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This is very much a draft/brainstorm right now. It should be made prettier and thought about in more detail later, but it at least gives some idea of the direction we're headed right now.
* Two distinct tools; should not be coupled (can work independently):
* Versioning tool
* Command line tool; let's call it "samigrate"
* Organizes old migration scripts into repositories
* Runs groups of migration scripts on a database, updating it to a specified version/latest version
* Helps run various tests
* usage
* "samigrate create PATH": Create project migration-script repository
* We shouldn't have to enter the path for every other command. Use a hidden file
* (This means we can't move the repository after it's created. Oh well)
* "samigrate add SCRIPT [VERSION]": Add script to this project's repository; latest version
* If a .sql script: how to determine engine, operation (up/down)? Options:
* specify at the command line: "samigrate add SCRIPT UP_OR_DOWN ENGINE"
* naming convention: SCRIPT is named something like NAME.postgres.up.sql
* "samigrate upgrade CONNECTION_STRING [VERSION] [SCRIPT...]": connect to the specified database and upgrade (or downgrade) it to the specified version (default latest)
* If SCRIPT... specified: act like these scripts are in the repository (useful for testing?)
* "samigrate dump CONNECTION_STRING [VERSION] [SCRIPT...]": like update, but sends all sql to stdout instead of the db
* (Later: some more commands, to be used for script testing tools)
* Alchemy API extensions for altering schema
* Operations here are DB-independent
* Each database modification is a script that may use this API
* Can handwrite SQL for all databases or a single database
* upgrade()/downgrade() functions: need only one file for both operations
* sql scripts reqire either (2 files, *.up.sql;*.down.sql) or (don't use downgrade)
* usage
* "python NAME.py ENGINE up": upgrade sql > stdout
* "python NAME.py ENGINE down": downgrade sql > stdout