Ilya Shakhat 69caa46d1d Show branch name for translation contribution
Also fix the condition to show branch for commits and show
only date for translation records.

Change-Id: I4d32cb668b903bae521f46456cd0622625596ab7
2016-05-26 13:25:00 +03:00

356 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
import operator
import re
import time
import six
from stackalytics.dashboard import parameters
from stackalytics.dashboard import vault
from stackalytics.processor import utils
def _extend_author_fields(record):
record['author_link'] = make_link(
record['author_name'], '/',
{'user_id': record['user_id'], 'company': ''})
record['company_link'] = make_link(
record['company_name'], '/',
{'company': record['company_name'], 'user_id': ''})
def _extend_record_common_fields(record):
record['date_str'] = format_datetime(record['date'])
record['module_link'] = make_link(
record['module'], '/',
{'module': record['module'], 'company': '', 'user_id': ''})
record['blueprint_id_count'] = len(record.get('blueprint_id', []))
record['bug_id_count'] = len(record.get('bug_id', []))
for coauthor in record.get('coauthor') or []:
def _extend_by_parent_info(record, parent, prefix='parent_'):
parent = vault.extend_record(parent)
for k, v in six.iteritems(parent):
record[prefix + k] = v
def extend_record(record):
record = vault.extend_record(record)
if record['record_type'] == 'commit':
record['branches'] = ','.join(record['branches'])
if 'correction_comment' not in record:
record['correction_comment'] = ''
record['message'] = make_commit_message(record)
if record['commit_date']:
record['commit_date_str'] = format_datetime(record['commit_date'])
elif record['record_type'] == 'mark':
review = vault.get_memory_storage().get_record_by_primary_key(
patch = vault.get_memory_storage().get_record_by_primary_key(
utils.get_patch_id(record['review_id'], record['patch']))
if not review or not patch:
return None
_extend_by_parent_info(record, review, 'parent_')
_extend_by_parent_info(record, patch, 'patch_')
elif record['record_type'] == 'patch':
review = vault.get_memory_storage().get_record_by_primary_key(
_extend_by_parent_info(record, review, 'parent_')
elif record['record_type'] == 'email':
record['email_link'] = record.get('email_link') or ''
record['blueprint_links'] = []
for bp_id in record.get('blueprint_id', []):
bp_module, bp_name = bp_id.split(':')
make_blueprint_link(bp_module, bp_name))
elif record['record_type'] in ['bpd', 'bpc']:
record['summary'] = utils.format_text(record['summary'])
if record.get('mention_count'):
record['mention_date_str'] = format_datetime(
record['blueprint_link'] = make_blueprint_link(record['module'],
elif record['record_type'] in ['bugr', 'bugf']:
record['number'] = record['web_link'].split('/')[-1]
record['title'] = filter_bug_title(record['title'])
record['status_class'] = re.sub('\s+', '', record['status'])
elif record['record_type'] == 'tr':
record['date_str'] = format_date(record['date']) # no need for hours
return record
def get_current_company(user):
now = time.time()
idx = -1
for i, r in enumerate(user['companies']):
if now < r['end_date']:
idx = i
return user['companies'][idx]['company_name']
def extend_user(user):
user = user.copy()
user['id'] = user['user_id']
user['text'] = user['user_name']
if user['companies']:
company_name = get_current_company(user)
user['company_link'] = make_link(
company_name, '/', {'company': company_name, 'user_id': ''})
user['company_link'] = ''
return user
def extend_module(module_id, project_type, release):
module_id_index = vault.get_vault()['module_id_index']
module_id = module_id.lower()
if module_id not in module_id_index:
return None
repos_index = vault.get_vault()['repos_index']
module = module_id_index[module_id]
name = module['module_group_name']
if name[0].islower():
name = name.capitalize()
# (module, release) pairs
own_sub_modules = set(vault.resolve_modules([module_id], [release]))
visible_sub_modules = own_sub_modules & set(vault.resolve_modules(
vault.resolve_project_types([project_type]), [release]))
child_modules = []
for m, r in own_sub_modules:
child = {'module_name': m, 'visible': (m, r) in visible_sub_modules}
if m in repos_index:
child['repo_uri'] = repos_index[m]['uri']
child_modules.sort(key=lambda x: x['module_name'])
return {
'id': module_id,
'name': name,
'tag': module['tag'],
'modules': child_modules,
def get_activity(records, start_record, page_size, query_message=None):
if query_message:
