2014-02-28 15:46:32 +11:00

157 lines
5.0 KiB
Executable File

import datetime
import json
import sys
import time
'Docker CI',
'Hyper-V CI',
'IBM PowerKVM Testing',
'NEC OpenStack CI',
'VMware Mine Sweeper',
'XenServer CI',
'Positive comment',
'Negative comment',
'Negative, buried in comment',
def patch_list_as_html(l):
out = []
for p in sorted(l):
number, patch = p.split(',')
out.append('<a href="http://review.openstack.org/#/c/%s/%s">%s,%s</a>'
% (number, patch, number, patch))
return ', '.join(out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('patchsets.json') as f:
patchsets = json.loads(f.read())
# This is more complicated than it looks because we need to handle
# patchsets which are uploaded so rapidly that older patchsets aren't
# finished testing.
total_patches = 0
total_votes = {}
missed_votes = {}
sentiments = {}
passed_votes = {}
failed_votes = {}
unparsed_votes = {}
for number in patchsets:
if patchsets[number].get('__exemption__'):
patches = sorted(patchsets[number].keys())
valid_patches = []
# Determine how long a patch was valid for. If it wasn't valid for
# at least three hours, disgard.
for patch in patches:
if not '__created__' in patchsets[number][patch]:
uploaded = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
obsoleted = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
patchsets[number].get(str(int(patch) + 1), {}).get(
'__created__', time.time()))
valid_for = obsoleted - uploaded
if valid_for < datetime.timedelta(hours=3):
total_patches += len(valid_patches)
for patch in valid_patches:
for author in patchsets[number][patch]:
if author == '__created__':
total_votes.setdefault(author, 0)
total_votes[author] += 1
for vote, msg, sentiment in patchsets[number][patch][author]:
if sentiment.startswith('Positive'):
passed_votes.setdefault(author, 0)
passed_votes[author] += 1
elif sentiment.startswith('Negative'):
failed_votes.setdefault(author, 0)
failed_votes[author] += 1
unparsed_votes.setdefault(author, 0)
unparsed_votes[author] += 1
sentiments.setdefault(author, {})
sentiments[author].setdefault(sentiment, [])
'%s,%s' % (number, patch))
for author in CI_SYSTEM:
if not author in patchsets[number][patch]:
missed_votes.setdefault(author, [])
missed_votes[author].append('%s,%s' % (number, patch))
print '<b>Valid patches in report period: %d</b><ul>' % total_patches
for author in CI_SYSTEM:
if not author in total_votes:
print ('<li><font color=blue>No votes recorded for '
% author)
percentage = (total_votes[author] * 100.0 / total_patches)
if percentage < 95.0:
print '<font color=red>'
passed = passed_votes.get(author, 0)
failed = failed_votes.get(author, 0)
unparsed = unparsed_votes.get(author, 0)
total = passed + failed + unparsed
pass_percentage = passed * 100.0 / total
fail_percentage = failed * 100.0 / total
unparsed_percentage = unparsed * 100.0 / total
print ('<li><b>%s</b> voted on %d patchsets (%.02f%%), '
'passing %d (%.02f%%), failing %s (%.02f%%) and '
'unparsed %d (%.02f%%)'
% (author, total_votes[author], percentage, passed,
pass_percentage, failed, fail_percentage, unparsed,
if percentage < 95.0:
print '</font>'
print '</li><ul>'
print ('<li>Missed %d: %s</li>'
% (len(missed_votes.get(author, [])),
patch_list_as_html(missed_votes.get(author, []))))
print '<li>Sentiment:</li><ul>'
for sentiment in SENTIMENTS:
count = len(sentiments.get(author, {}).get(sentiment, []))
if count > 0:
print '<li>%s: %d' % (sentiment, count )
if sentiment != 'Positive':
print ('(%s)'
% patch_list_as_html(sentiments[author][sentiment]))
print '</li>'
print '</ul></ul>'
print '</ul>'