Kevin_Zheng 70fc4850d0 fix tox
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2016-02-04 14:21:40 +08:00

610 lines
26 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Anton Beloglazov
# Copyright 2015 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""The main data collector module.
The data collector is deployed on every compute host and is executed
periodically to collect the CPU utilization data for each VM running
on the host and stores the data in the local file-based data store.
The data is stored as the average number of MHz consumed by a VM
during the last measurement interval. The CPU usage data are stored as
integers. This data format is portable: the stored values can be
converted to the CPU utilization for any host or VM type, supporting
heterogeneous hosts and VMs.
The actual data is obtained from Libvirt in the form of the CPU time
consumed by a VM to date. Using the CPU time collected at the previous
time frame, the CPU time for the past time interval is calculated.
According to the CPU frequency of the host and the length of the time
interval, the CPU time is converted into the required average MHz
consumed by the VM over the last time interval. The collected data are
stored both locally and submitted to the central database. The number
of the latest data values stored locally and passed to the underload /
overload detection and VM selection algorithms is defined using the
`data_collector_data_length` option in the configuration file.
At the beginning of every execution, the data collector obtains the
set of VMs currently running on the host using the Nova API and
compares them to the VMs running on the host at the previous time
step. If new VMs have been found, the data collector fetches the
historical data about them from the central database and stores the
data in the local file-based data store. If some VMs have been
removed, the data collector removes the data about these VMs from the
local data store.
The data collector stores the resource usage information locally in
files in the <local_data_directory>/vm directory, where
<local_data_directory> is defined in the configuration file using
the local_data_directory option. The data for each VM are stored in
a separate file named according to the UUID of the corresponding VM.
The format of the files is a new line separated list of integers
representing the average CPU consumption by the VMs in MHz during the
last measurement interval.
The data collector will be implemented as a Linux daemon running in
the background and collecting data on the resource usage by VMs every
data_collector_interval seconds. When the data collection phase is
invoked, the component performs the following steps:
1. Read the names of the files from the <local_data_directory>/vm
directory to determine the list of VMs running on the host at the
last data collection.
2. Call the Nova API to obtain the list of VMs that are currently
active on the host.
3. Compare the old and new lists of VMs and determine the newly added
or removed VMs.
4. Delete the files from the <local_data_directory>/vm directory
corresponding to the VMs that have been removed from the host.
5. Fetch the latest data_collector_data_length data values from the
central database for each newly added VM using the database
connection information specified in the sql_connection option and
save the data in the <local_data_directory>/vm directory.
6. Call the Libvirt API to obtain the CPU time for each VM active on
the host.
7. Transform the data obtained from the Libvirt API into the average
MHz according to the frequency of the host's CPU and time interval
from the previous data collection.
8. Store the converted data in the <local_data_directory>/vm
directory in separate files for each VM, and submit the data to the
central database.
9. Schedule the next execution after data_collector_interval
from collections import deque
import libvirt
import os
import time
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from terracotta import common
from terracotta.openstack.common import periodic_task
from terracotta.utils import db_utils
collector_opts = [
help='he directory used by the data collector to store '
'the data on the resource usage by the VMs running '
'on the host.'),
help='The threshold on the overall (all cores) '
'utilization of the physical CPU of a host '
'that can be allocated to VMs.'),
help='The admin user name for authentication '
'with Nova using Keystone.'),
help='The admin user password for authentication '
'with Nova using Keystone.'),
help='The number of the latest data values stored '
'locally by the data collector and passed to '
'the underload / overload detection and VM '
'placement algorithms.'),
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Collector(periodic_task.PeriodicTasks):
def __init__(self):
super(Collector, self).__init__()
vm_path = common.build_local_vm_path(CONF.local_data_directory)
if not os.access(vm_path, os.F_OK):
LOG.info('Created a local VM data directory: %s', vm_path)
LOG.info('Creaned up the local data directory: %s',
self.state = self.init_state()
def init_state(self):
"""Initialize a dict for storing the state of the data collector."""
