Kyle Haley 68af52752a Fix deprecation warnings with _ in _i18n
Deprecation warnings began popping up in tox tests. We needed
to import the _ function from neutron._i18n . We can no longer use
the built in _ function.

ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED was moved from neutron.api.v2 to
neutron_lib.constants . Changed imports to resolve
the deprecation warning.

Change-Id: I78d66de235d827ab8eeb53e4c48f38c233b73d10
2016-08-30 07:47:54 -07:00

1114 lines
46 KiB

# Copyright 2013 Rackspace Hosting Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Quark Pluggable IPAM
import functools
import itertools
import random
import time
import uuid
import netaddr
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc_ext
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_db import exception as db_exception
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from quark import billing
from quark.db import api as db_api
from quark.db import ip_types
from quark.db import models
from quark.drivers import floating_ip_registry as registry
from quark import exceptions as q_exc
from quark import network_strategy
from quark import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
STRATEGY = network_strategy.STRATEGY
quark_opts = [
help=_('Number of times to retry generating v6 addresses'
' before failure. Also implicitly controls how many'
' v6 addresses we assign to any port, as the random'
' values generated will be the same every time.')),
help=_("Number of times to attempt to allocate a new MAC"
" address before giving up.")),
help=_("Number of times to attempt to allocate a new IP"
" address before giving up.")),
help=_("Configures whether or not to use the experimental"
" semaphore logic around IPAM")),
help=_("Controls whether or not SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is used"
" when retrieving v6 subnets explicitly."))
CONF.register_opts(quark_opts, "QUARK")
# NOTE(mdietz): equivalent to the following line, but converting
# v6 addresses in netaddr is very slow.
# netaddr.IPAddress("::0200:0:0:0").value
MAGIC_INT = 144115188075855872
def no_synchronization(*args, **kwargs):
def wrap(f):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
return wrap
def named(sema):
return "%s.%s" % (__name__, sema)
if CONF.QUARK.ipam_use_synchronization:
synchronized = lockutils.synchronized
synchronized = no_synchronization
def rfc2462_ip(mac, cidr):
# NOTE(mdietz): see RFC2462
int_val = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).value
mac = netaddr.EUI(mac)
LOG.info("Using RFC2462 method to generate a v6 with MAC %s" % mac)
int_val += mac.eui64().value
int_val ^= MAGIC_INT
return int_val
def rfc3041_ip(port_id, cidr):
if not port_id:
random_stuff = uuid.uuid4()
random_stuff = uuid.UUID(port_id)
int_val = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).value
while True:
rand_bits = random.getrandbits(64)
LOG.info("Using RFC3041 method to generate a v6 with bits %s" %
val = int_val + rand_bits
val ^= MAGIC_INT
yield val
def ip_address_failure(network_id):
if STRATEGY.is_provider_network(network_id):
return q_exc.ProviderNetworkOutOfIps(net_id=network_id)
return n_exc.IpAddressGenerationFailure(net_id=network_id)
def generate_v6(mac, port_id, cidr):
