# Copyright 2018 Red Hat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import functools import inspect import typing import unittest import fixtures import testtools SKIP_CLASSES = unittest.SkipTest, testtools.TestCase.skipException SkipException = unittest.SkipTest SkipTarget = typing.Union[typing.Callable, typing.Type[testtools.TestCase], typing.Type[fixtures.Fixture]] SkipDecorator = typing.Callable[[SkipTarget], SkipTarget] SkipOnErrorType = typing.Union[typing.Type[Exception], typing.Tuple[typing.Type[Exception], ...]] def skip_test(reason: str, cause: Exception = None, bugzilla: int = None) -> typing.NoReturn: """Interrupt test case execution marking it as skipped for given reason""" if bugzilla is not None: reason += f'\nhttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id={bugzilla}\n' if cause is not None: reason += f"\n{cause}\n" raise unittest.SkipTest(reason) from cause def skip(reason: str, bugzilla: int = None) -> SkipDecorator: """Mark test case for being skipped for a given reason""" return _skip_decorator(reason=reason, bugzilla=bugzilla) def skip_if(reason: str, predicate: typing.Callable, *args, bugzilla: int = None, **kwargs) -> \ SkipDecorator: """Mark test case for being skipped for a given reason if it matches""" predicate = _get_skip_predicate(predicate, *args, **kwargs) return _skip_decorator(reason=reason, unless=False, bugzilla=bugzilla, predicate=predicate) def skip_unless(reason: str, predicate: typing.Callable, *args, bugzilla: int = None, **kwargs) -> \ SkipDecorator: """Mark test case for being skipped for a given reason unless it matches""" predicate = _get_skip_predicate(predicate, *args, **kwargs) return _skip_decorator(reason=reason, unless=True, bugzilla=bugzilla, predicate=predicate) def skip_on_error(reason: str, predicate: typing.Callable, *args, error_type: SkipOnErrorType = None, bugzilla: int = None, **kwargs) -> \ SkipDecorator: predicate = _get_skip_predicate(predicate, *args, **kwargs) return _skip_decorator(reason=reason, error_type=error_type, bugzilla=bugzilla, predicate=predicate) def _skip_decorator(reason: str, unless: bool = None, error_type: SkipOnErrorType = None, bugzilla: int = None, predicate: typing.Callable = None) \ -> SkipDecorator: """Mark test case for being skipped for a given reason unless it matches""" if error_type is None: error_type = tuple() def decorator(obj: SkipTarget) -> SkipTarget: method = _get_skip_method(obj) @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): _reason = reason cause: typing.Optional[Exception] = None if predicate is not None: return_value: typing.Any = None try: return_value = predicate() except error_type as ex: cause = ex else: if unless in [None, bool(return_value)]: return method(*args, **kwargs) if '{return_value' in reason: _reason = reason.format(return_value=return_value) if '{cause' in reason: _reason = reason.format(cause=cause) skip_test(reason=_reason, cause=cause, bugzilla=bugzilla) if obj is method: return wrapper else: setattr(obj, method.__name__, wrapper) return obj return decorator def _get_skip_method(obj: SkipTarget) -> typing.Callable: if inspect.isclass(obj): assert isinstance(obj, type) cls = typing.cast(typing.Type, obj) setup_method = getattr(cls, 'setUp', None) if callable(setup_method): return setup_method else: # Dummy setUp method implementation for abstract classes def setUp(self) -> None: super(cls, self).setUp() return setUp elif callable(obj): return obj else: raise TypeError(f"Object {obj} is not a class or a function") def _get_skip_predicate(func: typing.Callable, *args, **kwargs) \ -> typing.Callable: if args or kwargs: return functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) else: return func