vir_connection = libvirt.openReadOnly(None)
if vir_connection is None:
message = 'Failed to open a connection to the hypervisor'
raise OSError(message)
hostname = vir_connection.getHostname()
host_cpu_mhz, host_ram = self.get_host_characteristics(vir_connection)
physical_cpus = common.physical_cpu_count(vir_connection)
host_cpu_usable_by_vms = CONF.host_cpu_usable_by_vms
db = db_utils.init_db()
int(host_cpu_mhz * host_cpu_usable_by_vms),
return {'previous_time': 0.,
'previous_cpu_time': dict(),
'previous_cpu_mhz': dict(),
'previous_host_cpu_time_total': 0.,
'previous_host_cpu_time_busy': 0.,
'previous_overload': -1,
'vir_connection': vir_connection,
'hostname': hostname,
CONF.collector.host_cpu_overload_threshold *
'physical_cpus': physical_cpus,
'physical_cpu_mhz': host_cpu_mhz,
'physical_core_mhz': host_cpu_mhz / physical_cpus,
'db': db}
@periodic_task.periodic_task(spacing=10, run_immediately=True)
def execute(self, ctx=None):
"""Execute a data collection iteration.
1. Read the names of the files from the <local_data_directory>/vm
directory to determine the list of VMs running on the host at the
last data collection.
2. Call the Nova API to obtain the list of VMs that are currently
active on the host.
3. Compare the old and new lists of VMs and determine the newly added
or removed VMs.
4. Delete the files from the <local_data_directory>/vm directory
corresponding to the VMs that have been removed from the host.
5. Fetch the latest data_collector_data_length data values from the
central database for each newly added VM using the database
connection information specified in the sql_connection option and
save the data in the <local_data_directory>/vm directory.
6. Call the Libvirt API to obtain the CPU time for each VM active on
the host. Transform the data obtained from the Libvirt API into the
average MHz according to the frequency of the host's CPU and time
interval from the previous data collection.
8. Store the converted data in the <local_data_directory>/vm
directory in separate files for each VM, and submit the data to the
central database.
LOG.info('Started an iteration')
state = self.state
vm_path = common.build_local_vm_path(CONF.local_data_directory)
host_path = common.build_local_host_path(CONF.local_data_directory)
data_length = CONF.data_collector_data_length
vms_previous = self.get_previous_vms(vm_path)
vms_current = self.get_current_vms(state['vir_connection'])
vms_added = self.get_added_vms(vms_previous, vms_current.keys())
added_vm_data = dict()
if vms_added:
LOG.debug('Added VMs: %s', str(vms_added))
for i, vm in enumerate(vms_added):
if vms_current[vm] != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING:
LOG.debug('Added VM %s not in running state', vm)
del vms_added[i]
del vms_current[vm]
added_vm_data = self.fetch_remote_data(state['db'],
LOG.debug('Fetched remote data: %s', str(added_vm_data))
self.write_vm_data_locally(vm_path, added_vm_data, data_length)
vms_removed = self.get_removed_vms(vms_previous, vms_current.keys())
if vms_removed:
LOG.debug('Removed VMs: %s', str(vms_removed))
self.cleanup_local_vm_data(vm_path, vms_removed)
for vm in vms_removed:
del state['previous_cpu_time'][vm]
del state['previous_cpu_mhz'][vm]
LOG.info('Started VM data collection')
current_time = time.time()
(cpu_time, cpu_mhz) = self.get_cpu_mhz(state['vir_connection'],
LOG.info('Completed VM data collection')
LOG.info('Started host data collection')
(host_cpu_time_total, host_cpu_time_busy, host_cpu_mhz) = \
LOG.info('Completed host data collection')
if state['previous_time'] > 0:
self.append_vm_data_locally(vm_path, cpu_mhz, data_length)
self.append_vm_data_remotely(state['db'], cpu_mhz)
total_vms_cpu_mhz = sum(cpu_mhz.values())
host_cpu_mhz_hypervisor = host_cpu_mhz - total_vms_cpu_mhz
if host_cpu_mhz_hypervisor < 0:
host_cpu_mhz_hypervisor = 0
total_cpu_mhz = total_vms_cpu_mhz + host_cpu_mhz_hypervisor
self.append_host_data_locally(host_path, host_cpu_mhz_hypervisor,
LOG.debug('Collected VM CPU MHz: %s', str(cpu_mhz))
LOG.debug('Collected total VMs CPU MHz: %s',
LOG.debug('Collected hypervisor CPU MHz: %s',
LOG.debug('Collected host CPU MHz: %s', str(host_cpu_mhz))
LOG.debug('Collected total CPU MHz: %s', str(total_cpu_mhz))
state['previous_overload'] = self.log_host_overload(
state['previous_time'] = current_time
state['previous_cpu_time'] = cpu_time
state['previous_cpu_mhz'] = cpu_mhz
state['previous_host_cpu_time_total'] = host_cpu_time_total
state['previous_host_cpu_time_busy'] = host_cpu_time_busy
LOG.info('Completed an iteration')
self.state = state
def get_previous_vms(self, path):
"""Get a list of VM UUIDs from the path.
:param path: A path to read VM UUIDs from.
:return: The list of VM UUIDs from the path.
return os.listdir(path)
def get_current_vms(self, vir_connection):
"""Get a dict of VM UUIDs to states from libvirt.
:param vir_connection: A libvirt connection object.
:return: The dict of VM UUIDs to states from libvirt.
vm_uuids = {}
for vm_id in vir_connection.listDomainsID():
vm = vir_connection.lookupByID(vm_id)
vm_uuids[vm.UUIDString()] = vm.state(0)[0]
except libvirt.libvirtError:
return vm_uuids
def get_added_vms(self, previous_vms, current_vms):
"""Get a list of newly added VM UUIDs.
:param previous_vms: A list of VMs at the previous time frame.
:param current_vms: A list of VM at the current time frame.
:return: A list of VM UUIDs added since the last time frame.
return self.substract_lists(current_vms, previous_vms)
def get_removed_vms(self, previous_vms, current_vms):
"""Get a list of VM UUIDs removed since the last time frame.
:param previous_vms: A list of VMs at the previous time frame.
:param current_vms: A list of VM at the current time frame.
:return: A list of VM UUIDs removed since the last time frame.
return self.substract_lists(previous_vms, current_vms)
def substract_lists(self, list1, list2):
"""Return the elements of list1 that are not in list2.
:param list1: The first list.
:param list2: The second list.
:return: The list of element of list 1 that are not in list2.
return list(set(list1).difference(list2))
def cleanup_local_vm_data(self, path, vms):
"""Delete the local data related to the removed VMs.
:param path: A path to remove VM data from.
:param vms: A list of removed VM UUIDs.
for vm in vms:
os.remove(os.path.join(path, vm))
def cleanup_all_local_data(self, path):
"""Delete all the local data about VMs.
:param path: A path to the local data directory.
vm_path = common.build_local_vm_path(path)
self.cleanup_local_vm_data(vm_path, os.listdir(vm_path))
host_path = common.build_local_host_path(path)
if os.access(host_path, os.F_OK):
def fetch_remote_data(self, db, data_length, uuids):
"""Fetch VM data from the central DB.
:param db: The database object.
:param data_length: The length of data to fetch.
:param uuids: A list of VM UUIDs to fetch data for.
:return: A dictionary of VM UUIDs and the corresponding data.
result = dict()
for uuid in uuids:
result[uuid] = db.select_cpu_mhz_for_vm(uuid, data_length)
return result
def write_vm_data_locally(self, path, data, data_length):
"""Write a set of CPU MHz values for a set of VMs.
:param path: A path to write the data to.
