
171 lines
7.7 KiB

import contextlib
import mock
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from quark import exceptions as q_exc
import quark.ipam
import quark.plugin_modules.ip_addresses as ip_api
import quark.plugin_modules.mac_address_ranges as macrng_api
import quark.plugin_modules.networks as network_api
import quark.plugin_modules.ports as port_api
import quark.plugin_modules.subnets as subnet_api
from quark.tests.functional.base import BaseFunctionalTest
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class QuarkTotalIpsPerPortQuotaCheck(BaseFunctionalTest):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(QuarkTotalIpsPerPortQuotaCheck, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.disassociate_exception = q_exc.PortRequiresDisassociation
self.cidr = ""
self.ip_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(self.cidr)
network = dict(name="public", tenant_id="fake", network_plugin="BASE")
self.network = {"network": network}
subnet = dict(ip_version=4, next_auto_assign_ip=2,
cidr=self.cidr, first_ip=self.ip_network.first,
last_ip=self.ip_network.last, ip_policy=None,
self.subnet = {"subnet": subnet}
port = {'port': dict(device_id='a')}
self.ports = [port]
self.old_cfg = cfg.CONF.QUARK.ipaddr_allow_fixed_ip
def setUp(self):
super(QuarkTotalIpsPerPortQuotaCheck, self).setUp()
cfg.CONF.set_override('ipaddr_allow_fixed_ip', True, "QUARK")
def tearDown(self):
super(QuarkTotalIpsPerPortQuotaCheck, self).tearDown()
cfg.CONF.set_override('ipaddr_allow_fixed_ip', self.old_cfg, "QUARK")
def _stubs(self, network_info, subnet_info, ports_info, keep_admin=False):
self.ipam = quark.ipam.QuarkIpamANY()
with mock.patch("neutron.common.rpc.get_notifier"):
self.context.is_admin = True
net = network_api.create_network(self.context, network_info)
mac = {'mac_address_range': dict(cidr="AA:BB:CC")}
macrng_api.create_mac_address_range(self.context, mac)
if not keep_admin:
self.context.is_admin = False
subnet_info['subnet']['network_id'] = net['id']
sub = subnet_api.create_subnet(self.context, subnet_info)
ports = []
for port_info in ports_info:
port_info['port']['network_id'] = net['id']
ports.append(port_api.create_port(self.context, port_info))
yield net, sub, ports
def test_create_ip_over_public_network_quota(self):
network = dict(name="public", tenant_id="fake", network_plugin="BASE",
network = {"network": network}
with self._stubs(network, self.subnet, self.ports) as (
net, sub, ports):
port_ids = [ports[0]['id']]
ip_address = {'ip_address': dict(port_ids=port_ids,
# NOTE: This is hardcoded to 6. Port comes with an IP
# Can create 5 more before it fails
for i in xrange(5):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
# NOTE: This should raise an exception
with self.assertRaises(q_exc.CannotAddMoreIPsToPort):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
def test_create_ip_over_isolated_network_quota(self):
with self._stubs(self.network, self.subnet, self.ports) as (
net, sub, ports):
port_ids = [ports[0]['id']]
ip_address = {'ip_address': dict(port_ids=port_ids,
# NOTE: This is hardcoded to 5. Port comes with an IP
# Can create 4 more before it fails
for i in xrange(4):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
# NOTE: This should raise an exception
with self.assertRaises(q_exc.CannotAddMoreIPsToPort):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
def test_create_ip_over_service_network_quota(self):
network = dict(name="service", network_plugin="BASE",
network = {"network": network}
with self._stubs(network, self.subnet, self.ports) as (
net, sub, ports):
port_ids = [ports[0]['id']]
ip_address = {'ip_address': dict(port_ids=port_ids,
# NOTE : This is hardcoded to 1 and should raise an exception
# as ports come with 1 IP
with self.assertRaises(q_exc.CannotAddMoreIPsToPort):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
def test_create_ip_over_public_network_quota_admin_context(self):
network = dict(name="public", network_plugin="BASE",
network = {"network": network}
with self._stubs(network, self.subnet, self.ports,
keep_admin=True) as (net, sub, ports):
port_ids = [ports[0]['id']]
ip_address = {'ip_address': dict(port_ids=port_ids,
# NOTE: This is hardcoded to 6. Port comes with an IP
# can create 5 more before it fails
for i in xrange(5):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
# NOTE: This should raise an exception
with self.assertRaises(q_exc.CannotAddMoreIPsToPort):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
def test_create_ip_over_isolated_network_quota_admin_context(self):
with self._stubs(self.network, self.subnet, self.ports,
keep_admin=True) as (net, sub, ports):
port_ids = [ports[0]['id']]
ip_address = {'ip_address': dict(port_ids=port_ids,
# NOTE: This is hardcoded to 5. Port comes with an IP
# can create 4 more before it fails
for i in xrange(4):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
# NOTE: This should raise an exception
with self.assertRaises(q_exc.CannotAddMoreIPsToPort):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)
def test_create_ip_over_service_network_quota_admin_context(self):
network = dict(name="service", tenant_id="fake", network_plugin="BASE",
network = {"network": network}
with self._stubs(network, self.subnet, self.ports,
keep_admin=True) as (net, sub, ports):
port_ids = [ports[0]['id']]
ip_address = {'ip_address': dict(port_ids=port_ids,
# NOTE : This is hardcoded to 1 and should raise an exception
# as ports come with 1 IP
with self.assertRaises(q_exc.CannotAddMoreIPsToPort):
ip_api.create_ip_address(self.context, ip_address)