.. _tobiko-setup-workstation: ================================= How to setup a tobiko workstation ================================= *This guide should help contributors to configure their workstation, so it would be easier for them to write tobiko* *test cases.* Configuring local test running and debugging -------------------------------------------- Clone the tobiko repository:: git clone https://opendev.org/x/tobiko.git Create a tobiko.conf inside the tobiko directory, which will have:: [DEFAULT] debug = true Inside the Tobiko directory, run:: tox -e py3 Copy the path you see in the first line (it should contain something similar to *tobiko/.tox/py3*) On Pycharm: * Create a new (pycharm) project with *Location = * * In interpreter options tab, choose “*New environment using Virtualenv*”, with Location = */.pycharm*, and then click on "*Create -> Create from Existing Sources*". * Enter preferences (ctrl+alt+s in Linux) * In Project Interpreter tab: * Click * -> Add * Choose "*Existing Environment*" * In the Interpreter field, paste the path you copied after running the tox command, and add the "/bin/python3" suffix. Example: the path *~/tobiko/.tox/py3/bin/python3* might be used, as tox provides the directory *~/tobiko/.tox/py3*, and we add */bin/python3* * In Python Integrated Tools tab, under *Testing* section, set the *Default test runner* to be "*pytest*" Now verify your environment has the configuration options mentioned above by doing the following: Find tobiko/tests/unit/test_config.py in the left project window -> right click -> *Run pytest in test config*. All tests should pass. You could also debug tests by setting a breakpoint. Configuring proxy jump ---------------------- Make sure you can ssh to your remote host without a password: .. include:: ../user/_conf_credentials.rst :start-after: define-your-ssh-variables: And that’s it!