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# Copyright 2012 Anton Beloglazov
# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy import select
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Database(object):
"""A class representing the database, where fields are tables.
def __init__(self, connection, hosts, host_resource_usage, vms,
vm_resource_usage, vm_migrations, host_states, host_overload):
"""Initialize the database.
:param connection: A database connection table.
:param hosts: The hosts table.
:param host_resource_usage: The host_resource_usage table.
:param vms: The vms table.
:param vm_resource_usage: The vm_resource_usage table.
:param vm_migrations: The vm_migrations table.
:param host_states: The host_states table.
:param host_overload: The host_overload table.
self.connection = connection
self.hosts = hosts
self.host_resource_usage = host_resource_usage
self.vms = vms
self.vm_resource_usage = vm_resource_usage
self.vm_migrations = vm_migrations
self.host_states = host_states
self.host_overload = host_overload
LOG.debug('Instantiated a Database object')
def select_cpu_mhz_for_vm(self, uuid, n):
"""Select n last values of CPU MHz for a VM UUID.
:param uuid: The UUID of a VM.
:param n: The number of last values to select.
:return: The list of n last CPU Mhz values.
sel = select([self.vm_resource_usage.c.cpu_mhz]). \
self.vms.c.id == self.vm_resource_usage.c.vm_id,
self.vms.c.uuid == uuid)). \
order_by(self.vm_resource_usage.c.id.desc()). \
res = self.connection.execute(sel).fetchall()
return list(reversed([int(x[0]) for x in res]))
def select_last_cpu_mhz_for_vms(self):
"""Select the last value of CPU MHz for all the VMs.
:return: A dict of VM UUIDs to the last CPU MHz values.
vru1 = self.vm_resource_usage
vru2 = self.vm_resource_usage.alias()
sel = select([vru1.c.vm_id, vru1.c.cpu_mhz], from_obj=[
vru1.outerjoin(vru2, and_(
vru1.c.vm_id == vru2.c.vm_id,
vru1.c.id < vru2.c.id))]). \
where(vru2.c.id is None)
vms_cpu_mhz = dict(self.connection.execute(sel).fetchall())
vms_uuids = dict(self.vms.select().execute().fetchall())
vms_last_mhz = {}
for id, uuid in vms_uuids.items():
if id in vms_cpu_mhz:
vms_last_mhz[str(uuid)] = int(vms_cpu_mhz[id])
vms_last_mhz[str(uuid)] = 0
return vms_last_mhz
def select_vm_id(self, uuid):
"""Select the ID of a VM by the VM UUID, or insert a new record.
:param uuid: The UUID of a VM.
:return: The ID of the VM.
sel = select([self.vms.c.id]).where(self.vms.c.uuid == uuid)
row = self.connection.execute(sel).fetchone()
if row is None:
id = self.vms.insert().execute(uuid=uuid).inserted_primary_key[0]
LOG.info('Created a new DB record for a VM %s, id=%d', uuid, id)
return int(id)
return int(row['id'])
def insert_vm_cpu_mhz(self, data):
"""Insert a set of CPU MHz values for a set of VMs.
:param data: A dictionary of VM UUIDs and CPU MHz values.
if data:
query = []
for uuid, cpu_mhz in data.items():
vm_id = self.select_vm_id(uuid)
query.append({'vm_id': vm_id,
'cpu_mhz': cpu_mhz})
def update_host(self, hostname, cpu_mhz, cpu_cores, ram):
"""Insert new or update the corresponding host record.
:param hostname: A host name.
:param cpu_mhz: The total CPU frequency of the host in MHz.
:param cpu_cores: The number of physical CPU cores.
:param ram: The total amount of RAM of the host in MB.
:return: The ID of the host.
sel = select([self.hosts.c.id]). \
where(self.hosts.c.hostname == hostname)
row = self.connection.execute(sel).fetchone()
if row is None:
id = self.hosts.insert().execute(
LOG.info('Created a new DB record for a host %s, id=%d',
hostname, id)
return int(id)
where(self.hosts.c.id == row['id']).
return int(row['id'])
def insert_host_cpu_mhz(self, hostname, cpu_mhz):
"""Insert a CPU MHz value for a host.
:param hostname: A host name.
:param cpu_mhz: The CPU usage of the host in MHz.
def select_cpu_mhz_for_host(self, hostname, n):
"""Select n last values of CPU MHz for a host.
:param hostname: A host name.
:param n: The number of last values to select.