:param data: A map of VM UUIDs onto the corresponing CPU MHz history.
:param data_length: The maximum allowed length of the data.
for uuid, values in data.items():
with open(os.path.join(path, uuid), 'w') as f:
if data_length > 0:
for x in values[-data_length:]]) + '\n')
def append_vm_data_locally(self, path, data, data_length):
"""Write a CPU MHz value for each out of a set of VMs.
:param path: A path to write the data to.
:param data: A map of VM UUIDs onto the corresponing CPU MHz values.
:param data_length: The maximum allowed length of the data.
for uuid, value in data.items():
vm_path = os.path.join(path, uuid)
if not os.access(vm_path, os.F_OK):
with open(vm_path, 'w') as f:
f.write(str(value) + '\n')
with open(vm_path, 'r+') as f:
values = deque(f.read().strip().splitlines(), data_length)
f.write('\n'.join([str(x) for x in values]) + '\n')
def append_vm_data_remotely(self, db, data):
"""Submit CPU MHz values to the central database.
:param db: The database object.
:param data: A map of VM UUIDs onto the corresponing CPU MHz values.
def append_host_data_locally(self, path, cpu_mhz, data_length):
"""Write a CPU MHz value for the host.
:param path: A path to write the data to.
:param cpu_mhz: A CPU MHz value.
:param data_length: The maximum allowed length of the data.
if not os.access(path, os.F_OK):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
f.write(str(cpu_mhz) + '\n')
with open(path, 'r+') as f:
values = deque(f.read().strip().splitlines(), data_length)
f.write('\n'.join([str(x) for x in values]) + '\n')
def append_host_data_remotely(self, db, hostname, host_cpu_mhz):
"""Submit a host CPU MHz value to the central database.
:param db: The database object.
:param hostname: The host name.
:param host_cpu_mhz: An average host CPU utilization in MHz.
db.insert_host_cpu_mhz(hostname, host_cpu_mhz)
def get_cpu_mhz(self, vir_connection, physical_core_mhz,
previous_cpu_time, previous_time, current_time,
current_vms, previous_cpu_mhz, added_vm_data):
"""Get the average CPU utilization in MHz for a set of VMs.
:param vir_connection: A libvirt connection object.
:param physical_core_mhz: The core freq of the physical CPU in MHz.
:param previous_cpu_time: A dict of previous CPU times for the VMs.
:param previous_time: The previous timestamp.
:param current_time: The previous timestamp.
:param current_vms: A list of VM UUIDs.
:param previous_cpu_mhz: A dict of VM UUIDs and previous CPU MHz.
:param added_vm_data: A dict of VM UUIDs and the corresponding data.
:return: The updated CPU times and average CPU utilization in MHz.
previous_vms = previous_cpu_time.keys()
added_vms = self.get_added_vms(previous_vms, current_vms)
removed_vms = self.get_removed_vms(previous_vms, current_vms)
cpu_mhz = {}
for uuid in removed_vms:
del previous_cpu_time[uuid]
for uuid, cpu_time in previous_cpu_time.items():
current_cpu_time = self.get_cpu_time(vir_connection, uuid)
if current_cpu_time < cpu_time:
LOG.debug('VM %s: current_cpu_time < cpu_time: ' +
'previous CPU time %d, ' +
'current CPU time %d',
uuid, cpu_time, current_cpu_time)
LOG.debug('VM %s: using previous CPU MHz %d',
uuid, previous_cpu_mhz[uuid])
cpu_mhz[uuid] = previous_cpu_mhz[uuid]
LOG.debug('VM %s: previous CPU time %d, ' +
'current CPU time %d, ' +
'previous time %.10f, ' +
'current time %.10f',
uuid, cpu_time, current_cpu_time,
previous_time, current_time)
cpu_mhz[uuid] = self.calculate_cpu_mhz(physical_core_mhz,
previous_cpu_time[uuid] = current_cpu_time
LOG.debug('VM %s: CPU MHz %d', uuid, cpu_mhz[uuid])
for uuid in added_vms:
if added_vm_data[uuid]:
cpu_mhz[uuid] = added_vm_data[uuid][-1]
previous_cpu_time[uuid] = self.get_cpu_time(vir_connection, uuid)
return previous_cpu_time, cpu_mhz
def get_cpu_time(self, vir_connection, uuid):
"""Get the CPU time of a VM specified by the UUID using libvirt.
