# Log file of the discovery command log_file=/var/log/shinken/discovery.log # Configuration files with common discovery objects # like discoveryrules or runners cfg_dir=../packs # Default discovery rules and runners. Should be AFTER # the packs ones ;) cfg_file=discovery_rules.cfg cfg_file=discovery_runs.cfg # Load modules, for possible bdd connection cfg_file=../shinken.cfg # Load all commands that will be used cfg_dir=../commands # Some important macros cfg_dir=../resource.d # Lock file (with pid) for Arbiterd lock_file=discovery.pid # Strip FQDN of the name ID to keep only the # basename of the element strip_idname_fqdn=1 # Change this value to increase the discovery # scripts timeout. Start with a quite huge value, one hour. runners_timeout=3600