:return: The list of n last CPU Mhz values.
sel = select([self.host_resource_usage.c.cpu_mhz]). \
self.hosts.c.id == self.host_resource_usage.c.host_id,
self.hosts.c.hostname == hostname)). \
order_by(self.host_resource_usage.c.id.desc()). \
res = self.connection.execute(sel).fetchall()
return list(reversed([int(x[0]) for x in res]))
def select_last_cpu_mhz_for_hosts(self):
"""Select the last value of CPU MHz for all the hosts.
:return: A dict of host names to the last CPU MHz values.
hru1 = self.host_resource_usage
hru2 = self.host_resource_usage.alias()
sel = select([hru1.c.host_id, hru1.c.cpu_mhz], from_obj=[
hru1.outerjoin(hru2, and_(
hru1.c.host_id == hru2.c.host_id,
hru1.c.id < hru2.c.id))]). \
where(hru2.c.id is None)
hosts_cpu_mhz = dict(self.connection.execute(sel).fetchall())
sel = select([self.hosts.c.id, self.hosts.c.hostname])
hosts_names = dict(self.connection.execute(sel).fetchall())
hosts_last_mhz = {}
for id, hostname in hosts_names.items():
if id in hosts_cpu_mhz:
hosts_last_mhz[str(hostname)] = int(hosts_cpu_mhz[id])
hosts_last_mhz[str(hostname)] = 0
return hosts_last_mhz
def select_host_characteristics(self):
"""Select the characteristics of all the hosts.
:return: Three dicts of hostnames to CPU MHz, cores, and RAM.
hosts_cpu_mhz = {}
hosts_cpu_cores = {}
hosts_ram = {}
for x in self.hosts.select().execute().fetchall():
hostname = str(x[1])
hosts_cpu_mhz[hostname] = int(x[2])
hosts_cpu_cores[hostname] = int(x[3])
hosts_ram[hostname] = int(x[4])
return hosts_cpu_mhz, hosts_cpu_cores, hosts_ram
def select_host_id(self, hostname):
"""Select the ID of a host.
:param hostname: A host name.
:return: The ID of the host.
sel = select([self.hosts.c.id]). \
where(self.hosts.c.hostname == hostname)
row = self.connection.execute(sel).fetchone()
if not row:
raise LookupError('No host found for hostname: %s', hostname)
return int(row['id'])
def select_host_ids(self):
"""Select the IDs of all the hosts.
:return: A dict of host names to IDs.
return dict((str(x[1]), int(x[0]))
for x in self.hosts.select().execute().fetchall())
def cleanup_vm_resource_usage(self, datetime_threshold):
"""Delete VM resource usage data older than the threshold.
:param datetime_threshold: A datetime threshold.
self.vm_resource_usage.c.timestamp < datetime_threshold))
def cleanup_host_resource_usage(self, datetime_threshold):
"""Delete host resource usage data older than the threshold.
:param datetime_threshold: A datetime threshold.
self.host_resource_usage.c.timestamp < datetime_threshold))
def insert_host_states(self, hosts):
"""Insert host states for a set of hosts.
:param hosts: A dict of hostnames to states (0, 1).
host_ids = self.select_host_ids()
to_insert = [{'host_id': host_ids[k],
'state': v}
for k, v in hosts.items()]
self.host_states.insert(), to_insert)
def select_host_states(self):
"""Select the current states of all the hosts.
:return: A dict of host names to states.
hs1 = self.host_states
hs2 = self.host_states.alias()
sel = select([hs1.c.host_id, hs1.c.state], from_obj=[
hs1.outerjoin(hs2, and_(
hs1.c.host_id == hs2.c.host_id,
hs1.c.id < hs2.c.id))]). \
where(hs2.c.id is None)
data = dict(self.connection.execute(sel).fetchall())
host_ids = self.select_host_ids()
host_states = {}
for host, id in host_ids.items():
if id in data:
host_states[str(host)] = int(data[id])
host_states[str(host)] = 1
return host_states
def select_active_hosts(self):
"""Select the currently active hosts.
:return: A list of host names.
return [host
for host, state in self.select_host_states().items()
if state == 1]
def select_inactive_hosts(self):
"""Select the currently inactive hosts.
:return: A list of host names.
return [host
for host, state in self.select_host_states().items()
if state == 0]
def insert_host_overload(self, hostname, overload):
"""Insert whether a host is overloaded.
:param hostname: A host name.
:param overload: Whether the host is overloaded.
def insert_vm_migration(self, vm, hostname):
"""Insert a VM migration.
:param hostname: A VM UUID.
:param hostname: A host name.