- Dockerfile file is intended for running test cases without using tox - infrared_plugin/Dockerfile file is intended to run Tobiko IR plugin - docker-compose file is intended to emulate the tox experience by using docker All images are build staring from official CentOS 8 image. Change-Id: I2f57f6e1c9c6161cef9448d25027d784ebd37e2c
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# Dockerfile that sets up InfraRed as documented here:
# https://infrared.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bootstrap.html#setup
ARG base_image="docker.io/library/centos:8"
FROM "${base_image}" AS infrared
# Install required binary dependencies
RUN dnf install -y git \
libselinux-python3 \
python3 \
rsync \
which && \
alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3
# Get InfraRed sources with Git
ARG ir_src_dir=/src/infrared
ARG ir_git_url=https://github.com/redhat-openstack/infrared.git
ARG ir_git_refspec=master
ARG ir_git_remote=origin
RUN mkdir -p "${ir_src_dir}" && \
cd "${ir_src_dir}" && \
git init && \
git remote add "${ir_git_remote}" "${ir_git_url}" && \
git fetch "${ir_git_remote}" "${ir_git_refspec}" && \
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
WORKDIR "${ir_src_dir}"
ENV IR_HOME=/opt/infrared
# Install InfraRed and its default plugins
# - First installs infrared requirements to workaround the too-may-files
# problem related to temporary files removal final step
# - Then installs infrared itself
RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && \
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel && \
(python3 -m pip install . || python3 -m pip install .) && \
infrared plugin list && \
(python3 -m pip cache purge || true)
# Creates persistent volume for IR workspaces
VOLUME ${IR_HOME}/.workspaces
# Sets default entry point
ENTRYPOINT ["infrared"]
CMD ["--help"]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FROM infrared as tobiko_plugin
# Add Tobiko plugin directory
ARG ir_tobiko_plugin=${ir_tobiko_plugin:-/src/infrared-tobiko}
RUN mkdir -p "${ir_tobiko_plugin}"
ADD . "${ir_tobiko_plugin}"
# Installs Tobiko plugin
RUN infrared plugin add "${ir_tobiko_plugin}"
# Sets tobiko as default command
CMD ["tobiko"]