[tox] envlist = bindep,linters,py3,lower-constraints,functional minversion = 3.8.0 # --- unit test environments ------------------------------------------------- [testenv] usedevelop = True deps = {env:TOX_CONSTRAINTS} -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt {env:TOX_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS} passenv = JENKINS_* OS_* TOBIKO_* TOX_* PYTEST_* setenv = OS_LOG_CAPTURE = {env:OS_LOG_CAPTURE:true} OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE = {env:OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE:true} OS_STDERR_CAPTURE = {env:OS_STDERR_CAPTURE:true} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/unit PYTEST_TIMEOUT = {env:PYTEST_TIMEOUT:300} PYTHONWARNINGS = ignore::Warning,{env:PYTHONWARNINGS:} RUN_TESTS_EXTRA_ARGS = {env:OS_TEST_PATH} TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE = {env:TOBIKO_PREVENT_CREATE:false} TOX_COVER = {env:TOX_COVER:false} TOX_COVER_DIR = {env:TOX_COVER_DIR:{toxinidir}/cover} TOX_NUM_PROCESSES = {env:TOX_NUM_PROCESSES:auto} TOX_REPORT_NAME = {env:TOX_REPORT_NAME:tobiko_results_{envname}} TOX_REPORT_DIR = {env:TOX_REPORT_DIR:{envlogdir}} TOX_CONSTRAINTS = {env:TOX_CONSTRAINTS:-c{toxinidir}/upper-constraints.txt} TOX_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS = {env:TOX_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS:-r{toxinidir}/extra-requirements.txt} VIRTUAL_ENV = {envdir} commands = {envpython} {toxinidir}/tools/run_tests.py {posargs:{env:RUN_TESTS_EXTRA_ARGS}} [testenv:py3] basepython = {env:TOX_PYTHON:python3} envdir = {toxworkdir}/py3 [testenv:cover] basepython = {[testenv:py3]basepython} envdir = {[testenv:py3]envdir} setenv = {[testenv]setenv} TOX_COVER = true TOX_COVER_DIR={env:TOX_COVER_DIR:{toxinidir}/cover} commands_post = coverage html -d "{env:TOX_COVER_DIR}" coverage xml -o "{env:TOX_COVER_DIR}/coverage.xml" whitelist_externals = find # --- static analisys environments ------------------------------------------- [testenv:pep8] basepython = python3 deps = {[testenv]deps} -r{toxinidir}/linters-requirements.txt commands = pre-commit run -a flake8 setenv = {[testenv]setenv} TOX_CONSTRAINTS = -c{toxinidir}/upper-constraints.txt [testenv:mypy] basepython = {[testenv:pep8]basepython} deps = {[testenv:pep8]deps} envdir = {toxworkdir}/pep8 commands = pre-commit run -a mypy setenv = {[testenv:pep8]setenv} [testenv:pylint] basepython = {[testenv:pep8]basepython} deps = {[testenv:pep8]deps} envdir = {toxworkdir}/pep8 commands = pre-commit run -a pylint setenv = {[testenv:pep8]setenv} [testenv:ansible-lint] basepython = {[testenv:pep8]basepython} deps = {[testenv:pep8]deps} envdir = {toxworkdir}/pep8 commands = pre-commit run -a ansible-lint setenv = {[testenv:pep8]setenv} [testenv:linters] basepython = {[testenv:pep8]basepython} whitelist_externals = bash deps = {[testenv:pep8]deps} envdir = {toxworkdir}/pep8 commands = pre-commit --version pre-commit run -a pre-commit install --allow-missing-config setenv = {[testenv:pep8]setenv} [flake8] # H106: Don't put vim configuration in source files # H203: Use assertIs(Not)None to check for None # H204: Use assert(Not)Equal to check for equality # H205: Use assert(Greater|Less)(Equal) for comparison # H904: Delay string interpolations at logging calls. enable-extensions = H106,H203,H204,H205,H904 show-source = true exclude = ./.*,*lib/python*,build,dist,doc,*egg*,releasenotes,.venv,.tox application-import-names = tobiko max-complexity = 11 import-order-style = pep8 # --- integration test environments ------------------------------------------ [integration] basepython = {[testenv:py3]basepython} envdir = {[testenv:py3]envdir} passenv = {[testenv]passenv} *_proxy setenv = {[testenv]setenv} PYTEST_TIMEOUT = 1800 [testenv:venv] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} whitelist_externals = * commands = {posargs:bash -c 'PS1="[tobiko@{envname}] " bash'} [testenv:functional] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/functional [testenv:scenario] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/scenario [testenv:neutron] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/scenario/neutron [testenv:octavia] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/scenario/octavia [testenv:ovn_migration] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[testenv:scenario]setenv} RUN_TESTS_EXTRA_ARGS = -m ovn_migration {env:OS_TEST_PATH} [testenv:nova] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/scenario/nova [testenv:sanity] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/sanity PYTEST_TIMEOUT = 1800 [testenv:faults] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/faults TOX_NUM_PROCESSES = 1 PYTEST_TIMEOUT = 3600 [testenv:octavia_faults] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[testenv:faults]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/faults/octavia [testenv:neutron_faults] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[testenv:faults]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/faults/neutron [testenv:instanceha] basepython = {[integration]basepython} envdir = {[integration]envdir} passenv = {[integration]passenv} setenv = {[integration]setenv} OS_TEST_PATH = {toxinidir}/tobiko/tests/faults/iha TOX_NUM_PROCESSES = 1 PYTEST_TIMEOUT = 3600 # --- CI workflow test environments ------------------------------------------- [testenv:infrared] # On RedHat Linux must use the default unversioned python because of dependency on native SELinux # package available only for /usr/bin/python interpreter basepython = {env:IR_PYTHON:python3} usedevelop = false skipsdist = true skip_install = true sitepackages = true whitelist_externals = rm deps = {env:IR_DEPS} passenv = {[testenv]passenv} ANSIBLE_* IR_* TERM setenv = {[testenv]setenv} ANSIBLE_CONFIG = {env:ANSIBLE_CONFIG:{toxinidir}/ansible.cfg} ANSIBLE_INVENTORY = {env:ANSIBLE_INVENTORY:{toxinidir}/ansible_hosts} IR_DEPS = {env:IR_DEPS:-r{toxinidir}/infrared_plugin/requirements.txt} IR_HOME = {env:IR_HOME:{envdir}/home/infrared} IR_TOBIKO_PLUGIN = {env:IR_TOBIKO_PLUGIN:{toxinidir}/infrared_plugin} IR_WORKSPACE_FILE = {env:IR_WORKSPACE_FILE:{toxinidir}/workspace.tgz} SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS = stdlib commands_pre = {envpython} {toxinidir}/tools/setup_infrared.py commands = ir tobiko --tobiko-src-dir '{toxinidir}' \ --collect-dir '{env:TOX_REPORT_DIR}' \ {posargs} # --- documentation environments ---------------------------------------------- [docs] basepython = {[testenv:py3]basepython} envdir = {toxworkdir}/docs deps = {env:TOX_CONSTRAINTS} -r{toxinidir}/doc/readthedocs_requirements.txt commands = [testenv:linkcheck] allowlist_externals = sh basepython = {[docs]basepython} envdir = {[docs]envdir} deps = {[docs]deps} commands = {[docs]commands} sh -c 'cd {toxinidir}/doc/source && sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck . ../build/linkcheck' usedevelop = true skipsdist = true skip_install = true [testenv:docs] allowlist_externals = sh basepython = {[docs]basepython} envdir = {[docs]envdir} deps = {[docs]deps} changedir = doc/source commands = {[testenv:linkcheck]commands} sphinx-build -W -b html . ../build/html usedevelop = true skipsdist = true skip_install = true [testenv:releasenotes] basepython = {[docs]basepython} deps = {[docs]deps} commands = sphinx-build -a -E -W -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html # Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if # system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system # dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed # separately, outside of the requirements files. usedevelop = false skipsdist = true skip_install = true # --- CI report environments -------------------------------------------------- [testenv:bindep] basepython = {[testenv:py3]basepython} # Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if # system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system # dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed # separately, outside of the requirements files. usedevelop = false skipsdist = true skip_install = true deps = bindep commands = bindep {posargs:test} commands_pre = # --- project requirements ---------------------------------------------------- [testenv:lower-constraints] setenv = {[testenv]setenv} TOX_CONSTRAINTS = -c{toxinidir}/lower-constraints.txt