# NOTE(mdietz): RM10879 - if we don't have a MAC, don't panic, defer to
# our magic rfc3041_ip method instead. If an IP is created
# by the ip_addresses controller, we wouldn't necessarily
# have a MAC to base our generator on in that case for
# example.
if mac is not None:
addr = rfc2462_ip(mac, cidr)
yield addr
for addr in rfc3041_ip(port_id, cidr):
yield addr
def ipam_logged(fx):
def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs):
log = QuarkIPAMLog()
kwargs['ipam_log'] = log
return fx(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrap
class QuarkIPAMLog(object):
def __init__(self):
self.entries = {}
self.success = True
def make_entry(self, fx_name):
if fx_name not in self.entries:
self.entries[fx_name] = []
entry = QuarkIPAMLogEntry(self, fx_name)
return entry
def _output(self, status, time_total, fails, successes):
statistics = ("TIME:%f ATTEMPTS:%d PASS:%d FAIL:%d" %
(time_total, fails + successes, successes, fails))
if not self.success:
LOG.warning("STATUS:FAILED %s" % statistics)
LOG.debug("STATUS:SUCCESS %s" % statistics)
def end(self):
total = 0
fails = 0
successes = 0
for fx, entries in self.entries.items():
for entry in entries:
total += entry.get_time()
if entry.success:
successes += 1
fails += 1
self._output(self.success, total, fails, successes)
def failed(self):
self.success = False
class QuarkIPAMLogEntry(object):
def __init__(self, log, name):
self.name = name
self.log = log
self.start_time = time.time()
self.success = True
def failed(self):
self.success = False
def end(self):
self.end_time = time.time()
def get_time(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'end_time'):
return 0
return self.end_time - self.start_time
class QuarkIpam(object):
def allocate_mac_address(self, context, net_id, port_id, reuse_after,
use_forbidden_mac_range=False, **kwargs):
if mac_address:
mac_address = netaddr.EUI(mac_address).value
kwargs.update({"network_id": net_id, "port_id": port_id,
"mac_address": mac_address,
"use_forbidden_mac_range": use_forbidden_mac_range})
LOG.info(("Attempting to allocate a new MAC address "
for retry in xrange(CONF.QUARK.mac_address_retry_max):
LOG.info("Attemping to reallocate deallocated MAC (step 1 of 3),"
" attempt {0} of {1}".format(
retry + 1, CONF.QUARK.mac_address_retry_max))
with context.session.begin():
transaction = db_api.transaction_create(context)
update_kwargs = {
"deallocated": False,
"deallocated_at": None,
"transaction_id": transaction.id
filter_kwargs = {
"deallocated": True,
if mac_address is not None:
filter_kwargs["address"] = mac_address
if reuse_after is not None:
filter_kwargs["reuse_after"] = reuse_after
elevated = context.elevated()
result = db_api.mac_address_reallocate(
elevated, update_kwargs, **filter_kwargs)
if not result:
reallocated_mac = db_api.mac_address_reallocate_find(
elevated, transaction.id)
if reallocated_mac:
dealloc = netaddr.EUI(reallocated_mac["address"])
LOG.info("Found a suitable deallocated MAC {0}".format(
LOG.info("MAC assignment for port ID {0} completed "
"with address {1}".format(port_id, dealloc))
return reallocated_mac
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Error in mac reallocate...")
LOG.info("Couldn't find a suitable deallocated MAC, attempting "
"to create a new one")
# This could fail if a large chunk of MACs were chosen explicitly,
# but under concurrent load enough MAC creates should iterate without
# any given thread exhausting its retry count.
for retry in xrange(CONF.QUARK.mac_address_retry_max):
LOG.info("Attemping to find a range to create a new MAC in "
"(step 2 of 3), attempt {0} of {1}".format(
retry + 1, CONF.QUARK.mac_address_retry_max))
next_address = None
with context.session.begin():
fn = db_api.mac_address_range_find_allocation_counts
mac_range = \
fn(context, address=mac_address,
if not mac_range:
LOG.info("No MAC ranges could be found given "
"the criteria")
rng, addr_count = mac_range
LOG.info("Found a MAC range {0}".format(rng["cidr"]))
last = rng["last_address"]
first = rng["first_address"]
if (last - first + 1) <= addr_count:
# Somehow, the range got filled up without us
# knowing, so set the next_auto_assign to be -1
# so we never try to create new ones
# in this range
db_api.mac_range_update_set_full(context, rng)
LOG.info("MAC range {0} is full".format(rng["cidr"]))
if mac_address:
next_address = mac_address
next_address = rng["next_auto_assign_mac"]
if next_address + 1 > rng["last_address"]:
db_api.mac_range_update_set_full(context, rng)
context, rng)
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Error in updating mac range")
# Based on the above, this should only fail if a MAC was
# was explicitly chosen at some point. As such, fall through
# here and get in line for a new MAC address to try
mac_readable = str(netaddr.EUI(next_address))
LOG.info("Attempting to create new MAC {0} "
"(step 3 of 3)".format(mac_readable))
with context.session.begin():
address = db_api.mac_address_create(
context, address=next_address,
LOG.info("MAC assignment for port ID {0} completed with "
"address {1}".format(port_id, mac_readable))
return address
except Exception:
LOG.info("Failed to create new MAC {0}".format(mac_readable))
LOG.exception("Error in creating mac. MAC possibly duplicate")
raise n_exc_ext.MacAddressGenerationFailure(net_id=net_id)
def attempt_to_reallocate_ip(self, context, net_id, port_id, reuse_after,
version=None, ip_address=None,
segment_id=None, subnets=None, **kwargs):
version = version or [4, 6]
elevated = context.elevated()
LOG.info("Attempting to reallocate an IP (step 1 of 3) - [{0}]".format(
utils.pretty_kwargs(network_id=net_id, port_id=port_id,
version=version, segment_id=segment_id,
subnets=subnets, ip_address=ip_address)))
if version == 6:
# Defers to the create case. The reason why is we'd have to look
# up subnets here to correctly generate the v6. If we split them
# up into reallocate and create, we'd be looking up the same
# subnets twice, which is a waste of time.
# TODO(mdietz): after reviewing this code, this block annoyingly
# doesn't trigger in the ANY case, since we end up
# using a list of [4, 6]. It works as expected most
# of the time, but we can anticipate that isolated
# networks will end up using sequential assignment.
# Probably want to rework this logic to compensate
# at some point. Considering they all come from the
# same MAC address pool, nothing bad will happen,
# just worth noticing and fixing.
LOG.info("Identified as v6 case, deferring to IP create path")
return []
sub_ids = []
if subnets:
sub_ids = subnets
elif segment_id:
subnets = db_api.subnet_find(elevated,
sub_ids = [s["id"] for s in subnets]
if not sub_ids:
LOG.info("No subnets matching segment_id {0} could be "
raise ip_address_failure(net_id)
ip_kwargs = {
"network_id": net_id,
"deallocated": True,
"version": version,
"lock_id": None,
if reuse_after is not None:
ip_kwargs["reuse_after"] = reuse_after
if ip_address is not None:
ip_kwargs["ip_address"] = ip_address
del ip_kwargs["deallocated"]
if sub_ids:
ip_kwargs["subnet_id"] = sub_ids
ipam_log = kwargs.get('ipam_log', None)
for retry in xrange(CONF.QUARK.ip_address_retry_max):
attempt = None
if ipam_log:
attempt = ipam_log.make_entry("attempt_to_reallocate_ip")
LOG.info("Attempt {0} of {1}".format(
retry + 1, CONF.QUARK.ip_address_retry_max))
with context.session.begin():
transaction = db_api.transaction_create(context)
m = models.IPAddress
update_kwargs = {
m.transaction_id: transaction.id,
m.address_type: kwargs.get("address_type", ip_types.FIXED),
m.deallocated: False,
m.deallocated_at: None,
m.used_by_tenant_id: context.tenant_id,
m.allocated_at: timeutils.utcnow(),
result = db_api.ip_address_reallocate(
elevated, update_kwargs, **ip_kwargs)
if not result:
LOG.info("Couldn't update any reallocatable addresses "
"given the criteria")
if attempt:
updated_address = db_api.ip_address_reallocate_find(
elevated, transaction.id)
if not updated_address:
if attempt:
LOG.info("Address {0} is reallocated".format(
return [updated_address]
except Exception:
if attempt:
LOG.exception("Error in reallocate ip...")
