--- config: plugin_type: test entry_point: main.yaml subparsers: tobiko: description: Deploy, configure and execute Tobiko test cases include_groups: ["Ansible options", "Inventory", "Common options", "Answers file"] groups: - title: Common options options: no-become: type: Flag help: Forbid roles from escalate tasks execution as superuser ansible_variable: test_no_become - title: Topology options options: host: type: Value help: Target host where test cases are deployed and executed ansible_variable: test_host - title: Control flow options: stage: type: Value ansible_variable: test_stage - title: Deploy stage options: clean: type: Flag help: Cleanup directory where test cases will be downloaded ansible_variable: deploy_clean git-base: type: Value help: Git Url prefix where test projects are fetched from ansible_variable: git_base test-dir: type: Value help: Test host directory where test cases (and tox.ini file) are found ansible_variable: test_dir test-user: type: Value help: Test host user that should own tests directory ansible_variable: test_user test-group: type: Value help: Test host user group that should own tests directory ansible_variable: test_group test-repo: type: Value help: Git URL from where to download test files ansible_variable: test_git_repo test-remote: type: Value help: Git remote name to be used for checking out test scripts ansible_variable: test_git_remote test-refspec: type: Value help: Git refspect to be used for checking out test scripts ansible_variable: test_git_refspec test-src-dir: type: Value help: Local directory where test cases (and tox.ini file) are found ansible_variable: test_src_dir tobiko-dir: type: Value help: Test host directory where Tobiko has to be deployed to ansible_variable: tobiko_dir tobiko-user: type: Value help: Test host user that should own Tobiko directory ansible_variable: tobiko_user tobiko-group: type: Value help: Test host user group that should own Tobiko directory ansible_variable: tobiko_group tobiko-repo: type: Value help: Git URL from where to download tobiko files ansible_variable: tobiko_git_repo default: 'https://opendev.org/x/tobiko.git' tobiko-remote: type: Value help: Git remote name to be used for checking out test scripts ansible_variable: tobiko_git_remote tobiko-refspec: type: Value help: Git refspect to be used for checking out Tobiko scripts ansible_variable: tobiko_git_refspec tobiko-src-dir: type: Value help: Local directory where tobiko scripts are found required: yes ansible_variable: tobiko_src_dir default: '{{ inventory_dir }}/src/tobiko' openshift-ir-src-dir: type: Value help: Local directory where OpenShift InfraRed scripts are deployed from0 ansible_variable: openshift_infrared_src_dir openshift-ir-dir: type: Value help: Remote directory where OpenShift InfraRed scripts are deployed to ansible_variable: openshift_infrared_dir openshift-ir-repo: type: Value help: Git URL from where to download OpenShift InfraRed files ansible_variable: openshift_infrared_git_repo openshift-ir-remote: type: Value help: Git remote name to be used for checking out OpenShift InfraRed files ansible_variable: openshift_infrared_git_remote openshift-ir-refspec: type: Value help: Git refspect to be used for checking out OpenShift InfraRed files ansible_variable: openshift_infrared_git_refspec - title: Configure stage options: config: type: Value help: tobiko.conf file location ansible_variable: test_conf_file debug: type: Value help: enable/disable verbose log entries in tests results log file ansible_variable: test_log_debug default: 'true' test-case-timeout: type: Value help: Test case timeout in seconds ansible_variable: test_case_timeout test-runner-timeout: type: Value help: Test runner timeout in seconds ansible_variable: test_runner_timeout undercloud_host: type: Value help: inventory hostname of the undercloud host ansible_variable: undercloud_hostname undercloud_ssh_host: type: Value help: hostname or IP address to be used to connect to undercloud host ansible_variable: undercloud_ssh_hostname undercloud_ssh_key_filename: type: Value help: SSH key filename to connect to undercloud host ansible_variable: undercloud_ssh_key_filename overcloud-ssh-username: type: Value help: user name to be used to connect to TripleO Overcloud hosts ansible_variable: overcloud_ssh_username has_external_load_balancer: type: Bool help: OSP env was done with an external load balancer ansible_variable: has_external_load_balancer manila-share-protocol: type: Value help: Protocol used when creating a manila share object ansible_variable: manila_share_protocol - title: Run stage options: workflow: type: Value help: name of workflow to execute ansible_variable: test_workflow failfast: type: Flag help: Stop the test run on the first step error or failure ansible_variable: test_failfast tox-dir: type: Value help: directory from where run tox (typically test_dir) ansible_variable: tox_dir tox-command: type: Value help: command to be executed for tox (typically tox) ansible_variable: tox_command tox-environment: type: Value help: envitonment variables to be set when running test cases ansible_variable: tox_environment tox-envlist: type: Value help: Tox environment names to be executed ansible_variable: tox_envlist tox-extra-args: type: Value help: extra options to be passed to Tox ansible_variable: tox_extra_args tox-python: type: Value help: Python interpreter to be used for executing test cases ansible_variable: tox_python pytest-addopts: type: Value help: > Extra options to be passed to PyTest. This value is overriden when it is defined at workflow level too. ansible_variable: pytest_addopts_global pytest-markers: type: Value help: > only run tests matching given mark expression. For example: --pytest-markers 'mark1 and not mark2'. ansible_variable: pytest_markers pytest-maxfail: type: Value help: Max number of test case failures before aborting ansible_variable: pytest_maxfail run-tests-timeout: type: Value help: Timeout (in seconds) to interrupt test cases execution ansible_variable: tox_run_tests_timeout test-report-dir: type: Value help: directory where to store test report files ansible_variable: test_report_dir test-report-name: type: Value help: prefix used to create report file names ansible_variable: test_report_name test-log-file: type: Value help: test cases log file ansible_variable: test_log_file ignore-test-failures: type: Flag help: Ignore test execution errors ansible_variable: ignore_test_failures flaky: type: Flag help: Ignore flaky test cases ansible_variable: test_flaky quota: type: NestedDict action: append ansible_variable: quota help: | Configure quota values for different resources These quotas will be applied to the admin openstack project Example: --quota routers=30 --quota secgroups=50 Check "openstack quota set --help" for more information ceph-rgw: type: Bool help: Skip Swift containers healthchecks when CephAdm is deployed ansible_variable: ceph_rgw default: False ubuntu-connection-timeout: type: Value help: | Timeout error is raised if a connection to an ubuntu instance is not successful before it expires ansible_variable: ubuntu_connection_timeout ubuntu-is-reachable-timeout: type: Value help: | Timeout error is raised if an ubuntu instance is not reachable before it expires ansible_variable: ubuntu_is_reachable_timeout - title: Cleanup stage options: cleanup-heat-stacks: type: Flag help: Cleanup heat stacks created by tobiko ansible_variable: stacks_cleanup - title: Collect stage options: collect-dir: type: Value help: local directory where report files are going to be copied to ansible_variable: test_collect_dir default: '{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ test_report_name }}'