Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, Migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in `SQLAlchemy <http://sqlalchemy.org>`_ projects. Migrate extends SQLAlchemy to have database changeset handling. It provides a database change repository mechanism which can be used from the command line as well as from inside python code. Help ------ Sphinx documentation is available at the project page `packages.python.org <http://packages.python.org/sqlalchemy-migrate/>`_. Users and developers can be found at #sqlalchemy-migrate on Freenode IRC network and at the public users mailing list `migrate-users <http://groups.google.com/group/migrate-users>`_. New releases and major changes are announced at the public announce mailing list `migrate-announce <http://groups.google.com/group/migrate-announce>`_ and at the Python package index `sqlalchemy-migrate <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlalchemy-migrate>`_. Homepage is located at `stackforge <http://github.com/stackforge/sqlalchemy-migrate/>`_ You can also clone a current `development version <http://github.com/stackforge/sqlalchmey-migrate>`_ Tests and Bugs ------------------ To run automated tests: * Copy test_db.cfg.tmpl to test_db.cfg * Edit test_db.cfg with database connection strings suitable for running tests. (Use empty databases.) * $ pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt * $ python setup.py develop * $ testr run --parallel Please report any issues with sqlalchemy-migrate to the issue tracker at `code.google.com issues <http://code.google.com/p/sqlalchemy-migrate/issues/list>`_