if attempt:
return []
def is_strategy_satisfied(self, ip_addresses, allocate_complete=False):
return ip_addresses
def _allocate_from_subnet(self, context, net_id, subnet,
port_id, reuse_after, ip_address=None, **kwargs):
LOG.info("Creating a new address in subnet {0} - [{1}]".format(
subnet["_cidr"], utils.pretty_kwargs(network_id=net_id,
if subnet and subnet["ip_policy"]:
ip_policy_cidrs = subnet["ip_policy"].get_cidrs_ip_set()
ip_policy_cidrs = netaddr.IPSet([])
next_ip = ip_address
if not next_ip:
if subnet["next_auto_assign_ip"] != -1:
next_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(subnet["next_auto_assign_ip"] - 1)
next_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(subnet["last_ip"])
if subnet["ip_version"] == 4:
next_ip = next_ip.ipv4()
LOG.info("Next IP is {0}".format(str(next_ip)))
if ip_policy_cidrs and next_ip in ip_policy_cidrs and not ip_address:
LOG.info("Next IP {0} violates policy".format(str(next_ip)))
raise q_exc.IPAddressPolicyRetryableFailure(ip_addr=next_ip,
with context.session.begin():
address = db_api.ip_address_create(
context, address=next_ip, subnet_id=subnet["id"],
deallocated=0, version=subnet["ip_version"],
address_type=kwargs.get('address_type', ip_types.FIXED))
address["deallocated"] = 0
# alexm: instead of notifying billing from here we notify from
# allocate_ip_address() when it's clear that the IP
# allocation was successful
except db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry:
raise n_exc.IpAddressInUse(ip_address=next_ip, net_id=net_id)
except db_exception.DBError:
raise q_exc.IPAddressRetryableFailure(ip_addr=next_ip,
return address
def _allocate_from_v6_subnet(self, context, net_id, subnet,
port_id, reuse_after, ip_address=None,
"""This attempts to allocate v6 addresses as per RFC2462 and RFC3041.
To accomodate this, we effectively treat all v6 assignment as a
first time allocation utilizing the MAC address of the VIF. Because
we recycle MACs, we will eventually attempt to recreate a previously
generated v6 address. Instead of failing, we've opted to handle
reallocating that address in this method.
This should provide a performance boost over attempting to check
each and every subnet in the existing reallocate logic, as we'd
have to iterate over each and every subnet returned
LOG.info("Attempting to allocate a v6 address - [{0}]".format(
utils.pretty_kwargs(network_id=net_id, subnet=subnet,
port_id=port_id, ip_address=ip_address)))
if ip_address:
LOG.info("IP %s explicitly requested, deferring to standard "
"allocation" % ip_address)
return self._allocate_from_subnet(context, net_id=net_id,
subnet=subnet, port_id=port_id,
ip_address=ip_address, **kwargs)
mac = kwargs.get("mac_address")
if mac:
mac = kwargs["mac_address"].get("address")
if subnet and subnet["ip_policy"]:
ip_policy_cidrs = subnet["ip_policy"].get_cidrs_ip_set()
ip_policy_cidrs = netaddr.IPSet([])
for tries, ip_address in enumerate(
generate_v6(mac, port_id, subnet["cidr"])):
LOG.info("Attempt {0} of {1}".format(
tries + 1, CONF.QUARK.v6_allocation_attempts))
if tries > CONF.QUARK.v6_allocation_attempts - 1:
LOG.info("Exceeded v6 allocation attempts, bailing")
raise ip_address_failure(net_id)
ip_address = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address).ipv6()
LOG.info("Generated a new v6 address {0}".format(
if (ip_policy_cidrs is not None and
ip_address in ip_policy_cidrs):
LOG.info("Address {0} excluded by policy".format(
with context.session.begin():
address = db_api.ip_address_create(
context, address=ip_address,
version=subnet["ip_version"], network_id=net_id,
return address
except db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry:
