The scenario tests were not really executed because they were marked as flaky. The benefit from using this images in some functional tests is irrelevant compared with the impact in job duration and stability. Due to these reasons, it has been decided to use only cirros and ubuntu (for the test that required advanced images). Change-Id: I168b1f071b3a77eb0b24586fd403d12165db1db2
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# From tobiko
# Default Ansible inventory files (list value)
#inventory_files = /etc/ansible/hosts
# Default Ansible playbook verbosity (integer value)
#verbosity = <None>
# From tobiko
# Default cirros image name (string value)
#image_name = <None>
# Default cirros image URL (string value)
#image_url = <None>
# Default cirros image filename (string value)
#image_file = <None>
# Default cirros container format (string value)
#container_format = <None>
# Default cirros disk format (string value)
#disk_format = <None>
# Default cirros username (string value)
#username = <None>
# Default cirros password (string value)
#password = <None>
# Default cirros SSH connection timeout (seconds) (floating point value)
#connection_timeout = <None>
# Allow to disable SSH auth algorithmsin order to SSH to old servers likeCirrOS ones
# (dict value)
#disabled_algorithms = <None>
# From tobiko
# Default directory where to look for shelves. (string value)
#shelves_dir = ~/.tobiko/cache/shelves
# From tobiko
# Default directory where to look for image files (string value)
#image_dir = ~/.tobiko/cache/glance/images
# From tobiko
# HTTP proxy URL for Rest APIs (string value)
#http_proxy = <None>
# HTTPS proxy URL for Rest APIs (string value)
#https_proxy = <None>
# Don't use proxy server to connect to listed hosts (string value)
#no_proxy = <None>
# From tobiko
# Port number (integer value)
#port = <None>
# tcp and udp values are supported (string value)
# Possible values:
# tcp - <No description provided>
# udp - <No description provided>
#protocol = <None>
# target bit rate (integer value)
#bitrate = 20000000
# direction download (True) or upload (False) (boolean value)
#download = <None>
# timeout of the iperf test (integer value)
#timeout = 10
# From tobiko
# Identity API version (integer value)
#api_version = <None>
# Identity service URL (string value)
#auth_url = <None>
# Username (string value)
#username = <None>
# Project name (string value)
#project_name = <None>
# Password (string value)
#password = <None>
# Domain name (string value)
#domain_name = <None>
# User domain name (string value)
#user_domain_name = <None>
# Project domain name (string value)
#project_domain_name = <None>
# Project domain ID (string value)
#project_domain_id = <None>
# Trust ID for trust scoping. (string value)
#trust_id = <None>
# Cloud name used pick authentication parameters from clouds.* (string value)
#cloud_name = <None>
# Host login from where to search for clouds file (list value)
#clouds_file_hosts = localhost
# Directories where to look for clouds files (list value)
#clouds_file_dirs = .,~/.config/openstack,/etc/openstack
# Clouds file names (list value)
#clouds_file_names = clouds.yaml,clouds.yml,clouds.json
# From tobiko
# Network for creating ports on an external network (string value)
#external_network = <None>
# Network for creating floating IPs (string value)
#floating_network = <None>
# The CIDR block to allocate IPv4 subnets from (string value)
#ipv4_cidr =
# The mask bits for IPv4 subnets (integer value)
#ipv4_prefixlen = 24
# List of nameservers IPv4 addresses (list value)
#ipv4_dns_nameservers = <None>
# The CIDR block to allocate IPv6 subnets from (string value)
#ipv6_cidr = 2001:db8::/48
# The mask bits for IPv6 subnets (integer value)
#ipv6_prefixlen = 64
# List of nameservers IPv6 addresses (list value)
#ipv6_dns_nameservers = <None>
# Customized maximum transfer unit size
# Notes:
# - MTU values as small as 1000 has been seen breaking networking binding due to an
# unknown cause.
# - Too big MTU values (like greater than 1400) may be refused during network creation
# (integer value)
#custom_mtu_size = 1350
# Host where nameservers files are located (string value)
#nameservers_host = <None>
# File to parse for getting default nameservers list (list value)
#nameservers_filenames = /etc/resolv.conf
# The BW limit value configured for the QoS Policy Rule (integer value)
#bwlimit_kbps = 1000
# The direction for the QoS Policy Rule (string value)
#direction = egress
# The DSCP marking value for the QoS Policy Rule (integer value)
#dscp_mark = 40
# VLAN trunk subport segmentation ID (integer value)
#vlan_id = 101
# Behave as these networking extensions are not available (list value)
#ignore_extensions =
# From tobiko
# Default SSH key to login to server instances (string value)
#key_file = ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
# Default SSH key type to login to server instances (string value)
#key_type = ecdsa
# From tobiko
# Interval to check for status changes, in seconds. (integer value)
#check_interval = 5
# Timeout, in seconds, to wait for a status change. (integer value)
#check_timeout = 360
# The user we should use when we SSH the amphora. (string value)
#amphora_user = cloud-user
# From tobiko
# Number of ICMP messages to wait before ending ping command execution (integer value)
#count = 1
# Max seconds waited from ping command before self terminating himself (integer value)
#deadline = 5
# If False it will not allow ICMP messages to be delivered in smaller fragments (string
# value)
#fragmentation = <None>
