#!/bin/bash -xe configs_path=$WORKSPACE/sahara-ci-config/config template_vars_file=/tmp/template_vars.ini eval ci_flavor_id="\'20\'" eval medium_flavor_id="\'3\'" eval large_flavor_id="\'4\'" check_dependency_patch() { local project_name=$1 local zuul_changes=${ZUUL_CHANGES:-$2} for dep in $(echo "$zuul_changes" | tr "^" "\n"); do cur_proj=$(echo $dep|awk -F: '{print $1}') [[ "$cur_proj" =~ ^"$project_name"$ ]] && return 0 done return 1 } conf_has_option() { local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local line line=$(sed -ne "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[.*\]/ { /^$option[ \t]*=/ p; }" "$file") [ -n "$line" ] } enable_pypi() { mkdir -p ~/.pip export PIP_USE_MIRRORS=True cp $configs_path/pip.conf ~/.pip/pip.conf } failure() { local reason=$1 print_python_env echo "$reason" exit 1 } get_dependency() { local project_dir=$1 local project_name=$2 local branch=$3 if check_dependency_patch "$project_name" then # when patch depends on patch to some project pushd "$(pwd)" mkdir "$project_dir" && cd "$project_dir" ZUUL_PROJECT="$project_name" /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/gerrit-git-prep.sh https://review.openstack.org https://review.openstack.org popd else git clone https://review.openstack.org/"$project_name" "$project_dir" -b "$branch" fi } insert_config_value() { local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local value=$4 [[ -z $section || -z $option ]] && return if ! grep -q "^\[$section\]" "$file" 2>/dev/null; then # Add section at the end echo -e "\n[$section]" >>"$file" fi if ! conf_has_option "$file" "$section" "$option"; then # Add it sed -i -e "/^\[$section\]/ a\\ $option = $value " "$file" else local sep sep=$(echo -ne "\x01") # Replace it sed -i -e '/^\['${section}'\]/,/^\[.*\]/ s'${sep}'^\('${option}'[ \t]*=[ \t]*\).*$'${sep}'\1'"${value}"${sep} "$file" fi } print_python_env() { [ -f $SAHARA_PATH/.tox/integration/bin/pip ] && $SAHARA_PATH/.tox/integration/bin/pip freeze > $WORKSPACE/logs/python-integration-env.txt [ -f $SAHARA_PATH/.tox/scenario/bin/pip ] && $SAHARA_PATH/.tox/scenario/bin/pip freeze > $WORKSPACE/logs/python-scenario-env.txt pip freeze > $WORKSPACE/logs/python-system-env.txt } run_tests() { local scenario_config=$1 # shellcheck disable=SC2034 local concurrency=${2:-"1"} echo "Integration tests are started" export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 local scenario_edp scenario_edp="${tests_etc:?}/edp.yaml.mako" if [ ! -f $scenario_edp ]; then scenario_edp="${tests_etc:?}/edp.yaml" fi # Temporary use additional log file, due to wrong status code from tox scenario tests pushd $SAHARA_TESTS_PATH # tox -e scenario -- --verbose -V $template_vars_file $scenario_credentials $scenario_edp $scenario_config || failure "Integration tests are failed" sleep 1h tox -e venv -- sahara-scenario --verbose -V $template_vars_file $scenario_edp $scenario_config | tee tox.log STATUS=$(grep "\ -\ Failed" tox.log | awk '{print $3}') if [ "$STATUS" != "0" ]; then failure "Integration tests have failed"; fi popd } scenario_has_option() { local file=$1 local main_key=$2 local stop_key=$3 local sub_key=$4 local line line=$(sed -ne "/$main_key\:/,/$stop_key/ { /[ \t]$sub_key:/ p; }" "$file") [ -n "$line" ] } start_sahara() { local conf_path=$1 local conf_dir conf_dir=$(dirname $1) local mode=${2:-"distribute"} mkdir $WORKSPACE/logs sahara-db-manage --config-file $conf_path upgrade head || failure "Command 'sahara-db-manage' failed" if [ "$mode" == "distribute" ]; then screen -dmS sahara-api /bin/bash -c "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 sahara-api --config-dir $conf_dir -d --log-file $WORKSPACE/logs/sahara-log-api.txt" sleep 2 screen -dmS sahara-engine_1 /bin/bash -c "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 sahara-engine --config-dir $conf_dir -d --log-file $WORKSPACE/logs/sahara-log-engine-1.txt" screen -dmS sahara-engine_2 /bin/bash -c "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 sahara-engine --config-dir $conf_dir -d --log-file $WORKSPACE/logs/sahara-log-engine-2.txt" else screen -dmS sahara-all /bin/bash -c "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 sahara-all --config-dir $conf_dir -d --log-file $WORKSPACE/logs/sahara-log.txt" fi api_responding_timeout=30 if ! timeout ${api_responding_timeout} sh -c "while ! curl -s 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'requires authentication\|Authentication required' ; do sleep 1; done"; then failure "Sahara API failed to respond within ${api_responding_timeout} seconds" fi } write_sahara_main_conf() { local conf_path=$1 local plugin=$2 insert_config_value $conf_path DEFAULT infrastructure_engine heat insert_config_value $conf_path DEFAULT api_workers 4 insert_config_value $conf_path DEFAULT use_identity_api_v3 true insert_config_value $conf_path DEFAULT use_neutron true insert_config_value $conf_path DEFAULT min_transient_cluster_active_time 30 insert_config_value $conf_path DEFAULT node_domain ci insert_config_value $conf_path DEFAULT plugins $plugin insert_config_value $conf_path database connection mysql+pymysql://sahara-citest:sahara-citest@localhost/sahara?charset=utf8 insert_config_value $conf_path keystone_authtoken auth_uri http://$OPENSTACK_HOST:5000/v2.0/ insert_config_value $conf_path keystone_authtoken identity_uri http://$OPENSTACK_HOST:35357/ insert_config_value $conf_path keystone_authtoken admin_user $OS_USERNAME insert_config_value $conf_path keystone_authtoken admin_password $OS_PASSWORD insert_config_value $conf_path keystone_authtoken admin_tenant_name $OS_TENANT_NAME echo "----------- sahara.conf -----------" cat $conf_path echo "--------------- end ---------------" } write_tests_conf() { local cluster_name=$1 local image_name=$2 local scenario=$3 local image_variable_name image_variable_name=$(grep image "${scenario}" | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed "s/[{}$]//g") export NETWORK="neutron" echo "[DEFAULT] $image_variable_name: $image_name cluster_name: $cluster_name ci_flavor_id: ${ci_flavor_id:?} medium_flavor_id: ${medium_flavor_id:?} large_flavor_id: ${large_flavor_id:?} " | tee ${template_vars_file} } get_template_path() { local branch=$1 local plugin=$2 local base_path=$3 if [[ $branch == *"stable"* ]]; then local release release=${branch//stable\//} base_path="$base_path/$release" fi local suffix suffix=${plugin//_/-} echo "$base_path/$suffix.yaml.mako" }