Pengfei Ni b9bf13f065 Add stackube proxy
- Adds stackube proxy which listens on endpoints, services and
  namespaces, creates load balancer rules for clusterIP service
- Switch to govendor for managing vendors
- Add hack scripts for verifying govet and gofmt

Change-Id: I8594c16d294f46ae0d3dec6dae6fa491e7891b8b
Implements: blueprint stackube-proxy
2017-07-20 16:21:59 +08:00

287 lines
7.9 KiB

package proxy
import (
// servicePortName carries a namespace + name + portname. This is the unique
// identfier for a load-balanced service.
type servicePortName struct {
Port string
func (spn servicePortName) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", spn.NamespacedName.String(), spn.Port)
// internal struct for string service information
type serviceInfo struct {
clusterIP net.IP
port int
protocol v1.Protocol
nodePort int
serviceType v1.ServiceType
loadBalancerStatus v1.LoadBalancerStatus
sessionAffinityType v1.ServiceAffinity
stickyMaxAgeMinutes int
externalIPs []string
loadBalancerSourceRanges []string
onlyNodeLocalEndpoints bool
healthCheckNodePort int
// The following fields are computed and stored for performance reasons.
serviceNameString string
servicePortChainName string
serviceFirewallChainName string
serviceLBChainName string
// internal struct for endpoints information
type endpointsInfo struct {
endpoint string
isLocal bool
// The following fields we lazily compute and store here for performance
// reasons. If the protocol is the same as you expect it to be, then the
// chainName can be reused, otherwise it should be recomputed.
protocol string
chainName string
type namespaceInfo struct {
network string
router string
// Returns just the IP part of the endpoint.
func (e *endpointsInfo) IPPart() string {
if index := strings.Index(e.endpoint, ":"); index != -1 {
return e.endpoint[0:index]
return e.endpoint
// Returns the endpoint chain name for a given endpointsInfo.
func (e *endpointsInfo) endpointChain(svcNameString, protocol string) string {
if e.protocol != protocol {
e.protocol = protocol
e.chainName = servicePortEndpointChainName(svcNameString, protocol, e.endpoint)
return e.chainName
func (e *endpointsInfo) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *e)
// returns a new serviceInfo struct
func newServiceInfo(svcPortName servicePortName, port *v1.ServicePort, service *v1.Service) *serviceInfo {
onlyNodeLocalEndpoints := false
info := &serviceInfo{
clusterIP: net.ParseIP(service.Spec.ClusterIP),
port: int(port.Port),
protocol: port.Protocol,
nodePort: int(port.NodePort),
serviceType: service.Spec.Type,
// Deep-copy in case the service instance changes
loadBalancerStatus: *loadBalancerStatusDeepCopy(&service.Status.LoadBalancer),
sessionAffinityType: service.Spec.SessionAffinity,
stickyMaxAgeMinutes: 180,
externalIPs: make([]string, len(service.Spec.ExternalIPs)),
loadBalancerSourceRanges: make([]string, len(service.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges)),
onlyNodeLocalEndpoints: onlyNodeLocalEndpoints,
copy(info.loadBalancerSourceRanges, service.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges)
copy(info.externalIPs, service.Spec.ExternalIPs)
if needsHealthCheck(service) {
p := getServiceHealthCheckNodePort(service)
if p == 0 {
glog.Errorf("Service %q has no healthcheck nodeport", svcPortName.NamespacedName.String())
} else {
info.healthCheckNodePort = int(p)
// Store the following for performance reasons.
protocol := strings.ToLower(string(info.protocol))
info.serviceNameString = svcPortName.String()
info.servicePortChainName = servicePortChainName(info.serviceNameString, protocol)
info.serviceFirewallChainName = serviceFirewallChainName(info.serviceNameString, protocol)
info.serviceLBChainName = serviceLBChainName(info.serviceNameString, protocol)
return info
type endpointsChange struct {
previous proxyEndpointsMap
current proxyEndpointsMap