# This shouldn't ever happen, since we hold a unique MAC
# address from the previous IPAM step.
LOG.info("{0} exists but was already "
LOG.debug("Duplicate entry found when inserting subnet_id"
" %s ip_address %s", subnet["id"], ip_address)
def _allocate_ips_from_subnets(self, context, new_addresses, net_id,
subnets, port_id, reuse_after,
ip_address=None, **kwargs):
LOG.info("Allocating IP(s) from chosen subnet(s) (step 3 of 3) - "
network_id=net_id, port_id=port_id,
new_addresses=new_addresses, ip_address=ip_address)))
subnets = subnets or []
allocated_ips = [ip.get("address_readable") for ip in new_addresses]
for subnet in subnets:
if not subnet:
if str(ip_address) in allocated_ips:
LOG.info("Attempting to allocate from {0} - {1}".format(
subnet["id"], subnet["_cidr"]))
address = None
if int(subnet["ip_version"]) == 4:
address = self._allocate_from_subnet(context, net_id,
subnet, port_id,
ip_address, **kwargs)
address = self._allocate_from_v6_subnet(context, net_id,
subnet, port_id,
ip_address, **kwargs)
if address:
LOG.info("Created IP {0}".format(
return new_addresses
def allocate_ip_address(self, context, new_addresses, net_id, port_id,
reuse_after, segment_id=None, version=None,
ip_addresses=None, subnets=None, **kwargs):
elevated = context.elevated()
subnets = subnets or []
ip_addresses = ip_addresses or []
ipam_log = kwargs.get('ipam_log', None)
LOG.info("Starting a new IP address(es) allocation. Strategy "
"is {0} - [{1}]".format(
utils.pretty_kwargs(network_id=net_id, port_id=port_id,
def _try_reallocate_ip_address(ipam_log, ip_addr=None):
context, net_id, port_id, reuse_after, version=version,
ip_address=ip_addr, segment_id=segment_id, subnets=subnets,
def _try_allocate_ip_address(ipam_log, ip_addr=None, sub=None):
for retry in xrange(CONF.QUARK.ip_address_retry_max):
attempt = None
if ipam_log:
attempt = ipam_log.make_entry("_try_allocate_ip_address")
LOG.info("Allocating new IP attempt {0} of {1}".format(
retry + 1, CONF.QUARK.ip_address_retry_max))
if not sub:
subnets = self._choose_available_subnet(
elevated, net_id, version, segment_id=segment_id,
ip_address=ip_addr, reallocated_ips=new_addresses)
subnets = [self.select_subnet(context, net_id,
ip_addr, segment_id,
LOG.info("Subnet selection returned {0} viable subnet(s) - "
"IDs: {1}".format(len(subnets),
", ".join([str(s["id"])
for s in subnets if s])))
self._allocate_ips_from_subnets(context, new_addresses,
net_id, subnets,
port_id, reuse_after,
ip_addr, **kwargs)
except q_exc.IPAddressRetryableFailure:
LOG.exception("Error in allocating IP")
if attempt:
remaining = CONF.QUARK.ip_address_retry_max - retry - 1
if remaining > 0:
LOG.info("{0} retries remain, retrying...".format(
LOG.info("No retries remaing, bailing")
if attempt:
ip_addresses = [netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
for ip_address in ip_addresses]
if ip_addresses:
for ip_address in ip_addresses:
_try_reallocate_ip_address(ipam_log, ip_address)
if self.is_strategy_satisfied(new_addresses):
LOG.info("Reallocated addresses {0} but still need more addresses "
"to satisfy strategy {1}. Falling back to creating "
"IPs".format(new_addresses, self.get_name()))
if ip_addresses or subnets:
for ip_address, subnet in itertools.izip_longest(ip_addresses,
_try_allocate_ip_address(ipam_log, ip_address, subnet)
if self.is_strategy_satisfied(new_addresses, allocate_complete=True):
# Only notify when all went well
for address in new_addresses:
billing.notify(context, billing.IP_ADD, address, **kwargs)
LOG.info("IPAM for port ID {0} completed with addresses "
for a in new_addresses]))
raise ip_address_failure(net_id)
def deallocate_ip_address(self, context, address, **kwargs):
if address["version"] == 6:
db_api.ip_address_delete(context, address)
address["deallocated"] = 1
address["address_type"] = None
billing.notify(context, billing.IP_DEL, address, send_usage=True,
def deallocate_ips_by_port(self, context, port=None, **kwargs):
ips_to_remove = []
for addr in port["ip_addresses"]:
if "ip_address" in kwargs:
ip = kwargs["ip_address"]
if ip != netaddr.IPAddress(int(addr["address"])):
# Note: only deallocate ip if this is the
# only port mapped
port["ip_addresses"] = list(
set(port["ip_addresses"]) - set(ips_to_remove))
