========== Exit Codes ========== * `2` - SIGINT (Keyboard Interrupt) caught. * `100` - not enough free space for logs. Decrease logs coefficient via CLI or config or free up space. * `101` - **rqdir** configuration parameter points to a non-existing directory. * `102` - could not load YAML file - I/O Error. * `103` - could not load YAML file - Value Error, see log for details. * `104` - could not load YAML file - Parser Error - incorrectly formatted YAML. * `105` - could not retrieve information about nodes by any available means. * `106` - **fuel_ip** configuration parameter not defined. * `107` - could not load JSON file - I/O Error. * `108` - could not load JSON file - Value Error, see log for details. * `109` - subprocess (one of the node execution processes) exited with a Python exception. * `110` - unable to create a directory. * `111` - ip address must be defined for Node instance. * `112` - one of the two parameters **fuel_user** or **fuel_pass** specified without the other. * `113` - unhandled Python exception occured in main process.