# Configuration files with common objects like commands, timeperiods, # or templates that are used by the host/service/contacts cfg_dir=commands cfg_dir=timeperiods cfg_dir=escalations cfg_dir=dependencies # Now templates of hosts, services and contacts cfg_dir=templates # notification things cfg_dir=notificationways # Now groups cfg_dir=servicegroups cfg_dir=hostgroups cfg_dir=contactgroups # And now real hosts, services, packs and discovered hosts # They are directory, and we will load all .cfg file into them, and # their sub-directory cfg_dir=hosts cfg_dir=services cfg_dir=contacts cfg_dir=packs cfg_dir=modules cfg_dir=arbiters cfg_dir=schedulers cfg_dir=pollers cfg_dir=reactionners cfg_dir=brokers cfg_dir=receivers cfg_dir=realms # You will find global MACROS into this file #resource_file=resource.cfg cfg_dir=resource.d # Number of minutes between 2 retention save, here 1hour retention_update_interval=60 # Number of interval (5min by default) to spread the first checks # for hosts and services max_service_check_spread=5 max_host_check_spread=5 # after 10s, checks are killed and exit with CRITICAL state (RIP) service_check_timeout=60 timeout_exit_status=2 # flap_history is the lengh of history states we keep to look for # flapping. # 20 by default, can be useful to increase it. Each flap_history # increases cost: # flap_history cost = 4Bytes * flap_history * (nb hosts + nb services) # Example: 4 * 20 * (1000+10000) ~ 900Ko for a quite big conf. So, go for it! flap_history=20 # Max plugin output for the plugins launched by the pollers, in bytes max_plugins_output_length=65536 # Enable or not the state change on impact detection (like # an host going unreach if a parent is DOWN for example). It's for # services and hosts. # Remark: if this option is absent, the default is 0 (for Nagios # old behavior compatibility) enable_problem_impacts_states_change=1 # if 1, disable all notice and warning messages at # configuration checking disable_old_nagios_parameters_whining=0 # If you need to set a specific timezone to your deamons, uncomment it #use_timezone=FR/Paris # Disabling env macros is good for performances. If you really need it, enable it. enable_environment_macros=0 # If not need, don't dump initial states into logs log_initial_states=0 # By default don't launch even handlers during downtime. Put 0 to # get back the default nagios behavior no_event_handlers_during_downtimes=1 # [Optionnal], a pack distribution file is a local file near the arbiter # that will keep host pack id association, and so push same host on the same # scheduler if possible between restarts. pack_distribution_file=/var/lib/shinken/pack_distribution.dat ## Arbiter daemon part, similar to ini #If not specified will use lockfile direname workdir=/var/lib/shinken/ # Lock file (with pid) for Arbiterd lock_file=/var/run/shinken/arbiterd.pid # The arbiter can have it's own local log local_log=/var/log/shinken/arbiterd.log # Accepted log level values: DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL #log_level=WARNING # User that will be used by the arbiter. # If commented, run as current user (root?) shinken_user=shinken shinken_group=shinken # The path to the modules directory modules_dir=/var/lib/shinken/modules # Set to 0 if you want to make this daemon (arbiter) NOT run daemon_enabled=1 #-- Security using SSL -- use_ssl=0 # WARNING : Put full paths for certs ca_cert=/etc/shinken/certs/ca.pem server_cert=/etc/shinken/certs/server.cert server_key=/etc/shinken/certs/server.key hard_ssl_name_check=0 # If cherrypy3 is not available, it will fail back to swsgiref http_backend=auto