from __future__ import absolute_import import time from oslo_log import log import pandas import six import tobiko from tobiko.tripleo import overcloud from import sh from tobiko.openstack import topology LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class PcsResourceException(tobiko.TobikoException): message = "pcs cluster is not in a healthy state" def get_random_controller_ssh_client(): """get a random controler's ssh client """ nodes = topology.list_openstack_nodes(group='controller') controller_node = nodes[0] return controller_node.ssh_client def get_pcs_resources_table(timeout=720, interval=2): """ get pcs status from a controller and parse it to have it's resources states in check returns : rabbitmq-bundle-0 (ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster): Started con troller-0 ip- (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started controller-1 openstack-cinder-volume-docker-0 (ocf::heartbeat:docker): Sta rted controller-0 :return: dataframe of pcs resources stats table """ failures = [] start = time.time() ssh_client = get_random_controller_ssh_client() # prevent pcs table read failure while pacemaker is starting while time.time() - start < timeout: failures = [] try: output = sh.execute("sudo pcs status resources |grep ocf", ssh_client=ssh_client, expect_exit_status=None).stdout # remove the first column when it only includes '*' characters output = output.replace('*', '').strip() stream = six.StringIO(output) table = pandas.read_csv(stream, delim_whitespace=True, header=None) table.columns = ['resource', 'resource_type', 'resource_state', 'overcloud_node'] except ValueError: pcs_status_raw = sh.execute("sudo pcs status ", ssh_client=ssh_client, expect_exit_status=None).stdout failures.append(f'pcs status table import failed : ' f'pcs status stdout:\n {pcs_status_raw}')'Retrying , timeout at: {}' .format(timeout-(time.time() - start))) time.sleep(interval) else: break # exhausted all retries if failures: 'pcs status table import error\n{!s}', '\n'.join(failures)) LOG.debug("Got pcs status :\n%s", table) return table class PacemakerResourcesStatus(object): """ class to handle pcs resources checks """ def __init__(self): self.pcs_df = get_pcs_resources_table() def container_runtime(self): if not self.pcs_df[(self.pcs_df['resource_type'] == "(ocf::heartbeat:docker):")].empty: return 'docker' if not self.pcs_df[(self.pcs_df['resource_type'] == "(ocf::heartbeat:podman):")].empty: return 'podman' def resource_count(self, resource_type): return self.pcs_df[(self.pcs_df['resource_type'] == resource_type)][ 'resource_state'].count() def resource_count_in_state(self, resource_type, resource_state): return self.pcs_df[(self.pcs_df['resource_type'] == resource_type) & (self.pcs_df['resource_state'] == resource_state)][ 'resource_state'].count() def rabbitmq_resource_healthy(self): nodes_num = self.resource_count("(ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster):") started_num = self.resource_count_in_state( "(ocf::heartbeat:rabbitmq-cluster):", "Started") if nodes_num == started_num:"pcs status check: resource rabbitmq is in healthy state") return True else:"pcs status check: resource rabbitmq not in healthy " "state") return False def galera_resource_healthy(self): nodes_num = self.resource_count("(ocf::heartbeat:galera):") master_num = self.resource_count_in_state("(ocf::heartbeat:galera):", "Master") if nodes_num == master_num:"pcs status check: resource galera is in healthy state") return True else:"pcs status check: resource galera not in healthy state") return False def redis_resource_healthy(self): nodes_num = self.resource_count("(ocf::heartbeat:redis):") master_num = self.resource_count_in_state( "(ocf::heartbeat:redis):", "Master") slave_num = self.resource_count_in_state( "(ocf::heartbeat:redis):", "Slave") if (master_num == 1) and (slave_num == nodes_num - master_num):"pcs status check: resource redis is in healthy state") return True else:"pcs status check: resource redis not in healthy state") return False def vips_resource_healthy(self): nodes_num = self.resource_count("(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):") started_num = self.resource_count_in_state( "(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):", "Started") if nodes_num == started_num:"pcs status check: resources vips are in healthy state") return True else: "pcs status check: resources vips are not in healthy state") return False def ha_proxy_cinder_healthy(self): nodes_num = self.resource_count("(ocf::heartbeat:{}):".format( self.container_runtime())) started_num = self.resource_count_in_state( "(ocf::heartbeat:{}):".format(self.container_runtime()), "Started") if nodes_num == started_num:"pcs status check: resources ha_proxy and" " cinder are in healthy state") return True else: "pcs status check: resources ha_proxy and cinder are not in " "healthy state") return False def ovn_resource_healthy(self): if self.pcs_df.query( 'resource_type == "(ocf::ovn:ovndb-servers):"').empty:'pcs status check: ovn is not deployed, skipping ovn ' 'resource check') return True nodes_num = self.resource_count("(ocf::ovn:ovndb-servers):") master_num = self.resource_count_in_state( "(ocf::ovn:ovndb-servers):", "Master") slave_num = self.resource_count_in_state( "(ocf::ovn:ovndb-servers):", "Slave") if (master_num == 1) and (slave_num == nodes_num - master_num): "pcs status check: resource ovn is in healthy state") return True else: "pcs status check: resource ovn is in not in " "healthy state") return False @property def all_healthy(self): """ check if each resource is in healthy order and return a global healthy status :return: Bool """ for attempt_number in range(360): try: if all([ self.rabbitmq_resource_healthy(), self.galera_resource_healthy(), self.redis_resource_healthy(), self.vips_resource_healthy(), self.ha_proxy_cinder_healthy(), self.ovn_resource_healthy() ]):"pcs status checks: all resources are" " in healthy state") return True else:"pcs status check: not all resources are " "in healthy " "state") raise PcsResourceException() except PcsResourceException: # reread pcs status'Retrying pacemaker resource checks attempt ' '{} of 360'.format(attempt_number)) time.sleep(1) self.pcs_df = get_pcs_resources_table() # exhausted all retries'pcs cluster is not in a healthy state') def get_overcloud_nodes_running_pcs_resource(resource=None, resource_type=None, resource_state=None): """ Check what nodes are running the specified resource/type/state resource/type/state: exact str of a resource name as seen in pcs status :return: list of overcloud nodes """ pcs_df = get_pcs_resources_table() if resource: pcs_df_query_resource = pcs_df.query('resource=="{}"'.format( resource)) return pcs_df_query_resource['overcloud_node'].unique().tolist() if resource_type and resource_state: pcs_df_query_resource_type_state = pcs_df.query( 'resource_type=="{}" and resource_state=="{}"'.format( resource_type, resource_state)) return pcs_df_query_resource_type_state[ 'overcloud_node'].unique().tolist() if resource_type and not resource_state: pcs_df_query_resource_type = pcs_df.query( 'resource_type=="{}"'.format(resource_type)) return pcs_df_query_resource_type['overcloud_node'].unique().tolist() def get_resource_master_node(resource_type=None): get_overcloud_nodes_running_pcs_resource( resource_type=resource_type, resource_state='Master') def get_ovn_db_master_node(): return get_overcloud_nodes_running_pcs_resource( resource_type='(ocf::ovn:ovndb-servers):', resource_state='Master') def get_overcloud_resource(resource_type=None, resource_state=None): """ Check what nodes are running the specified resource/type/state resource/type/state: exact str of a resource name as seen in pcs status :return: list of overcloud nodes """ pcs_df = get_pcs_resources_table() if resource_type and resource_state: pcs_df_query_resource_type_state = pcs_df.query( 'resource_type=="{}" and resource_state=="{}"'.format( resource_type, resource_state)) return pcs_df_query_resource_type_state[ 'resource'].unique().tolist() if resource_type and not resource_state: pcs_df_query_resource_type = pcs_df.query( 'resource_type=="{}"'.format(resource_type)) return pcs_df_query_resource_type['resource'].unique().tolist() def instanceha_deployed(): """check IHA deployment checks for existence of the nova-evacuate resource""" if overcloud.has_overcloud(): return get_overcloud_nodes_running_pcs_resource( resource='nova-evacuate') else: return False skip_if_instanceha_not_delpoyed = tobiko.skip_unless( 'instanceha not delpoyed', instanceha_deployed) def fencing_deployed(): """check fencing deployment checks for existence of the stonith-fence type resources""" ssh_client = get_random_controller_ssh_client() fencing_output = sh.execute("sudo pcs status |grep " "'stonith:fence_ipmilan'", ssh_client=ssh_client, expect_exit_status=None) if fencing_output.exit_status == 0: return True else: return False skip_if_fencing_not_deployed = tobiko.skip_unless( 'fencing not delpoyed', fencing_deployed)