# Seconds of time interval between consecutive before ICMP messages (string value)
#interval = 1
# Size in bytes of ICMP messages (including headers and payload) (integer value)
#packet_size = <None>
# Maximum time in seconds a sequence of ICMP messages is sent to a destination host
# before reporting as a failure (integer value)
#timeout = 300.0
# From tobiko
# Default shell command used for executing local commands (string value)
#command = /bin/sh -c
# Default sudo command used for executing commands as superuser or another user (string
# value)
#sudo = sudo
# From tobiko
# local clouds file path (string value)
#local_clouds_file_path = .tobiko/shifstack/clouds.yaml
# remote clouds file path on undercloud-0 host (string value)
#remote_clouds_file_path = ~/clouds.yaml
# Keystone credentials cloud name (string value)
#cloud_name = shiftstack
# Path to the RC file used to populate OS_* environment variables (list value)
#rcfile = ./shiftstackrc
# From tobiko
# Logout debugging messages of paramiko library (boolean value)
#debug = false
# Default SSH client command (string value)
#command = /usr/bin/ssh
# Default SSH port (string value)
#port = <None>
# Default SSH username (string value)
#username = <None>
# Default user SSH configuration files (list value)
#config_files = ssh_config,.ssh/config
# Default SSH private key file(s) wildcard (list value)
#key_file = .ssh/id,~/.ssh/id_dsa,~/.ssh/id_rsa,~/.ssh/id_ecdsa,~/.ssh/id_ed25519
# Set to False to disable connecting to the SSH agent (boolean value)
#allow_agent = false
# Set to True to turn on compression (boolean value)
#compress = false
# SSH connect timeout in seconds (floating point value)
#timeout = 15.0
# Maximum number of connection attempts to be tried before timeout (integer value)
#connection_attempts = 120
# Minimal seconds to wait between every failed SSH connection attempt (floating point
# value)
#connection_interval = 5.0
# Time before stopping retrying establishing an SSH connection (integer value)
#connection_timeout = 200.0
# Default SSH proxy server (string value)
#proxy_jump = <None>
# Default proxy command (string value)
#proxy_command = <None>
# From tobiko
# Timeout (in seconds) used for interrupting test case execution (floating point value)
#timeout = <None>
# Timeout (in seconds) used for interrupting test runner execution (floating point
# value)
#test_runner_timeout = <None>
# From tobiko
# List of hostname nodes (list value)
#nodes = <None>
# Default SSH key to login to cloud nodes (string value)
#key_file = <None>
# Default username for SSH login (string value)
#username = <None>
# Default port for SSH login (string value)
#port = <None>
# Limit connectivity to cloud to IPv4 o IPv6 (string value)
# Possible values:
# '' - <No description provided>
# 4 - <No description provided>
# 6 - <No description provided>
#ip_version = <None>
# Regex to be used to parse date and time from the OpenStack services' log lines.
# (string value)
#log_datetime_pattern = (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [0-9:.]+) .+
# From tobiko
# hostname or IP address to be used to connect to undercloud host (string value)
#undercloud_ssh_hostname = undercloud-0
# TCP port of SSH server on undercloud host (integer value)
#undercloud_ssh_port = <None>
# Username with access to stackrc and overcloudrc files (string value)
#undercloud_ssh_username = stack
# SSH key filename used to login to Undercloud node (string value)
#undercloud_ssh_key_filename = <None>
# Undercloud RC filename (list value)
#undercloud_rcfile = ~/stackrc
# undercloud cloud name to be used for loading credentials from the undercloud clouds
# files (string value)
#undercloud_cloud_name = undercloud
# TCP port of SSH server on overcloud hosts (integer value)
#overcloud_ssh_port = <None>
# Default username used to connect to overcloud nodes (string value)
#overcloud_ssh_username = <None>
# SSH key filename used to login to Overcloud nodes (string value)
#overcloud_ssh_key_filename = ~/.ssh/id_overcloud
# Overcloud RC filenames (list value)
#overcloud_rcfile = ~/overcloudrc,~/qe-Cloud-0rc
# overcloud cloud name to be used for loading credentials from the overcloud clouds
# files (string value)
#overcloud_cloud_name = overcloud
# Default IP address version to be used to connect to overcloud nodes (integer value)
#overcloud_ip_version = <None>
# Name of network used to connect to overcloud nodes (string value)
#overcloud_network_name = <None>
# Dictionary with the node groups corresponding to different hostname prefixes (dict
# value)
#overcloud_groups_dict = cmp:compute,ctrl:controller
# path to where to export tripleo inventory file (string value)
#inventory_file = .ansible/inventory/tripleo.yaml
# OSP env was done with an external load balancer (boolean value)
#has_external_load_balancer = false
# whether Ceph RGW is deployed (boolean value)
#ceph_rgw = false
# From tobiko
# Default ubuntu image name (string value)
#image_name = <None>
# Default ubuntu image URL (string value)
#image_url = <None>
# Default ubuntu image filename (string value)
#image_file = <None>
# Default ubuntu container format (string value)
#container_format = <None>
# Default ubuntu disk format (string value)
#disk_format = <None>
# Default ubuntu username (string value)
#username = <None>
# Default ubuntu password (string value)
#password = <None>
# Default ubuntu SSH connection timeout (seconds) (floating point value)
#connection_timeout = <None>
# Allow to disable SSH auth algorithmsin order to SSH to old servers likeCirrOS ones
# (dict value)
#disabled_algorithms = <None>