# NCP-1541: We don't need to track v6 IPs the same way. Also, we can't
# delete them until we've removed the FK on the assoc record first, so
# we have to flush the current state of the transaction.
# NOTE(mdietz): this does increase traffic to the db because we need
# to flush, fetch the records again and potentially make
# another trip to deallocate each IP, but keeping our
# indices smaller probably provides more value than the
# cost
# NOTE(aquillin): For floating IPs associated with the port, we do not
# want to deallocate the IP or disassociate the IP from
# the tenant, instead we will disassociate floating's
# fixed IP address.
deallocated_ips = []
flip = None
for ip in ips_to_remove:
if ip["address_type"] in (ip_types.FLOATING, ip_types.SCALING):
flip = ip
if len(ip["ports"]) == 0:
self.deallocate_ip_address(context, ip)
if flip:
if flip.fixed_ips and len(flip.fixed_ips) == 1:
# This is a FLIP or SCIP that is only associated with one
# port and fixed_ip, so we can safely just disassociate all
# and remove the flip from unicorn.
db_api.floating_ip_disassociate_all_fixed_ips(context, flip)
# NOTE(blogan): I'm not too happy about having do another
# flush but some test runs showed inconsistent state based on
# SQLAlchemy caching.
billing.notify(context, billing.IP_DISASSOC, flip, **kwargs)
driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver()
elif len(flip.fixed_ips) > 1:
# This is a SCIP and we need to diassociate the one fixed_ip
# from the SCIP and update unicorn with the remaining
# ports and fixed_ips
remaining_fixed_ips = []
for fix_ip in flip.fixed_ips:
if fix_ip.id in deallocated_ips:
context, flip, fix_ip)
billing.notify(context, billing.IP_DISASSOC, flip,
port_fixed_ips = {}
for fix_ip in remaining_fixed_ips:
# NOTE(blogan): Since this is the flip's fixed_ips it
# should be safe to assume there is only one port
# associated with it.
remaining_port = fix_ip.ports[0]
port_fixed_ips[remaining_port.id] = {
'port': remaining_port,
'fixed_ip': fix_ip
driver = registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver()
driver.update_floating_ip(flip, port_fixed_ips)
# NCP-1509(roaet):
# - started using admin_context due to tenant not claiming when realloc
def deallocate_mac_address(self, context, address, **kwargs):
admin_context = context.elevated()
mac = db_api.mac_address_find(admin_context, address=address,
if not mac:
raise q_exc.MacAddressNotFound(
if (mac["mac_address_range"] is None or
db_api.mac_address_delete(admin_context, mac)
db_api.mac_address_update(admin_context, mac, deallocated=True,
def _select_subnet(self, context, net_id, ip_address, segment_id,
subnet_ids, **filters):
# NCP-1480: Don't need to lock V6 subnets, since we don't use
# next_auto_assign_ip for them. We already uniquely identified
# the V6 we're going to get by generating a MAC in a previous step.
# Also note that this only works under BOTH or BOTH_REQUIRED. ANY
# does not pass an ip_version
lock_subnets = True
if (not CONF.QUARK.ipam_select_subnet_v6_locking and
"ip_version" in filters and
int(filters["ip_version"]) == 6):
lock_subnets = False
select_api = db_api.subnet_find_ordered_by_most_full
# TODO(mdietz): Add configurable, alternate subnet selection here
subnets = select_api(context, net_id, lock_subnets=lock_subnets,
segment_id=segment_id, scope=db_api.ALL,
subnet_id=subnet_ids, **filters)
if not subnets:
LOG.info("No subnets found given the search criteria!")
