[DEFAULT] # Run in debug mode? # debug = False # Default data # default_data_uri = /etc/stackalytics/default_data.json # The folder that holds all project sources to analyze # sources_root = /var/local/stackalytics # Runtime storage URI # runtime_storage_uri = memcached:// # Hostname where dashboard listens on # listen_host = # Port where dashboard listens on # listen_port = 8080 # The address of file with corrections data # corrections_uri = https://raw.github.com/stackforge/stackalytics/master/etc/corrections.json # URI of review system # review_uri = gerrit://review.openstack.org # SSH key for gerrit review system access # ssh_key_filename = /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa # SSH username for gerrit review system access # ssh_username = user # Forcibly read default data and update records # force_update = False