:param vir_connection: A libvirt connection object.
:param uuid: The UUID of a VM.
:return: The CPU time of the VM.
domain = vir_connection.lookupByUUIDString(uuid)
return int(domain.getCPUStats(True, 0)[0]['cpu_time'])
except libvirt.libvirtError:
return 0
def calculate_cpu_mhz(self, cpu_mhz, previous_time, current_time,
previous_cpu_time, current_cpu_time):
"""Calculate the average CPU utilization in MHz for a period of time.
:param cpu_mhz: The frequency of a core of the physical CPU in MHz.
:param previous_time: The previous time.
:param current_time: The current time.
:param previous_cpu_time: The previous CPU time of the domain.
:param current_cpu_time: The current CPU time of the domain.
:return: The average CPU utilization in MHz.
return int(cpu_mhz * float(
current_cpu_time - previous_cpu_time) / (
(current_time - previous_time) * 1000000000))
def get_host_cpu_mhz(self, cpu_mhz, previous_cpu_time_total,
"""Get the average CPU utilization in MHz for a set of VMs.
:param cpu_mhz: The total frequency of the physical CPU in MHz.
:param previous_cpu_time_total: The previous total CPU time.
:param previous_cpu_time_busy: The previous busy CPU time.
:return: The total and busy CPU time and CPU utilization in MHz.
cpu_time_total, cpu_time_busy = self.get_host_cpu_time()
cpu_usage = int(cpu_mhz * (
cpu_time_busy - previous_cpu_time_busy) / (
cpu_time_total - previous_cpu_time_total))
if cpu_usage < 0:
raise ValueError(
'The host CPU usage in MHz must be >=0, '
'but it is: ' + str(cpu_usage) +
'; cpu_mhz=' + str(cpu_mhz) +
'; previous_cpu_time_total=' + str(previous_cpu_time_total) +
'; cpu_time_total=' + str(cpu_time_total) +
'; previous_cpu_time_busy=' + str(previous_cpu_time_busy) +
'; cpu_time_busy=' + str(cpu_time_busy))
return cpu_time_total, cpu_time_busy, cpu_usage
def get_host_cpu_time(self):
"""Get the total and busy CPU time of the host.
:return: A tuple of the total and busy CPU time.
with open('/proc/stat', 'r') as f:
values = [float(x) for x in f.readline().split()[1:8]]
return sum(values), sum(values[0:3])
def get_host_characteristics(self, vir_connection):
"""Get the total CPU MHz and RAM of the host.
:param vir_connection: A libvirt connection object.
:return: A tuple of the total CPU MHz and RAM of the host.
info = vir_connection.getInfo()
return info[2] * info[3], info[1]
def log_host_overload(self, db, overload_threshold, hostname,
host_total_mhz, host_utilization_mhz):
"""Log to the DB whether the host is overloaded.
:param db: The database object.
:param overload_threshold: The host overload threshold.
:param hostname: The host name.
:param previous_overload: Whether the host has been overloaded.
:param host_total_mhz: The total frequency of the CPU in MHz.
:param host_utilization_mhz: The total CPU utilization in MHz.
:return: Whether the host is overloaded.
overload = overload_threshold * host_total_mhz < host_utilization_mhz
overload_int = int(overload)
if previous_overload != -1 and previous_overload != overload_int \
or previous_overload == -1:
db.insert_host_overload(hostname, overload)
LOG.debug('Overload state logged: %s', str(overload))
return overload_int