aviau 9f7cdee108 Moved Dockerfile to root
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2014-08-14 20:57:02 -04:00

54 lines
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# Description: The Arbiter is responsible for:
# - Loading, manipulating and dispatching the configuration
# - Validating the health of all other Shinken daemons
# - Issuing global directives to Shinken daemons (kill, activate-spare, etc.)
# IMPORTANT: If you use several arbiters you MUST set the host_name on each
# servers to its real DNS name ('hostname' command).
define arbiter {
arbiter_name arbiter-master
#host_name node1 ; CHANGE THIS if you have several Arbiters
address localhost ; DNS name or IP
port 7770
spare 0 ; 1 = is a spare, 0 = is not a spare
## Interesting modules:
# - named-pipe = Open the named pipe nagios.cmd
# - mongodb = Load hosts from a mongodb database
# - PickleRetentionArbiter = Save data before exiting
# - nsca = NSCA server
# - VMWare_auto_linking = Lookup at Vphere server for dependencies
# - import-glpi = Import configuration from GLPI (need plugin monitoring for GLPI in server side)
# - TSCA = TSCA server
# - MySQLImport = Load configuration from a MySQL database
# - ws-arbiter = WebService for pushing results to the arbiter
# - Collectd = Receive collectd perfdata
# - SnmpBooster = Snmp bulk polling module, configuration linker
# - import-landscape = Import hosts from Landscape (Ubuntu/Canonical management tool)
# - AWS = Import hosts from Amazon AWS (here EC2)
# - ip-tag = Tag an host based on it's IP range
# - FileTag = Tag an host if it's on a flat file
# - CSVTag = Tag an host from the content of a CSV file
modules named-pipe,mongodb
#modules named-pipe, mongodb, nsca, VMWare_auto_linking, ws-arbiter, Collectd, mport-landscape, SnmpBooster, AWS
# Enable https or not
use_ssl 0
# enable certificate/hostname check, will avoid man in the middle attacks
hard_ssl_name_check 0
## Uncomment these lines in a HA architecture so the master and slaves know
## how long they may wait for each other.
#timeout 3 ; Ping timeout
#data_timeout 120 ; Data send timeout
#max_check_attempts 3 ; If ping fails N or more, then the node is dead
#check_interval 60 ; Ping node every N seconds
accept_passive_unknown_check_results 1