type endpointsChangeMap struct {
lock sync.Mutex
hostname string
items map[types.NamespacedName]*endpointsChange
type serviceChange struct {
previous proxyServiceMap
current proxyServiceMap
type serviceChangeMap struct {
lock sync.Mutex
items map[types.NamespacedName]*serviceChange
type namespaceChange struct {
previous *namespaceInfo
current *namespaceInfo
type namespaceChangeMap struct {
lock sync.Mutex
items map[string]*namespaceChange
type updateEndpointMapResult struct {
hcEndpoints map[types.NamespacedName]int
staleEndpoints map[endpointServicePair]bool
staleServiceNames map[servicePortName]bool
type updateServiceMapResult struct {
hcServices map[types.NamespacedName]uint16
staleServices sets.String
type proxyServiceMap map[servicePortName]*serviceInfo
type proxyEndpointsMap map[servicePortName][]*endpointsInfo
func newEndpointsChangeMap(hostname string) endpointsChangeMap {
return endpointsChangeMap{
hostname: hostname,
items: make(map[types.NamespacedName]*endpointsChange),
func (ecm *endpointsChangeMap) update(namespacedName *types.NamespacedName, previous, current *v1.Endpoints) bool {
defer ecm.lock.Unlock()
change, exists := ecm.items[*namespacedName]
if !exists {
change = &endpointsChange{}
change.previous = endpointsToEndpointsMap(previous, ecm.hostname)
ecm.items[*namespacedName] = change
change.current = endpointsToEndpointsMap(current, ecm.hostname)
if reflect.DeepEqual(change.previous, change.current) {
delete(ecm.items, *namespacedName)
return len(ecm.items) > 0
func newServiceChangeMap() serviceChangeMap {
return serviceChangeMap{
items: make(map[types.NamespacedName]*serviceChange),
func (scm *serviceChangeMap) update(namespacedName *types.NamespacedName, previous, current *v1.Service) bool {
defer scm.lock.Unlock()
change, exists := scm.items[*namespacedName]
if !exists {
change = &serviceChange{}
change.previous = serviceToServiceMap(previous)
scm.items[*namespacedName] = change
change.current = serviceToServiceMap(current)
if reflect.DeepEqual(change.previous, change.current) {
delete(scm.items, *namespacedName)
return len(scm.items) > 0
func (sm *proxyServiceMap) merge(other proxyServiceMap) sets.String {
existingPorts := sets.NewString()
for svcPortName, info := range other {
_, exists := (*sm)[svcPortName]
if !exists {
glog.V(1).Infof("Adding new service port %q at %s:%d/%s", svcPortName, info.clusterIP, info.port, info.protocol)
} else {
glog.V(1).Infof("Updating existing service port %q at %s:%d/%s", svcPortName, info.clusterIP, info.port, info.protocol)
(*sm)[svcPortName] = info
return existingPorts
func (sm *proxyServiceMap) unmerge(other proxyServiceMap, existingPorts sets.String) {
for svcPortName := range other {
if existingPorts.Has(svcPortName.Port) {
_, exists := (*sm)[svcPortName]
if exists {
glog.V(1).Infof("Removing service port %q", svcPortName)
//if info.protocol == v1.ProtocolUDP {
// staleServices.Insert(info.clusterIP.String())
delete(*sm, svcPortName)
} else {
glog.Errorf("Service port %q removed, but doesn't exists", svcPortName)
func (em proxyEndpointsMap) merge(other proxyEndpointsMap) {
for svcPortName := range other {
em[svcPortName] = other[svcPortName]
func (em proxyEndpointsMap) unmerge(other proxyEndpointsMap) {
for svcPortName := range other {
delete(em, svcPortName)
func newNamespaceChangeMap() namespaceChangeMap {
return namespaceChangeMap{
items: make(map[string]*namespaceChange),
func (ncm *namespaceChangeMap) update(name string, previous, current *v1.Namespace) bool {
defer ncm.lock.Unlock()
change, exists := ncm.items[name]
if !exists {
change = &namespaceChange{}
change.previous = &namespaceInfo{network: name}
ncm.items[name] = change
if current != nil {
change.current = &namespaceInfo{network: name, router: change.previous.router}
if previous != nil && current != nil {
delete(ncm.items, name)
return len(ncm.items) > 0