from __future__ import absolute_import import testtools from import ping from import sh from tobiko.tests.faults.ha import cloud_disruptions from tobiko.tripleo import pacemaker from tobiko.tripleo import processes from tobiko.tripleo import containers from tobiko.openstack import stacks import tobiko def nodes_health_check(): # this method will be changed in future commit check_pacemaker_resources_health() check_overcloud_processes_health() # TODO: # Test existing created servers # check vm create with ssh and ping checks def check_vm_create(stack_name): """stack_name: unique stack name , so that each time a new vm is created""" # create a vm stack = stacks.CirrosServerStackFixture( stack_name=stack_name) tobiko.reset_fixture(stack) stack.wait_for_create_complete() # Test SSH connectivity to floating IP address sh.get_hostname(ssh_client=stack.ssh_client) # Test ICMP connectivity to floating IP address ping.ping_until_received( stack.floating_ip_address).assert_replied() # check cluster failed statuses def check_pacemaker_resources_health(): return pacemaker.PacemakerResourcesStatus().all_healthy def check_overcloud_processes_health(): return processes.OvercloudProcessesStatus( ).basic_overcloud_processes_running class RebootNodesTest(testtools.TestCase): """ HA Tests: run health check -> disruptive action -> health check disruptive_action: a function that runs some disruptive scenarion on a overcloud""" def test_reboot_controllers_recovery(self): nodes_health_check() cloud_disruptions.reset_all_controller_nodes() nodes_health_check() check_vm_create( def test_reboot_computes_recovery(self): nodes_health_check() computes_containers_dict_before = \ containers.list_containers(group='compute') cloud_disruptions.reset_all_compute_nodes(hard_reset=True) nodes_health_check() computes_containers_dict_after = \ containers.list_containers(group='compute') containers.assert_equal_containers_state( computes_containers_dict_before, computes_containers_dict_after) check_vm_create( # [..] # more tests to folow # run health checks # os faults stop rabbitmq service on one controller # run health checks again