# note that all records are now dicts!
key_func = operator.itemgetter('date')
records = [vault.extend_record(r) for r in records]
records = [r for r in records
if (r.get('message') and
r.get('message').find(query_message) > 0)]
key_func = operator.attrgetter('date')
records_sorted = sorted(records, key=key_func, reverse=True)
result = []
for record in records_sorted[start_record:]:
processed_record = extend_record(record)
if processed_record:
if len(result) == page_size:
return result
def get_contribution_summary(records):
marks = dict((m, 0) for m in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 'A', 'WIP', 'x', 's'])
commit_count = 0
loc = 0
drafted_blueprint_count = 0
completed_blueprint_count = 0
email_count = 0
filed_bug_count = 0
resolved_bug_count = 0
patch_set_count = 0
change_request_count = 0
abandoned_change_requests_count = 0
translations = 0
for record in records:
record_type = record.record_type
if record_type == 'commit':
commit_count += 1
loc += record.loc
elif record_type == 'mark':
value = 0
if record.type == 'Workflow':
if record.value == 1:
value = 'A'
value = 'WIP'
elif record.type == 'Code-Review':
value = record.value
elif record.type == 'Abandon':
value = 'x'
elif record.type[:5] == 'Self-':
value = 's'
marks[value] += 1
elif record_type == 'email':
email_count += 1
elif record_type == 'bpd':
drafted_blueprint_count += 1
elif record_type == 'bpc':
completed_blueprint_count += 1
elif record_type == 'bugf':
filed_bug_count += 1
elif record_type == 'bugr':
resolved_bug_count += 1
elif record_type == 'patch':
patch_set_count += 1
elif record_type == 'review':
change_request_count += 1
if record.status == 'ABANDONED':
abandoned_change_requests_count += 1
elif record_type == 'tr':
translations += record.loc
result = {
'drafted_blueprint_count': drafted_blueprint_count,
'completed_blueprint_count': completed_blueprint_count,
'commit_count': commit_count,
'email_count': email_count,
'loc': loc,
'marks': marks,
'filed_bug_count': filed_bug_count,
'resolved_bug_count': resolved_bug_count,
'patch_set_count': patch_set_count,
'change_request_count': change_request_count,
'abandoned_change_requests_count': abandoned_change_requests_count,
'translations': translations,
return result
def format_datetime(timestamp):
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
timestamp).strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S') + ' UTC'
def format_date(timestamp):
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%d %b %Y')
def format_launchpad_module_link(module):
return '<a href="">%s</a>' % (module, module)
def make_link(title, uri=None, options=None):
param_names = ('release', 'project_type', 'module', 'company', 'user_id',
param_values = {}
for param_name in param_names:
value = parameters.get_parameter({}, param_name)
if value:
param_values[param_name] = ','.join(value)
if options:
if param_values:
uri += '?' + '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (n, utils.safe_encode(v))
for n, v in six.iteritems(param_values)])
return '<a href="%(uri)s">%(title)s</a>' % {'uri': uri, 'title': title}
def make_blueprint_link(module, name):
uri = '/report/blueprint/' + module + '/' + name
return '<a href="%(uri)s">%(title)s</a>' % {'uri': uri, 'title': name}
def make_commit_message(record):
s = record['message']
module = record['module']
s = utils.format_text(s)
# insert links
s = re.sub(re.compile('(blueprint\s+)([\w-]+)', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
r'\1<a href="' +
module + r'/+spec/\2" class="ext_link">\2</a>', s)
s = re.sub(re.compile('(bug[\s#:]*)([\d]{5,7})', flags=re.IGNORECASE),
r'\1<a href="\2" '
r'class="ext_link">\2</a>', s)
s = re.sub(r'\s+(I[0-9a-f]{40})',
r' <a href=",\1,n,z" '
r'class="ext_link">\1</a>', s)
s = utils.unwrap_text(s)
return s
def make_page_title(project_type_inst, release, module_inst, company,
pt_class = project_type_inst['id']
if project_type_inst.get('parent'):
pt_class = project_type_inst['parent']['id']
is_openstack = pt_class == 'all' or pt_class[:9] == 'openstack'
if company or user_inst:
if user_inst:
s = user_inst['user_name']
if company:
s += ' (%s)' % company
s = company
if is_openstack:
s = 'OpenStack community'
s = project_type_inst['title'] + ' community'
s += ' contribution'
if module_inst:
s += ' to %s' % module_inst['module_group_name']
if is_openstack:
s += ' in'
if release != 'all':
if company or user_inst:
s += ' OpenStack'
s += ' %s release' % release.capitalize()
s += ' all releases'
if release != 'all':
s += ' during OpenStack %s release' % release.capitalize()
return s
def filter_bug_title(title):
return re.sub(r'^(?:Bug #\d+.+:\s+)"(.*)"', r'\1', title)