--- - name: "list configuration options" set_fact: test_conf_yaml: | {% for section, options in (sections.items() | sort) %} {% for option, value in (options.items() | sort) %} - section: "{{ section }}" option: "{{ option }}" value: "{{ value }}" {% endfor %} {% endfor %} vars: sections: "{{ test_default_conf | combine(test_conf, recursive=True) }}" - name: "generate '{{ test_conf_file }}' file" ini_file: path: "{{ test_conf_file }}" section: "{{ item.section }}" option: "{{ item.option }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" mode: '0644' when: - item.section - item.option - item.value loop: "{{ test_conf_yaml | from_yaml | list }}" - name: "read resulting '{{ test_conf_file }}' file" command: "cat '{{ test_conf_file }}'" register: read_test_conf_file - name: "show resulting '{{ test_conf_file }}' file" debug: var=read_test_conf_file.stdout_lines # TODO (fressi): move it to a Tobiko python fixture - name: Set permissive quotas for instances and cores shell: | source "{{ stackrc_file }}" openstack quota set --instances -1 admin openstack quota set --cores -1 admin ignore_errors: yes