# TODO(mdietz): Making this into an iterator because we want to move
# to selecting 1 subnet at a time and paginating rather
# than the bulk fetch. Without locks, we need to
# minimize looking at stale data to save ourselves
# some retries. Getting then 1 at a time will
# facilitate this.
for subnet, ips_in_subnet in subnets:
yield subnet, ips_in_subnet
def _should_mark_subnet_full(self, context, subnet, ipnet, ip_address,
ip = subnet["next_auto_assign_ip"]
# NOTE(mdietz): When atomically updated, this probably
# doesn't need the lower bounds check but
# I'm not comfortable removing it yet.
if (subnet["ip_version"] == 4 and ip < subnet["first_ip"] or
ip > subnet["last_ip"]):
return True
ip_policy = None
if not ip_address:
# Policies don't prevent explicit assignment, so we only
# need to check if we're allocating a new IP
ip_policy = subnet.get("ip_policy")
policy_size = ip_policy["size"] if ip_policy else 0
if ipnet.size > (ips_in_subnet + policy_size - 1):
return False
return True
def _ip_in_subnet(self, subnet, subnet_ids, ipnet, ip_address):
if ip_address:
requested_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address)
if ipnet.version == 4 and requested_ip.version != 4:
requested_ip = requested_ip.ipv4()
if requested_ip not in ipnet:
if subnet_ids is not None:
LOG.info("Requested IP {0} not in subnet {1}, "
raise q_exc.IPAddressNotInSubnet(
ip_addr=ip_address, subnet_id=subnet["id"])
return False
return True
def select_subnet(self, context, net_id, ip_address, segment_id,
subnet_ids=None, **filters):
LOG.info("Selecting subnet(s) - (Step 2 of 3) [{0}]".format(
utils.pretty_kwargs(network_id=net_id, ip_address=ip_address,
segment_id=segment_id, subnet_ids=subnet_ids,
# TODO(mdietz): Invert the iterator and the session, should only be
# one subnet per attempt. We should also only be fetching
# the subnet and usage when we need to. Otherwise
# we're locking every subnet for a segment, and once
# we stop locking, we're looking at stale data.
with context.session.begin():
for subnet, ips_in_subnet in self._select_subnet(context, net_id,
if subnet is None:
ipnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet["cidr"])
LOG.info("Trying subnet ID: {0} - CIDR: {1}".format(
subnet["id"], subnet["_cidr"]))
if not self._ip_in_subnet(subnet, subnet_ids, ipnet,
if self._should_mark_subnet_full(context, subnet, ipnet,
ip_address, ips_in_subnet):
LOG.info("Marking subnet {0} as full".format(subnet["id"]))
updated = db_api.subnet_update_set_full(context, subnet)
# Ensure the session is aware of the changes to the subnet
if updated:
if not ip_address and subnet["ip_version"] == 4:
auto_inc = db_api.subnet_update_next_auto_assign_ip
updated = auto_inc(context, subnet)
if updated:
# This means the subnet was marked full
# while we were checking out policies.
# Fall out and go back to the outer retry
# loop.
LOG.info("Subnet {0} - {1} {2} looks viable, "
"returning".format(subnet["id"], subnet["_cidr"],
return subnet
class QuarkIpamANY(QuarkIpam):
def get_name(self):
return "ANY"
def _choose_available_subnet(self, context, net_id, version=None,
segment_id=None, ip_address=None,
filters = {}
if version:
filters["ip_version"] = version
subnet = self.select_subnet(context, net_id, ip_address, segment_id,
if subnet:
return [subnet]
raise ip_address_failure(net_id)
class QuarkIpamBOTH(QuarkIpam):
def get_name(self):
return "BOTH"
def is_strategy_satisfied(self, reallocated_ips, allocate_complete=False):
req = [4, 6]
for ip in reallocated_ips:
if ip is not None:
ips_allocated = len(req)
if ips_allocated == 0:
return True
elif ips_allocated == 1 and allocate_complete:
return True
return False
def attempt_to_reallocate_ip(self, context, net_id, port_id,
reuse_after, version=None,
ip_address=None, segment_id=None,
subnets=None, **kwargs):
ip_address_version = 4 if not ip_address else ip_address.version
# NOTE(quade): We do not attempt to reallocate ipv6, so just return
if ip_address_version == 6:
return []
return super(QuarkIpamBOTH, self).attempt_to_reallocate_ip(
context, net_id, port_id, reuse_after, ip_address_version,
ip_address, segment_id, subnets=subnets, **kwargs)
def _choose_available_subnet(self, context, net_id, version=None,
segment_id=None, ip_address=None,
both_subnet_versions = []
need_versions = [4, 6]
for i in reallocated_ips:
if i["version"] in need_versions:
filters = {}
for ver in need_versions:
filters["ip_version"] = ver
sub = self.select_subnet(context, net_id, ip_address, segment_id,
if sub:
if not reallocated_ips and not both_subnet_versions:
raise ip_address_failure(net_id)
return both_subnet_versions
class QuarkIpamBOTHREQ(QuarkIpamBOTH):
def get_name(self):
def is_strategy_satisfied(self, reallocated_ips, allocate_complete=False):
req = [4, 6]
for ip in reallocated_ips:
if ip is not None:
ips_allocated = len(req)
if ips_allocated == 0:
return True
return False
def _choose_available_subnet(self, context, net_id, version=None,
segment_id=None, ip_address=None,
subnets = super(QuarkIpamBOTHREQ, self)._choose_available_subnet(
context, net_id, version, segment_id, ip_address, reallocated_ips)
if len(reallocated_ips) + len(subnets) < 2:
raise ip_address_failure(net_id)
return subnets
class IronicIpam(QuarkIpam):
"""IPAM base class for the Ironic driver.
The idea here is that there are many small subnets created for a
particular segment for a provider network. The Ironic IPAM
family selects unused ones, and only allows a single allocation
per subnet.
def _select_subnet(self, context, net_id, ip_address, segment_id,
subnet_ids, **filters):
lock_subnets = True
select_api = db_api.subnet_find_unused
subnets = select_api(context, net_id, lock_subnets=lock_subnets,
segment_id=segment_id, scope=db_api.ALL,
subnet_id=subnet_ids, **filters)
if not subnets:
LOG.info("No subnets found given the search criteria!")
for subnet, ips_in_subnet in subnets:
# make sure we don't select subnets that have allocated ips.
if ips_in_subnet:
yield subnet, ips_in_subnet
class IronicIpamANY(IronicIpam, QuarkIpamANY):
def get_name(self):
return "IRONIC_ANY"
class IronicIpamBOTH(IronicIpam, QuarkIpamBOTH):
def get_name(self):
return "IRONIC_BOTH"
class IronicIpamBOTHREQ(IronicIpam, QuarkIpamBOTHREQ):
def get_name(self):
class IpamRegistry(object):
def __init__(self):
self.strategies = {
QuarkIpamANY.get_name(): QuarkIpamANY(),
QuarkIpamBOTH.get_name(): QuarkIpamBOTH(),
QuarkIpamBOTHREQ.get_name(): QuarkIpamBOTHREQ(),
IronicIpamANY.get_name(): IronicIpamANY(),
IronicIpamBOTH.get_name(): IronicIpamBOTH(),
IronicIpamBOTHREQ.get_name(): IronicIpamBOTHREQ()
def is_valid_strategy(self, strategy_name):
if strategy_name in self.strategies:
return True
return False
def get_strategy(self, strategy_name):
if self.is_valid_strategy(strategy_name):
return self.strategies[strategy_name]
fallback = CONF.QUARK.default_ipam_strategy
LOG.warn("IPAM strategy %s not found, "
"using default %s" % (strategy_name, fallback))
return self.strategies[fallback]
IPAM_REGISTRY = IpamRegistry()