# Copyright (c) 2014 Dark Secret Software Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from winchester.config import ConfigItem from winchester.config import ConfigManager from winchester.config import ConfigSection from winchester.db import DBInterface from winchester import models logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Impl(object): @classmethod def config_description(cls): return dict( config_path=ConfigItem( help="Path(s) to find additional config files", multiple=True, default='.'), database=ConfigSection( help="Database connection info.", config_description=DBInterface.config_description()), ) def __init__(self, config, scratchpad): """config is a ConfigParser object. Use the scratchpad to ensure we don't create multiple connections to the db. """ if 'quincy_config' not in scratchpad: target = config.get('quince', 'winchester_config') logger.debug("Quince is using Winchester config from %s" % target) quincy_config = ConfigManager.load_config_file(target) quincy_config = ConfigManager.wrap(quincy_config, self.config_description()) scratchpad['quincy_config'] = quincy_config scratchpad['quincy_driver'] = DBInterface( quincy_config['database']) self.winchester_config = scratchpad['quincy_config'] self.driver = scratchpad['quincy_driver'] def find_streams(self, count=False, state=None, older_than=None, younger_than=None, trigger_name=None, distinguishing_traits=None, mark=None, limit=None): if state is not None: try: state = models.StreamState[state.lower()] except KeyError: logger.error("invalid stream state %s" % state) raise return self.driver.find_streams( count=count, state=state, name=trigger_name, younger_than=younger_than, older_than=older_than, distinguishing_traits=distinguishing_traits, mark=mark, limit=limit) def get_stream(self, stream_id, details): stream_id = int(stream_id) # Returns a list, but should be just one stream. return self.driver.find_streams(stream_id=stream_id, include_events=details) def delete_stream(self, stream_id): stream_id = int(stream_id) stream = self.driver.get_stream_by_id(stream_id) self.driver.purge_stream(stream) def reset_stream(self, stream_id): stream_id = int(stream_id) stream = self.driver.get_stream_by_id(stream_id) self.driver.reset_stream(stream) def find_events(self, from_datetime=None, to_datetime=None, event_name=None, traits=None, mark=None, limit=None, count=False): return self.driver.find_events(from_datetime=from_datetime, to_datetime=to_datetime, event_name=event_name, traits=traits or [], mark=mark, limit=limit, count=count) def get_event(self, message_id): return self.driver.get_event_by_message_id(message_id)