. _How to Contribute: .. _Documentation: